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Estée Lauder applies millennial makeover. The stylish, cool twentysomethings delivering a presentation to senior executives have dressed up their slides to resemble Tinder, the dating app. As marketing and design concepts appear on the big screen, the young employees “swipe right” to indicate the brands whose ideas make their pulses race.

Then they “swipe left” anything they dislike. Sample the FT’s top stories for a week You select the topic, we deliver the news. The team is developing a modern, in-store shopping concept. Their presentation could be taking place at any hot technology start-up in Brooklyn, New York’s hip borough. “Senior leadership was ecstatic about the level of ideation that came from this session,” says Nicky De Simone, a 29-year-old employee who took part. At the buttoned-up purveyor of prestige cosmetics, Fabrizio Freda, the chief executive, is 59. Neophytes would have been unlikely to stand in front of such a distinguished audience in the past. Estée maintains that the line has shown promise.

How to Manage Managers. When you’re managing managers, your responsibilities are two-fold: you need to make sure they’re producing good work (as with any employee) and that they’re effectively supporting their teams. You might know how to do the former, but how do you do the latter? Do you need to provide training? Coaching? And how do you serve as a good role model? What the Experts Say In some ways, managing managers is similar to managing anyone else — you need to align their goals with yours, provide feedback, and help them advance their careers, says Sydney Finkelstein, professor at Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business and author of Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Manage the Flow of Talent.

Model the right behavior Finkelstein’s research with protégés of superbosses revealed a common theme: people learn how to lead from their bosses. But your direct reports don’t just learn from you when you sit down for your one-on-one meetings. Principles to Remember Do: Don’t: Dictate exactly how they should manage. New thriving US final. Log In. How to Start One on Ones with Your Team. What’s true for trees is also true for starting one on ones. If you aren’t having one on ones with your team, you’re missing out on an incredible motivating, problem solving, pressure relieving opportunity to help and grow your team. But even if you’re totally bought into starting them, it can be intimidating to actually get started. Like the first time for many things, when you start, it’s easy to feel unsure what to do.

When you start, there can be many questions like: What do I talk about? I want you all to start off on the right foot, so this post is here to help you with all those questions and more. Helping managers make the most of one on ones has been a centerpiece of the work we’ve done on Lighthouse and so we’ve helped dozens of managers start one on ones. 1) What to expect A one on one is unlike any other meeting you have. They should not be about status updates on projects and tasks. Push through awkward. Tell your team. 2) Scheduling your one on ones An hour?!?

3) In the meeting. ROI Executive Coaching | WJM Associates, Inc. While there is widespread acceptance that executive coaching works to effect positive improvements in executive performance, providing concrete metrics that measure this improvement can be challenging, as human change can be a very complex process. This can be compounded by confidentiality issues that may limit access to specific data regarding progress made by the executive.

However there are several tools that can be useful in determining whether observable behavioral improvement has occurred and what, if any, impact this has made on the business. Follow-up 360° Interviews By re-administrating an abbreviated version of the original 360° interviews conducted during the executive’s assessment, it is possible to secure an unambiguous measurement of improvement against the 2 or 3 primary developmental goals specified during the creation of the action plan. This underscores the importance of having well-documented coaching goals at the outset of the coaching. White paper How to develop your managers. Organizational models: A network of teams. View the complete Global Human Capital Trends 2016 report Watch the related video Learn about Deloitte Organization Design Fast-moving global markets and digital disruption have forced companies to innovate rapidly, adapt their products and services, and stay closer than ever to local customers.

This has prompted a resurgence of interest in business organization. Our findings in this area are startling: 92 percent of companies believe that redesigning the organization is very important or important, making it No. 1 in ranked importance among this year’s respondents. Companies are decentralizing authority, moving toward product- and customer-centric organizations, and forming dynamic networks of highly empowered teams that communicate and coordinate activities in unique and powerful ways. This new mode of organization—a “network of teams” with a high degree of empowerment, strong communication, and rapid information flow—is now sweeping businesses and governments around the world.

Coaching Your Employees Ed Batista HBR Webinar Summary. Hoe ziet het leiderschap van de toekomst eruit? Eerder deze maand was ik zeer verheugd dat het tv-programma Koppen de mooie reportage op kijkend Vlaanderen losliet met in de hoofdrol twee van mijn grote voorbeelden: Frank Van Massenhoven (voorzitter van de Federale Overheidsdienst Sociale Zekerheid) en Ricardo Semler (CEO van het Braziliaanse bedrijf Semco). Beide heren hebben hun bedrijven en manier van leidinggeven weten af te stemmen op het nieuwe denken over hoe je mensen enthousiasmeert en passioneert, kunt bouwen aan een bruisend bedrijfsklimaat waar iedereen gestimuleerd wordt om verantwoordelijkheid op te nemen en niet wordt doodgeknuppeld met verstikkende procedures.

Maar hier blijft het niet bij. Deze heren bewijzen dag in dag uit dat deze nieuwe visie en aanpak werkt. Twee bijzondere en unieke verhalen die naar mijn aanvoelen hopelijk heel wat CEO’s en leidinggevenden weet te raken en te inspireren om in het eigen bedrijf of organisatie aan de slag te gaan! Herbekijk de uitzending via volgende link.