L'atelier de peinture et de dessin : apprendre la peinture et le dessin. Création loisirs. Les blogs Marie Claire Idées. DeviantART: where ART meets application!
Creation web. 50+ Great Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, Part II | Photoshop T. Few months ago we showcased 22 best Photoshop text effects Photoshop tutorials here at, but then we soon realized they were still plenty of good tutorials out there and the current ones aren’t enough to satisfy most designers anyway. So we went searching for more and 3 months later, we beg to show you more. This time we put together another 50 really nice text effect Photoshop tutorials, making it more than 70 great Photoshop text effects in our archive.
Full list after jump. Recommended Reading: More Photoshop Text Effects! Text In Stitches How to convert text to a path and how to stitch that path using a custom brush set. Colorful Glowing Text Effect Spray Paint Text Bling Bling Simple Gold Text Effect How to make a simple gold text effect by using some layer styles, namely the Gradient Overlay layer style! Cheese text effect How to make a stylish cheese text effect. Reflective Glass Tutorial (Video tutorial) Entrails Photoshop Tutorial (Video tutorial) Aqua Text Photoshop Tutorial. October Tutorial #1: “Blend If:” Masking. Note: *Intermediate and above. This is a semi-automatic masking technique that enables users to mask or knock-out complex and unwanted areas of a picture with ease and accuracy.
Most designs and artworks will require us to do montaging of several images. However, we can only use those images effectively if we are able to extract the “parts” out cleanly. Step 1 To begin with, we need to extract the model from the background. Duplicate the layer (CTRL+J) as “Layer 1”. Then, create a “Layer 2” under “Layer 1” and fill it with a bright blue background. Model - Image ID: 2625298 © Claude Belanger Step 2 Double click “Layer 1” to bring out the blending option, and focus your attention on the “Blend If:” option.
You will see a gradient bar with values 0 ~ 255 (with 0 being the darkest point and 255 being the brightest point) and sliders on each end. Step 5 What we want to achieve now is a smooth transition in blending (with no hard-edges). When to use, and what to use?
Change Face Structure Photoshop Tutorial. Free Photoshop brushes.
Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - Learn Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,
Informations et Actus. Photoshop 2. 400+ Time Saving Photoshop Actions. This post is a roundup of latest free web design resources released during the month of March. This collection includes patterns, icons, themes, and… Continue Reading → These days many artists are collaborating with big brands in order to reach a mass market. As well as interiors, artists and designers are… Continue Reading → This post is a roundup of latest free web design resources released during the month of February.
This collection includes ui kits, insignias, backgrounds,… Continue Reading →
How to Create a Fun, Red-Haired Boy Character. In this tutorial, we will learn how to make a funny boy character in Adobe Photoshop. After drawing the sketch, we'll use shapes, layer styles, the brush tool, and other effects to add some dimension to and life to our character.
Final Image Preview Take a look at the image we'll be creating. Want access to the full PSD files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? Join Psd Plus for just $19/month. You can view the final image preview below. Tutorial Details Program: Photoshop CS3Difficulty: BeginnerEstimated Completion Time: About 40 minutes Step 1 First create a new 2000 pixel by 2000 pixel document with a white background. Step 2 Then lets make a quick sketch. Step 3 After that we are going to make a color sketch, so turn off Shape Dynamics for a harder Brush, and color the boy in the new "Colors" Layer. Step 4 Now, let's begin to add some details to our character, starting from the head. Choose the Pen Tool. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Add the following Layer Styles.
Step 9. Free Photoshop Brushes | BrushKing. Tutorial King - Photoshop Tutorials. Reporting 8084. Free Photoshop brushes. The Ultimate Collection Of Photoshop Custom Shapes | Developer&#
October Tutorial #1: “Blend If:” Masking. 50 Must-Have Photoshop Brushes | Developer's Toolbox | Smas. By Daved Brosche Having a good collection of Photoshop brushes is essential for any designer. There is certainly no shortage of Photoshop brushes on the Web these days. The problem with Photoshop brushes isn’t in finding brushes, but in finding quality brushes. Below you’ll find a collection of quality brushes that every designer should find handy. These 50 Photoshop brush sets are ones I find myself using over and over in a variety of projects.
This collection is the result of years’ worth of downloads, trials and experiments. Paint Splatters Link Paint splatters are an essential set of Photoshop brushes to have. Splashes of Paint1 Splatters3 Splatter5 Photoshop Brushes Set 17 Photoshop Brushes Set 29 Photoshop Brushes Set 311 Lucidity Brushes13 Gradiant Splats15 Go Media Brushes17 Massive Splatter Pack19 Brush Strokes Link These types of Photoshop brushes are great to have on hand because they can achieve a variety of effects.
Simple Smudges21 20 Painted Brushes23 Watercolor Brushes I25 Fingertips37. Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy!
