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6 tips you should follow when gardening with hanging baskets. Hanging baskets, overflowing with colorful flowers, can be a beautiful addition to any garden, patio, or balcony.

6 tips you should follow when gardening with hanging baskets

They are decorative and functional, adding a unique look to different spaces. Need a burst of color in the garden? Sink a column into the soil and add brackets. You can hang 2 to 4 baskets to brighten the area. Do you want to fill an empty wall on the front porch? While trailing plants are often the choice for hanging baskets, planting along the side of the basket gives the same abundant, flowing appearance. 10+ tips for planting in the fall. 10 plants to grow to repel mosquitoes in your backyard. Mosquitos go hand in hand with warm weather, unfortunately.

10 plants to grow to repel mosquitoes in your backyard

Winter Sowing Seeds: A Quick-Start Guide - Get Busy Gardening. 10 things expert gardeners say you should be pruning. Similar to getting a haircut, keeping plants pruned regularly keeps them healthy and strong.

10 things expert gardeners say you should be pruning

Pruning removes dead or dying plant materials, helps maintain the correct shape and structure, and increases airflow through the center of the plant to reduce problems with pests and diseases. Almost all of the plants and trees in your garden need to be pruned routinely. It's important, though, to prune them at the right time of the year, depending on their growing habits. Learn about the 10 things experts say you should be pruning and when to do it.

Your garden will thank you for it. See what planting these specific flowers can do for your vegetable garden. When starting to plan your garden for the upcoming spring, consider incorporating flowering plants and herbs. It might be hard to imagine planting flowers in place of your most-loved edibles, but the benefits are worth the sacrifice. Flowers attract pollinators, which majority of fruiting plants need. And they also attract predatory insects that prey upon insect pests. Not to mention, some flowers, like the well-known marigold, actually repel some garden pests altogether. Keep reading for a list of flowers to use in your vegetable garden and the benefits they provide. Edible shrubs to include in your landscape. Curb appeal is important.

Edible shrubs to include in your landscape

See what planting these specific flowers can do for your vegetable garden. 13 free garden design plans. Whether you've just moved into a new home or you just want to update the landscaping on the property where you've lived for years, predesigned garden plans are a simple way to get the look you want without the muss and fuss of research. Great plans include good flower combinations, sizes, and ideal planting areas. The beautiful garden design plans in this article are all free! Check out one of the 13 tutorials for the stunning designs for your next garden project and save yourself hours of planning and research: 1. Curb AppealOne of the most neglected areas of the yard is the front grass closest to the road. The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur. Hugelkultur, pronounced Hoo-gul-culture, means hill culture or hill mound. Instead of putting branches, leaves and grass clippings in bags by the curbside for the bin men... build a hugel bed.

Simply mound logs, branches, leaves, grass clippings, straw, cardboard, petroleum-free newspaper, manure, compost or whatever other biomass you have available, top with soil and plant your veggies. The advantages of a hugel bed are many, including: The gradual decay of wood is a consistent source of long-term nutrients for the plants. A large bed might give out a constant supply of nutrients for 20 years (or even longer if you use only hardwoods). Soil aeration increases as those branches and logs break down... meaning the bed will be no till, long term. The logs and branches act like a sponge.

Sequester carbon into the soil. On a sod lawn Sepp Holzer (hugelkultur expert) recommends cutting out the sod, digging a one foot deep trench and filling the trench with logs and branches. Further resources. The Many Benefits of Hugelkultur. How to make a retractable PVC hoop house in 6 easy steps. Progressive Plants - Catalog. Utah Water Savers. See what planting these specific flowers can do for your vegetable garden. Planting Cool Season Vegetables in Your Garden. By Karen Eaton, Conservation Garden Park Spring is upon us and that means that harvesting tasty home-grown vegetables is finally just around the corner.

Planting Cool Season Vegetables in Your Garden

The average last frost in Salt Lake County falls somewhere between the end of April and the middle of May. Throughout the state, it varies quite a bit, even along the Wasatch Front. But don’t despair! Some vegetables, or “hardy crops,” can be planted now. Hardy crops are mostly cool-season plants that prefer cooler temperatures for top performance. Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, onions, and broccoli can all be started from seed or transplants. By the end of March and into April, semi-hardy vegetables can be added to the garden.

Planting these early crops allows you to plant successively instead of planting your crops all at once. Give the best care to your potted plants by following these 7 tips. Whether your potted plants are indoors or outdoors, you must give them proper care if you want them to stay healthy and attractive.

