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Electronic Interactive Art

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Drawonme. Chaotic Pendulum. El Maravilloso Arte de los Gifs Matemáticos. Los ángulos naturales de las colmenas donde habitan las abejas llegan a formas geometrías perfectas, la maravillosa exactitud de estos insectos es tan clara como la de audaces matemáticos, químicos o físicos nucleares.

El Maravilloso Arte de los Gifs Matemáticos

En 2011, el estudiante de física reciente de Dublín, David Whyte comenzó a trabajar con un Tumblr llamado “Bees & Bombs” donde subió GIF’s animados, creados por el mismo y en honor a las maravillosa estructuras que crean las abejas y una de su nucleares pasiones, las bombas. Whyte se sumergió en el lenguaje de programación, la animación y junto con diversas herramientas de Processing , un lenguaje de programación de código abierto, muy popular en el diseño, lo ayudaron a crear elaboradas piezas donde la interacción entre física y matemáticas es evidente pero que también, comparten el repetitivo movimiento que cautiva o aturde. Con estilo minimalista Whyte forma colores, movimiento, repeticiones, patrones, y más, hechos bajo sus propios métodos y códigos. Attractors. Collection of Sima Familant, into time .org by rafaël rozendaal, 2011. Color flip .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2008, collection of sébastien de ganay. Staggering Beauty. Eye texture raytracing demo.

THEREMIN - A Touch Friendly Synthesizer. ✖Update: 7 February 2014 Thanks to everyone for sharing!

THEREMIN - A Touch Friendly Synthesizer

Over 100,000 people have played on the theremin in the last 3 days which is absolutely amazing. Due to a large number of requests, we've began working on a record function as well as an offline version of the app which will be available soon. Zen photon garden. Drawing Board. Fractal Explorer. JavaScript Particle System Sandbox. Relax. let the music engulf you. Victor taba. Solar System Visualizer. Bunimovich. Chaotic Pendulum.

BlackGreyWhite. Lines go all over the place. BAROQUE.ME. Voxels. Winning Solitaire. Bring in the cats? dirk dirk dot com. Lolz. Falling Dominoes Game. Touch Effects. Koalas to the Max dot Com.

CAT BOUNCE! Thisissand. Lines go all over the place. Staggering Beauty. Starfield. Spider. Gravity. WebGL Water. Loading...

WebGL Water

Made by Evan Wallace This demo requires a decent graphics card and up-to-date drivers. If you can't run the demo, you can still see it on YouTube. Interactions: Draw on the water to make ripples Drag the background to rotate the camera Press SPACEBAR to pause and unpause Drag the sphere to move it around Press the L key to set the light direction Press the G key to toggle gravity Features: Raytraced reflections and refractions Analytic ambient occlusion Heightfield water simulation * Soft shadows Caustics (see this for details) ** * requires the OES_texture_float extension** requires the OES_standard_derivatives extension. Barry Martin's Hopalong Orbits Visualizer - WebGL Experiment. Pallo. Matrix. Text Particles. MMOsteroids. Victor taba. Seaquence. Touch Effects. Pendulum Waves WebGL. Click. Make. Play. - Experimental - [Game]

Galaxy. Blue Ball Machine. Liquid Particles - canvas experiment. // Animated Gifs 01 - Matthew DiVito // MOTION // GRAPHIC // DESIGN. // Animated Gifs 01 What started as a little experiment has grown into something more.

// Animated Gifs 01 - Matthew DiVito // MOTION // GRAPHIC // DESIGN

Selections from my blog retro_break january 22, 2012 shatter march 16, 2012 reset march 19, 2012 worm march 19, 2012 face to vase march 21, 2012 cell march 26, 2012 ribbon march 26, 2012 ico_sphere april 3, 2012. Dancing Typography / Never Gonna Give You Up. Page. BallDroppings. Nudge. Select 1 of 8 different Sound Patterns from the small Matrixes icons on the right.

Use your mouse to draw notes on each 16 Step Matrix. Adjust the volume of the iNudge. Click MORE for advanced adjustment abilities. For each Pattern, adjust Volume, Mute, Clear, or set Audio Pan from Left to Right. Click on the Tempo numbers and click up or down to change the overall Tempo. Staggering Beauty. 231365_700b.jpg (JPEG Image, 700 × 2174 pixels)

Hippo Paint. Koalas to the Max dot Com. Neat Algorithms - Flocking. Unusual Long Exposure Firework Photographs by David Johnson. While attending the International Fireworks Show in Ottawa, Canada earlier this month photographer David Johnson had his camera in hand to document the night.

Unusual Long Exposure Firework Photographs by David Johnson

When Spain’s entry into the competition begin he decided to try something a little different resulting in the photos you see here which are unlike any long exposure firework shots I’ve ever seen. Via email David tells me how he accomplished the effect: The technique I used was a simple refocus during the long exposure. Each shot was about a second long, sometimes two. I’d start out of focus, and when I heard the explosion I would quickly refocus, so the little stems on these deep sea creature lookalikes would grow into a fine point.

BallDroppings. Impressive 3D Sculptures Made of Suspended Sewing Buttons. EmailEmail Miami-based artist Augusto Esquivel creates something grand from something seemingly insignificant and small: he builds amazing 3D sculptures out of thousands of sewing buttons.

Impressive 3D Sculptures Made of Suspended Sewing Buttons

Augusto carefully attaches them to a fishing line and constructs things like harp, piano, cello, or a marry-go-round horse. The artist is intrigued by the idea how “a common object used to create a piece of art becomes transformed into something complicated and intriguing.” Check out his stunning work and be sure to visit his website for more! Website: Dog. Line. Spider. Trace - Thomas Petersen.

Particle Reactor HD - UnitZeroOne. Silk – Interactive Generative Art.