Photoshop Tutorials - Home. 40 Photoshop Tutorials for Lighting and Abstract Effects | Vande. Photoshop Tutorial: Apocalyptic Christmas Card | Bl. The first thing I do when creating a digital composite is organize my thoughts on what the final outcome should be.
By this I mean I draw it out. Most importantly, I look over the deadline and break it down like this - This is very important! Day 1: Pre-visualization and planningDay 2: Gathering the materialsDay 3: Principle PhotographyDay 4: Post ProductionDay 5: Post ProductionDay 6: Post ProductionDay 7: Finalizing, last minute changes and submission The programs I used for this was Adobe Photoshop CS3 (mac) w/ Primatte plugin using a MacBook Pro. The camera I used for my additional footage was my Nikon D300 and Nikon AF-S 24-85mm lens. I found it rather fascinating that this file ended up close to 1 gigabyte in size - currently, the biggest Photoshop file I've ever worked with! Once the concept has been established and finalized, I proceed by gathering materials and commencing with principal photography. 5: .... instant snow!!!!! 7: Next was the sleigh for Santa. 10: Santa Jr.' 13: ...
Best Photoshop Tutorials, Brushes and Textures of November 2008. As we do every month we selected for you the best Photoshop resources (tutorials, brushes and textures) you can find on the web. This is the November 2008 issue. We are looking for contributors We are looking for talented bloggers, that want to promote themselves and their websites by writing articles for our blog. The topics we are interested in are : Graphic Design, Web Design, Flash, Photoshop, Vectorial Graphics, Design Inspiration, Programming, Print Design, Design Resources, photography or just “top 10 articles”. If you like the idea and want to submit an article or just want to find out more, please visit our Contributors Page.
How to Create Professional HDR Images. Sweet sassy-mollassy, I've been Dugg! Hi, Adobe! Note: clicking any image below makes it larger in a new window. If you visit here regularly, you've probably noticed that I post a lot of High Dynamic Range, or HDR, stuff these days.
Even if you don't, you've likely seen HDR photos all around the net as photographers both pro and hobbyist experiment with this emerging artistic format. Personally, I was pointed to it earlier this year by a fellow photographer & friend, Darren, and I've been having a ton of fun with it since. However, I've noticed as I look around that most of the other photographers out there who work with HDR are creating images that, while often extremely interesting, look absoloutely nothing at all like the scene they were shooting -- and even if they do get it close, they end up with photos that have an enormous amount of HDR processing artifacts, such as halos. The reason for this is a popular program known as Photomatix. What you need: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click OK. Okay, cool!
Photoshop Tutorials - PSDTUTS.
PSD learning. Weekly top quality Photoshop tutorials #34 | Photoshop Tutorials. Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - Learn Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator,
PSD learning. Free Adobe Photoshop Tutorials | Layers Magazine. 35 FREE abstracts and cool Photoshop brushes hand-picked from De. Tutorials - How to create Glassy Ball using Photoshop | Icon Dra. 60 Impressive Free High Resolution Textures and Backgrounds. I’m passionate about textures. I’ve already published some compilations, such as 30 free paper backgrounds and textures at my Creative Closeup blog and 10 grunge, rusty and dirty tileable textures at this site. Now it is time for a new roundup of incredibly cool high resolution textures.
These textures belong to different authors. All of them can be used in commercial projects, but it is safer to check the term of use of each texture before doing so. There’s an interesting book called Crumble, Crackle, Burn: 120 Stunning Textures for Design and Illustration that comes with 120 high resolution textures on a bundled DVD. There’s an amazing Photoshop plugin, FilterForge plugin, that lets you create your own textures plugins without coding a single line. And if you want to know how to create some textures yourself, you should check the Textures and Backgrounds Tutorials section of this site.
The following images are a small and partial preview of the complete texture.
300+ Best of the Best High Quality Abstract Brushes in Photoshop. Advertisement If you love creating signatures in a forum or creating some high-tech or futuristic designs in photoshop, I’m sure you’re going to love this brush collection. Below you will find different Abstract Brushes made by talented designers. Here is a collection of the best abstract brushes for your Photoshop found on the net which you can download for free. I hope you like this article. Have fun with these brushes. Abstract 08 Abstract 17 Abstract Brush Set Abstract Brushes Vol5 Abstract 15 Comet Brushes Blueyow Brushes Ultimate Brush Pack No.3 Abstract Brush Set 2 Abstract Brushes Vol 3 Godspeed Brushes Abstract Brushes Vol 4 Sharp Abstract Brush Rise Brushes Odysee Brushes Psionic Storm Ads CustodianUber Set 3: Abstract 8 Abstract photoshopbrushes Abstract grunge brushes Abstract Brushes Abstract Flow Abstract Brushes vol. 13 – 5x Radon Brushes Abstract Invasion 3D Abstract Brushes Abstract Chaos Abstract Abstract infuzion Abstract 10 Wraths abstract Dont know how to upload the brush??
