No Idea Left Behind: 25 Tools for Capturing Ideas Anywhere
As a serial entrepreneur, I’m addicted to ideas. I feed off of ’em. And nothing makes me more upset than having a great idea… and losing it.
Social Media FOR Schools: Developing Shareable Content for Schools
Interested in working with me? Consider hiring me as a consultant to coach your administration and staff to develop shareable content for your school. There is a difference between Social Media IN schools and Social Media FOR schools. There is a difference between Social Media IN schools and Social Media FOR schools. Click To Tweet While social media in schools deals primarily with policies around how to use (or not use) social media in the classroom with students, social media for schools is about storytelling and getting their stakeholders (teachers, students, administrators, parents, community) to spread these stories.
The One Thing Every Great Leader Cares About Most
Today I was reminded in a potent and somewhat painful way that leaders have a truly awesome responsibility. When leaders speak, others are obligated to listen. When leaders direct, others are obligated to follow. It’s the nature of positional power. And because formal leaders have positional power, every leader who aspires to greatness should strenuously, passionately, and vigilantly guard against abusing that power.
The 3 Easiest Ways to Start Feeling Happier Today, According to Science
There is no shortage of happiness advice out there, from meditation to exercise to finding new ways to experience nature and awe. But of all these tips, which should you try first? Your might think it's best to tackle the change that will have the most impact, and common sense suggests that's probably whichever is the biggest (and most difficult). But according to useful new research highlighted recently by UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center, for most people that's actually the exact wrong approach.
Mapped: Global Shipping Routes, Using 250 Million Data Points
How busy are the world’s shipping routes, and where are the global chokepoints for commercial shipping? Today’s visualization compiles 250 million data points, representing the movement of the world’s commercial shipping fleet based on hourly data from 2012. The interactive map below breaks up the merchant fleet into five ship types: container ships, dry bulk carriers, oil and fuel ships, gas ships, and carriers transporting vehicles. The interactive map was created by data visualization outfit Kiln, along with the UCL Energy Institute. It counts emitted CO2 (in thousands of tonnes) as well as the running total of the maximum freight carried by each type of vessel.
A Geek's Guide to Budgeting Hobbies
A professor once told me his trick to happiness: treat your hobby like a career, but more important. Those of us who eat up all types of hobbies—from comics to video games to DIY projects—know that a good hobby can be one of the most enriching parts of life, but they can also require a lot of time and money. Here's how to better budget that time and money.P All work and no play isn't good for anyone. A good work-life balance hinges on getting in the time to do what's important to you.
Using social media to support school library services
Helen Stower & Margaret Donaghue Mt Alvernia iCentre was an early adopter of social media for school library services, and is now five years into the journey which began experimentally and involved a steep learning curve. Currently, we are in the process of drafting social media guidelines and strategies. If we were to embark on using social media today, these guidelines would be our first step.
How to Look for Emotional Intelligence on Your Team
Of all the ways to test for emotional intelligence, the marshmallow test might be my favorite. You put a child in a room, set one marshmallow in front of her and explain that, if she’s able to wait 10 minutes before eating it, she’ll get an extra marshmallow to enjoy. Then you leave her alone. If the child can hold off, it means she has is able to self-regulate — a key component of emotional intelligence.
10 Pieces of Killer Advice From Famous Creative Geniuses
There's something incredibly potent and calming about insightful quotes from geniuses. As any entrepreneur or creative will attest, funks, ruts, and blocks happen. And knowing that brilliant minds tackled similar issues is priceless. Lucky for us, they were able to distill sharp lessons from their struggles. While there are many tools to help get your creativity back, here are 10 pieces of wisdom that can inspire you to stay on track, stay true to your creativity, and keep focused on your bold vision.
Map: Visualizing Every Ship at Sea in Real-Time
The ocean is a big place, which makes it a pretty difficult thing to wrap our brains around. It covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface, is home to millions of species of life, and it makes up 97% of all water on the planet. But, with this massive size and ubiquity also comes a significant challenge for humans interested in trade: it must be constantly traversed in order for us to move goods around. As a result, millions of people hit the high seas each day to get cargo from one place to another.