Give the best care to your potted plants by following these 7 tips

If you’re like most gardeners, you invest your time and money in plants, containers, soil, and fertilizer, and you don’t want to see your plants turn yellow and wilted simply because you didn’t use the proper procedures to ensure their good health. Here are seven steps that anyone--even those without that proverbial green thumb—can take to prevent their potted plants from turning droopy and sad-looking by mid-season. It’s all about starting off on the right foot and setting the stage for a full season of growing beautiful planters. Take your vegetable garden to new heights with these 5 tips about arch gardening.

Growing squash, zucchini, watermelons, and pumpkins in your garden is incredibly fun.

Take your vegetable garden to new heights with these 5 tips about arch gardening

It's great to watch the gorgeous yellow blossoms turn into fruit and grow to fantastic sizes. But the vines do tend to take over your garden space often growing through fences you try to put up and dominating any other plants within their reach. There's a solution to this that is incredibly creative and adds a beautiful touch to your garden. Instead of letting these vining plants take over the ground, teach them to grow upwards and voila! All the sudden you have a stunning arch in your garden covered with gorgeous greenery.

13 vegetables that best grow in the shade. As a general rule of thumb, a bountiful vegetable garden requires a lot of sun.

13 vegetables that best grow in the shade

This is especially true of the fruit-bearing vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, squashes, and the like. But veggies that are grown primarily for their leaves, stems or buds can usually tolerate a fair amount of shade. When planning your garden, consider these vegetables for those areas that get less than six hours of full sunlight every day. 1. SpinachSpinach is one of the most shade-tolerant vegetables, needing only 3-4 hours of full sun each day, according to Mother Earth News. Man stacks towers of Coke bottles. 1 year later, his garden is transformed. Willem Van Cotthem has a solution for everyone who has ever wanted to garden but thought he or she did not have the space.

Man stacks towers of Coke bottles. 1 year later, his garden is transformed

His bottle tower method is an efficient and sustainable way to grow vegetables and herbs while also recycling plastic bottles. Van Cotthem, an honorary professor of botany at the University of Ghent in Belgium, made a YouTube video to demonstrate how the inexpensive method can be adapted to fit the needs of any space and the wishes of any grower. To construct Van Cotthem's bottle tower garden, you need recyclable containers such as plastic bottles, pots, and buckets. Like DIY Everywhere - Gardening for more Begin by cutting the bottom part of the first bottle. To make a drainage hole, cut diagonally across the bottle. Fill 1 to 2 inches of the bottle with potting soil. Viewcontent. 12 genius ways to repurpose pallet wood for your garden. When the weather begins to warm up it's time to start getting your hands dirty.

12 genius ways to repurpose pallet wood for your garden

But as you start tackling your garden projects and getting it ready for spring and summer, you should think about some of the bigger elements you want to add, too. Instead of investing in pricey planters and organizers, you can instead utilize old pallets and their wood to create boxes and garden benches alike. Not only is this going to save you a lot of green, it's environmentally conscious because you're repurposing something that could have otherwise been tossed. Now, it's no secret that for the past few years bloggers and do-it-yourselfers have been showing us all the amazing things we can do with this reclaimed wood. But, here's our list of the best projects to make your garden look better, and stay more organized this coming year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12 herbs you can grow with just water all year round. If you have a glass jar and access to fresh water, you can grow a supply of herbs right on your windowsill!

While any medium -sized container will do, Mason Jars are particularly cute! You could also head to your local thrift store and stock up on a few decorative glasses for cheap. The next step is to choose the right herb. Check out this list of 13 herbs you can grow in water. This hard-to-mess-up method is a great option for the busy bee who doesn't have time (or the desire) to deal soil. Growing a vertical garden and ideas to get you started. Choosing to grow plants vertically can really benefit your garden. It saves space and keeps plants off the ground, making them less susceptible to certain insects and diseases.

Growing plants vertically also makes harvesting easier. Creating Waterwise Park Strips. Tomatoes Hate Cucumbers: Secrets of Companion Planting + Popular Planting Combinations. Did you know that tomatoes hate cucumbers? Consider companion planting. While they might taste great together in a salad, tomato plants dislike growing in close proximity to any member of the cucurbit family, which includes cucumbers. 20 plants you should grow side-by-side. A good neighbor can make all the difference in the garden. Carpet-forming-perennials-for-spring-gardens. 16 Less Common Trees for Utah Landscapes.