Revolutionary "Superman" Memory Crystals Can Store Data Virtually Forever. Quartz Crystal photo from Shutterstock While most of us are just getting used to the idea of 3D printing, scientists are already working on technological marvels that operate two dimensions deeper.
Researchers at the University of Southampton have succeeded in recording and retrieving five dimensional digital data using a quartz crystal. The ‘Superman’ memory crystal is a futuristic storage technique with unprecedented features – including a 360 terabyte per disc data capacity, thermal stability up to 1000°C and a practically unlimited lifetime. We’ve all seen those sci-fi movies where a gorgeous alien shoves a pointy crystal into some mega computer and the world is saved.
Well, it appears that sci-fi has now become sci-reality. So how does it work? So leave a note for your great-great-grandkids to throw on some 5D glasses, and upload that file containing your life story to their cyborg brain by scanning it with their polarizing eyeballs – easy-peasy. Via Eureakalert and DVice. "Superman memory crystal" could store hundreds of terabytes indefinitely. Recently, there have been advances in the area of digital data storage promising outstanding data density and super-long-term data storage.
A new data storage technology developed at the University of Southampton can do both. Due to its similarities to the “memory crystals” used in the Superman films, it has been dubbed the "Superman memory crystal. " Hard-drive memory has a useful lifespan of a couple of decades at best, as it is vulnerable to damage from high temperatures, moisture, strong magnetic fields and numerous kinds of mechanical failures. Because of this, companies and consumers alike are forced to upgrade their storage hardware every few years.
Researchers at the University of Southampton have created an extremely dense and durable memory that can store 360 TB of data on a single disc for an indefinite amount of time. The data is stored in three layers of nanostructured dots separated by five micrometers (millionths of a meter). Mitchell hedges crystal skull some facts ufo aliens ? The secret of the technology used in crystal skulls has stil not been unraveled. Mystery of the Crystal Skulls - Part 1 of 8. Another Crystal Scull found in Germany : News & World Events. As reported by the magazine "Mysteries", the Swiss journalist Luc found (12 kilograms, 17.5 cm high, 21 cm deep) the skull Bürgin (40) on the attic of his Bavarian informants (45) - hidden in an old wooden box.
"A custom-built, which in turn was in an old, shabby knapsack leather. " This Fund enables historian in turmoil! For centuries, the mysterious skulls give up puzzles. Twelve such crystal skulls are known, this would be the secret 13th now. They supposedly come from the remains of the civilizations of Central and South America, where the priests of the Maya or Aztec with them carried out religious rituals. Also in the possession of Bavaria: A highly explosive Nazi list! 35 Valuable art treasures that should be transported on the orders of the top Nazi leaders Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler shortly before the end of the war of Augsburg in the South Bohemian Strakonice (Sudetenland) can be found on the unknown, four-page paper. Gehörte vermutlich SS-Führer Heinrich Himmler: Geheimer Kristallschädel entdeckt - News. Sie sind mystisch und geheimnisvoll – die Kristallschädel der indianischen Hochkulturen.
Jetzt wurde einer dieser angeblichen „Götterschädel" in Bayern gefunden. Und der befand sich früher vermutlich im Besitz von SS-Führer Heinrich Himmler! Wie das Magazin „Mysteries“ berichtet, fand der Schweizer Journalist Luc Bürgin (40) den Schädel (12 Kilogramm schwer, 17,5 Zentimeter hoch, 21 Zentimeter tief) auf dem Dachboden seines bayerischen Informanten (45) – versteckt in einem alten Holzkasten.
„Eine Spezialanfertigung, die sich wiederum in einem alten, abgeschabten Tornister aus Leder befand. Dieser Fund versetzt Historiker in Aufruhr! Zwölf solcher Kristallschädel sind bekannt, dies wäre nun der geheime dreizehnte. Außerdem im Besitz des Bayern: Eine hochbrisante Nazi-Liste! Laut Liste gehörte der Totenkopf einst dem Forscher Otto Rahn, der für die Nazis auf die Suche nach dem Heiligen Gral ging und 1939 unter ungeklärten Umständen ums Leben kam. AMAZING CRYSTAL SKULLS.
13 CRYSTAL SKULLS. Legend and Prophecy There are very few legends that cross over cultures and times the way the crystal skull legends do.
They are contemporarily shared by the Mayans, The Aztecs, the Native Americans and other indigenous people around the world (and in philosophical terms, they are recorded in Atlantean and Lemurian Times). These legends have been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, which attests to their enduring power. Click here to enlarge & photo credit The legend of the "Great Flood", which was passed down from ancient times, is one of the few enduring legends that is also shared by most cultures around the world - which scientists now confirm was real. The more you learn about crystal skulls, the more you realize the power of multiple crystal skulls. Crystal Skull Legend Native American Cherokee Medicine Man, Harley Swift-Deer Reagan is quoted as saying: "The skulls were kept inside a pyramid in a formation of tremendous power known as the Ark.