Artistic Photo Editing of Everyday Built Environments
Erik Johansson takes photo editing and manipulation to new levels with his ever-growing collection of creative, innovative and amazing scenes of altered architecture and unbelivable built environments, distorted objects and twisted imagery – all while preserving an eerie photo-realism from the original photographic subject. Given his emphasis on constructed objects, the care with which he crafts every detail of each image and controls the overall composition, it is perhaps no surprise that this photographer’s background is not in the arts but in computer engineering and interactive design. The rich three-dimensional complexity of each edited photograph is accomplished using exclusively two-dimensional computer editing tools and each work is based on a real photograph, manipulated, altered and added to in a layered and sequential process.
James Bridle – Waving at the Machines
James Bridle’s closing keynote from Web Directions South 2011 was a a terrific end to an amazing couple of days, but don’t despair if you weren’t there. You can watch a full length video, or even read a transcript with the bonus of all the links James refers to. And if you want to be there next time around, make sure you are one of the first to hear about Web Directions South 2013! Transcript
Banksy Inside « The Drop Kings
The mysterious Banksy just released some new paintings on his website. You heard it right, Banksy painted on a canvas. All Banksy fans will appreciate.
Glaucus atlanticus
These sea slugs feed on other pelagic creatures including the venomous cnidarian, the Portuguese Man o' War. Because the sea slug stores stinging nematocysts from the cnidarian within its own tissues, a human picking up the sea slug may receive a very painful sting. For more information on the effects of the nematocysts, see Portuguese man o' war. Characteristics[edit] The blue sea slug (here shown out of water, and thus collapsed) is one of the smallest members of its biological family, Glaucidae
Claire L. Evans: Greetings from the Children of Planet Earth
In 1977, NASA sent a pair of unmanned probes named Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 into space. Among the infrared spectrometers and radio receivers included on each probe were identical copies of the same non-scientific object: the Voyager Golden Record. Sheathed in a protective aluminum jacket, the Record is a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images chosen to portray the diversity of life on Earth: bird calls, whale songs, the sounds of surf, wind, and thunder, music from human cultures, and some 55 greetings in a range of languages, alive and dead. Like lonely time capsules, the records, aboard their still-functioning hosts, have long since left our solar system. The official Voyager 2 Twitter reports that the probe is currently at 13 hrs 38 mins 08 secs of light-travel time from Earth, which makes it the farthest man-made object from Earth. And neither, of course, are we.
Famous Television Show Home Floor Plans
After years of watching shows like Dexter and Two and a Half Men, you can’t help but become so attached to the television show that you start wondering what their household really looks like. Spanish interior designer Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde had the same thought as us, and decided to do something for himself creating this incredible series of highly detailed floor plans from some of our favorite television shows. The collection includes the likes of The Simpson, Dexter, Friends, Seinfeld, Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and a handful others.
John Conway's Game of Life
The Game The Game of Life is not your typical computer game. It is a 'cellular automaton', and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway. This game became widely known when it was mentioned in an article published by Scientific American in 1970. It consists of a collection of cells which, based on a few mathematical rules, can live, die or multiply.
19 Amazing Video Game Cakes
Serious gamers know just how time-consuming gaming is, often making it difficult to do anything besides working (only to buy more games) and playing the games themselves. Even so, gamers usually do still manage to have lives outside of the console; these cakes are some of the amazing creations born as a result. Consoles
The Curious Brain
What a wonderful Festival it has been! It was better and even more impressive than the one last year. Basically it was huge. So many presentation to see, so many people to connect. At one point you had to sacrifice which presentation to see over another one. I met so many awesome people B.