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Click. Make. Play. - Experimental - [Game]

Click. Make. Play. - Experimental - [Game]
Click the blocks. Make music. Be unproductive. Play. This interactive flash piece is pretty self-explanatory. The program continuously loops through a 16 x 16 tile grid. I have definitely wasted a lot of time playing with this “game” over the years. source: SEMBEO

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beatlab - make music together let's get started making music... 1draw on the grid with your mouse to make a beatshow me2 save your track and share it with friends. show me3 out of ideas? roll the dice and start remixing. show me4 explore the beatlab community show me For more tips, tutorials vidoes, and FAQs, check out our community wiki.

100 Ways to Discover and Enjoy Music UPDATE 12/10/13: We’ve released a follow-up to this post with 100 More Ways to Discover and Enjoy Music. Prepare yourself for another dose of Monday roundup madness! It’s time for another crazily comprehensive, yet carefully curated, look at an entire industry–the music industry to be specific. This if the first in a two-part series on the music industry which will conclude next week. This week’s focus is on the consumer side of music. Below you’ll find the best resources for music fans including ways to discover new tunes, the best tools and services for creating a perfect music listening experience, tons of concert and live show resources, many ways to enhance Spotify, social tools for getting down with your friends, iPhone and Android music apps, music locker (cloud) services and finally some miscellaneous resources that you’re bound to love.

The Cloth Simulator A little more detail: What makes this simulation special is the speed at which everything is computed. Javascript (the language this is written in) is not exactly the most efficient language for this type of computation. This being said, much time was spent squeezing out every little detail that slows things down. The most computationally expensive part is trying to satisfy the constraints. To do this requires the calculation of distance between two points. I Like Music cartoon by Stuart McMillen - Recombinant Records This cartoon is dedicated to my number one resource for music discovery: you were into this cartoon, the book I quoted from, "Our Band Could Be Your Life" is well worth the price. As are the music, concert tickets and merchandise of all bands in question.Much of this cartoon was drawn in "a world of books, and silent times in thought" - the UQ Social Sciences and Humanities library. Back to post / website. View/add comments for this article.I Like Muisc by Stuart McMillen.

Caja de Ritmos Facil Includes over 400 unique drum samples, spanning electro to real drum kits. Create beats, compose drum tracks and then save the results to WAV sound files for use in other projects or software. Enjoy! Two Play Buttons? The top play button is for the beat pattern you're working on. The pattern will loop.

Headphones on. Eyes closed. Music: take me away. I’m in the mood to drunkenly dance to very loud music that I can sing to. Requested by Ellie · Compiled by Ilana 01. The Kingsmen - “Louie Louie” (Very Best: Kingsmen) 02. The Aquabats - “Pizza Day” (Don’t Be Scared) 03. The Blood Arm - “Suspicious Character” (Suspicious Character) 04. Otomata - Online Generative Musical Sequencer 16 Jul 2011 Click on the grid below to add cells, click on cells to change their direction, and press play to listen to your music. Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Official facebook page: Also this reddit page has many examples: And there is a subreddit for Otomata:

30 Albums That Define Cool Any album “list” is going to be incomplete. It’s going to be filled with albums you agree with, artists you hate and some sort of commentary that you probably disagree with. This list is no different.
