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10 teachers share the books that changed their lives. Happy National Book Month!

10 teachers share the books that changed their lives

To celebrate the power of a good book, we asked the TED-Ed Innovative Educators to share the books that changed their lives. Looking for a good education read? 6 Opening and Closing Routines for New Teachers. Routines and consistency matter greatly and are necessary for creating a smooth learning environment in your classroom.

6 Opening and Closing Routines for New Teachers

Routines help with creating community, checking for understanding, and managing the classroom. I'm going to share three opening routines and three closing routines that you can start using in your next class. Opening Routines If students come in and know that they will be required to write, read, or share at the launch of the lesson, then they enter the room already anticipating that there is an immediate expectation. How To Give Students Specific Feedback That Actually Helps Them Learn. How To Give Students Specific Feedback That Actually Helps Them Learn by Justin Chando To tell a student “great job”or “this needs work” is a missed opportunity.

How To Give Students Specific Feedback That Actually Helps Them Learn

Everyone loves to hear they did a great job. And perhaps your student really did nail this latest assignment. Tentative de conceptualisation de la classe inversée. Becoming Innovative: 15 New Ideas Every Teacher Should Try - Becoming Innovative: 15 New Ideas Every Teacher Should Try by TeachThought Staff What are the latest emerging trends in education?

Becoming Innovative: 15 New Ideas Every Teacher Should Try -

As trends to do, these are changing almost yearly. Consider how quiet iPads in the classroom have been recently, whereas three years ago they were going to replace teachers and were (unsarcastically) compared to magic. While mobile devices like the iPad can indeed parallel a kind of magic in the learning process, it obviously has to ‘fit’ into a progressive supporting ecology of assessment, curriculum, and instruction. Uk.businessinsider. Google is working its way into the classroom.


Google The tech giant is releasing four new apps to help guide classroom learning. One tool that I seriously would have liked to play with in school is the Expeditions App, which lets students take trips in virtual reality. The beta version of the Expeditions App was launched in September 2015 and has already been used by one million students in 11 different countries. The app lets students take immersive trips to places like the Great Barrier Reef or the London Eye. Le microlearning : quoi, comment et pourquoi. (Je dois vous prévenir que cet article est susceptible de vous ouvrir l’appétit…) Un gros module e-learning bien complet est comme un plat de fête.

Le microlearning : quoi, comment et pourquoi

Il faut du temps pour le préparer, il est riche, remarquable et un peu intimidant. Il vous faut du temps pour le digérer et vous ne pouvez pas, sans risque, le manger en une seule fois ! Pour sa part, le microlearning ressemble plus aux amuse-gueules de l’apéritif. Texting in the Classroom - The Brown Bag Teacher. Qu'est-ce qu'un bon prof ? C’est au début du mois de juillet 2010, qu’une journaliste (du Pèlerin magazine) me contacte pour réaliser une interview.

Qu'est-ce qu'un bon prof ?

Sans jouer les blasés, c’est quelque chose d’assez fréquent et auquel je me plie bien volontiers bien que, à chaque fois, j’ai l’impression de ne pas avoir grand chose d’original à dire. 4 Skills Every Student Needs - Leading, Learning, Questioning. One of the things I miss the most about the classroom is discussing novels with students and the way that set students up to thoughtfully approach tough conversations.

4 Skills Every Student Needs - Leading, Learning, Questioning

We’d open up The Great Gatsby or Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or Invisible Man and dive headlong into some of life’s biggest questions. Education Week. Education Week. Dédramatiser avec les enfants. Les prochaines lignes ne se veulent aucunement scientifiques.

Dédramatiser avec les enfants

Aucun des commentaires que vous lirez n’est sorti d’aucune étude. Le prochain article a principalement pour but de sensibiliser les gens, mais il représente aussi un partage de la réalité que j’observe autour de moi : la perfection exigée des enfants ou du moins, les attentes parfois trop élevées que nous avons envers les enfants. Google Drive Level Up Challenge - Teacher Tech. Part of my lesson for this week is to introduce my students to Google Drive.

Google Drive Level Up Challenge - Teacher Tech

Some of the students are adept at tech skills and others struggle with highlighting text. To help differentiate for the variety of Google Drive knowledge, I created a challenge list the students can choose from. The students choose the challenges on the list they wish to try. 25 Critical Thinking Strategies For The Modern Learner.

Critical thinking is the engine of learning. Within this complex process or so many other relevant themes that contribute to learning: creativity, analysis, evaluation, innovation, application, and scores of other verbs from various learning taxonomies. So the following infographic from Mentoring Minds is immediately relevant to all educators, and students as well. It’s a bit of a mash of Habits of Mind, various 21st century learning frameworks, and the aforementioned learning taxonomies, promoting collaboration, problem-solving, and real-world connections (standard “critical thinking fare” with Habits of Mind-sounding phrases such as “Open-Mindedness”).

At the bottom, it pushes a bit further, however, offering 25 critical thinking strategies to help support progressive learning.