Design an Epic Fantasy Scene with Photoshop - Tutorial9. In this tutorial we are going to create a photo manipulation inspired by Valhalla, one of Mariusz Karasiewicz`s works. He is an amazing artist and his work is absolutly stunning. I want to thank him for allowing me to write this tutorial. Final Result Note from Editor: This tutorial, while well explained, is intended for more experienced Photoshop users. Materials Needed: Step 1: Create a new document Go to File > New (Ctrl+N) to create a new canvas.
Step 2: Large Gothic Doorway Open in Photoshop the Large Gothic Doorway image and use the Move Tool (V) to drag it into the document you are working in. Step 3: Apply the Sharpen Filter To apply the sharpen filter, go to Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen. Step 4: Select the gate Now we need to cut the floor and everything that is behind the gate. Step 5: Put the selection in a new layer Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), right-click on your image, and select Layer via Copy. Step 6: Add the clouds Step 7: Create a Clipping Mask Step 10: The knight. 35 FREE abstracts and cool Photoshop brushes hand-picked from De.
Portraiture Review. Wow Portraiture is great! I have a strange story about how I stumbled upon Portraiture. But I am glad I did – and now I will use it all the time! First, before I get started, you can go ahead and download a trial in the background. If you decide to buy it, you can use the Portraiture Coupon Code of “STUCKINCUSTOMS” to get 10% off. As with all things now adays, it comes in two flavors: Portraiture for Windows or Portraiture for the Mac. So what is this story of discovery? Well, some of you might have seen my HDR Tutorial. I was invited to some exclusive party with a bunch of models here in central Texas. It started with a little road trip with me, Janus Anderson, Kevin Gliner, and Christopher Ferguson (I linked there to their ports in case you are a model looking for a good photographer). Great stuff about Portraiture: It’s very easy to use.
So, below I have put several shots, showing off how cool Portraiture is. Let’s keep in mind that this model already had great skin. | Free Photoshop Tutorials, Custom Shapes and More!
Weekly top quality Photoshop tutorials #34 | Photoshop Tutorials. Photo Strip (Photoshop Tutorial)
This is a Photoshop tutorial on how to create a beautiful photo film strip, as seen in Apple's iLife package design ('06 version) and DigitalMash website. The warp tool will be used to create the twisting effect (so, you need Photoshop CS2 or above to complete this tutorial). With the completion of this tutorial, you will be able build a photo strip with your own photos or artwork.
Don't miss out this fantastic feature! View Final Image Download Photoshop File 1. Create a Strip (Vector Shapes) First, create a strip with the Pen tool (either in Photoshop or Illustrator). 2. Choose 3 photos of your choice and stack them together. 3. Adjust the layer opacity to 40 or 50% so you can see the guideline underneath. Repeat this step for the rest of the strip. 4. Organize the layers into groups (ie. strip 1, 2, 3, 4). Load selection from the shapes you created in step 1 and add a layer mask for each group (so you get a perfect smooth curve). 5. In masked group 1, create a new layer above the strip.
25 Photoshop Tutorials for Web Designers - Six Revisions. Adobe Photoshop is the tool of choice for most web designers.
From creating a website template to objects and components such as content boxes and buttons, Photoshop doesn’t fail to deliver. In this collection, you’ll find 25 excellent Photoshop tutorials geared towards web designers. You’ll find a variety of tutorials that include creating full web page templates, navigation menus, headers, and content boxes. If you know of a good Photoshop tutorial for web designers – why don’t you share it with all of us in the comments.
Change Face Structure Photoshop Tutorial. Sketch Effect. Browser Size Test. 60 Impressive Free High Resolution Textures and Backgrounds. 50 Great Photoshop Tutorials for Clever Beginners - PSDTUTS. Free Photoshop brushes. 50+ Great Photoshop Text Effect Tutorials, Part II | Photoshop T. Change Face Structure Photoshop Tutorial. 35 Basic Tutorials to Get You Started with Photoshop - Six Revis. 30 Beautiful Photo Frames and Borders Photoshop Tutorials, Brush.
29 Most Useful Texture Packs of 2008 | Web Design Ledger. Nicu's How-to - Jump Out in GIMP. Photoshop Contests - Compete and show your art skills - Photosho. Tutorial King - Photoshop Tutorials. Photoshop Lady : Best Photoshop Tutorials Around the WorldPhotos. Photoshop Brushes: 17 Amazing Free Photoshop Brushes - Photoshop.
Beautiful Fluffy Clouds in Photoshop - Christmas Tutorial | Abdu. Black & White Cheatsheet For Photoshop. 60 Impressive Free High Resolution Textures and Backgrounds. 50 Must-Have Photoshop Brushes | Developer's Toolbox | Smas. - Full Photoshop Web Design - Journal. Freebies - PSDTUTS. Facebook.