Arts On The Move - Drama in the Primary School. If drama is to take its rightful place as a discrete and valuable subject in the primary sector, the new strategy for primary schools: 'Excellence and Enjoyment - A Strategy for Primary Schools' may prove to be the catalyst to generate change.
Launched by the Secretary of State for Education and Skills in May 2003, the strategy is a vision for the sector where 'high standards are obtained through a rich, varied and exciting curriculum which develops children in a range of ways' ( It can only be hoped - and assumed - that this 'rich, varied and exciting curriculum' will consist of many arts subjects, drama included.
AOTM_Poem_into_Performance_1. Drama Teaching Exercises from Child Drama. Child Drama presents many links to lesson plans, books and so forth about Drama.
Child Drama is a brilliant site to use for Primary and Secondary School Drama lessons. There are plenty of resources, such as photos, lesson plans, monologues and more, that cover a range of topics covered in the Drama subject. Children's Theatre/Creative Drama Main Menu. Drama Resource - Creative Ideas for Teaching Drama.