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Video Game Reviewer Is Contacting the Mothers of Her Online Harassers. L'essor de la misandrie ironique. Temps de lecture: 6 min Chaque mois, le Misandrist Book Club [club de lecture misandre, NdT] se réunit pour faire progresser sa machination secrète axée autour de la haine des hommes: deux douzaines de femmes, jeunes, actives et vivant aux quatre coins du pays, lisent des livres écrits exclusivement par des femmes –Trois amies de Judy Blume, The Flamethrowers de Rachel Kushner ou encore Americanah de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie– et en discutent via une liste de diffusion.

L'essor de la misandrie ironique

Behind Every Bullied Woman Is a Man Yelling About Free Speech.

Espaces féministes et trolls

Bureaucratie, sexisme, élitisme: Wikipédia contribue à sa perte. Des étudiants canadiens suspendus pour sexisme. Emma Watson menacée après son discours féministe à l'ONU. Une féministe spécialiste des jeux vidéo victime de menaces de mort. Anita Sarkeesian à nouveau menacée suite à sa dernière vidéo. Pondu par Mircea Austen le 27 août 2014 Le 25 août, Anita Sarkeesian a publié sur sa chaîne FeministFrequency un nouvel épisode de sa série Tropes VS Women, qui analyse la place des personnages féminins dans les jeux vidéo.

Anita Sarkeesian à nouveau menacée suite à sa dernière vidéo

C’est la suite du précédent, et il se concentre à nouveau sur les femmes comme « objets de décoration ». Dans le premier épisode de Women as Background Decoration, Anita nous présentait les caractéristiques des femmes faisant tapisserie dans les jeux vidéo : interchangeables, sexualisées, dénuées de personnalité, souvent violentées. Dans ce second épisode elle nous explique les conséquences sur le monde des jeux vidéo, mais aussi sur la société et notre imaginaire, de ce stéréotype usé jusqu’à la corde. Pour les non-anglophones, en attendant les sous-titres, voici les arguments présentés par Anita Sarkeesian :

They’re still trying to silence Anita Sarkeesian. Since the launch of Feminist Frequency’s Tropes vs Women in Games, creator Anita Sarkeesian has faced a wall of abuse and threats from enraged critics of her detailed research that highlights misogyny in game fiction.This week, the abusers drove her out of her own home.Polygon Why the latest escalation from the constant rumbling fulmination that has become Sarkeesian’s normal background noise?

They’re still trying to silence Anita Sarkeesian

Because she published another video in her series of critiques: Women as Background Decoration: Part 2 The Women as Background Decoration trope which is the subset of largely insignificant non-playable female characters whose sexuality or victimhood is exploited as a way to infuse edgy, gritty or racy flavoring into game worlds. These sexually objectified female bodies are designed to function as environmental texture while titillating presumed straight male players. The trouble with Twitter feminism. I love the internet.

The trouble with Twitter feminism

I really do. And I can’t stand the luddites who romanticize the days where people talked. Face to face. Or called each other. The phone? I have found dozens — I’d even be so bold as to say hundreds — of brothers and sisters across the globe who I would have otherwise never found, if not for the ability to connect online. This is why you shouldn't click on the naked photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

Jennifer Lawrence's agent has confirmed the photos are real and a complete violation of the star's privacy.

This is why you shouldn't click on the naked photos of Jennifer Lawrence

Photo: Mike Marsland In what’s being called the biggest celebrity hacking incident in internet history, more than 100 female celebrities have had their private nude images stolen and published online. The bulk of the images posted have been officially confirmed as belonging to Jennifer Lawrence, but a complete list of victims’ names - including Krysten Ritter, Kate Upton, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rihanna, Brie Larson and Kirsten Dunst - has been subsequently published.

#YesAllWomen Trend Is Uprooting Everyday Misogyny One Tweet at a Time. Isha, while I appreciate the focus brought on this hashtag, I think you're extremely wrong to characterize "everyday misogyny" as somehow distinct from the misogyny which fueled Rodger's machinations and eventually his killing spree.

#YesAllWomen Trend Is Uprooting Everyday Misogyny One Tweet at a Time

What is so stunning about Rodger's manifesto is how much similarity it bears to other, similar screeds posted throughout the "manosphere. " Your so-called everyday sexists are a daily threat to women, their lives, and their livelihoods in the form of domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, and yes, murder. Fake Geek Guys: A Message to Men About Sexual Harassment. “I think this woman is wrong about something on the Internet.

Fake Geek Guys: A Message to Men About Sexual Harassment

Clearly my best course of action is to threaten her with rape.” Le projet de loi d'Aurélie Filippetti. The Next Civil Rights Issue: Why Women Aren't Welcome on the Internet. I was 12 hours into a summer vacation in Palm Springs when my phone hummed to life, buzzing twice next to me in the dark of my hotel room.

The Next Civil Rights Issue: Why Women Aren't Welcome on the Internet

I squinted at the screen. It was 5:30 a.m., and a friend was texting me from the opposite coast. “Amanda, this twitter account. Privilèges, hommes et chouinerie. This is what online harassment looks like. An online game invites players to "beat up Anita Sarkeesian". When I first wrote about the sexist abuse of women online, collating the experiences of nearly a dozen writers, the response was largely positive. Many hadn't been aware there was a problem; they were shocked. Others had assumed that they were the only ones whose every word on the web was greeted with a torrent of abusive, threatening comments. Votre ex se venge en diffusant une photo de vous à poil. Que faire ? C’est fini, vous ne l’aimez plus.

Votre ex se venge en diffusant une photo de vous à poil. Que faire ?

Alors, vous l’avez quitté. Dans le bar, il a accepté la nouvelle calmement, il a eu l’air à la fois sonné et triste. Houston woman wins $500,000 in 'revenge porn' lawsuit. Les selfies, le sexisme et la violence anonyme sur Internet. Pondu par Marie.Charlotte le 31 janvier 2014 Lindsay Bottos publie les commentaires anonymes qu’elle reçoit sur ses photos, principalement des selfies. Son travail met en évidence une violence gratuite aux relents de sexisme. « Shitstorm en vue ma jolie » Quand la toile devient menaçante. Sinon, la société hait les femmes. By Lisa Wade, PhD, Oct 20, 2013, at 12:00 pm Thanks to a tweet from sociologist Sarah Sobieraj, we learned of a powerful campaign to raise awareness about gender inequality from the arm of the United Nations dedicated to empowering women.

Sinon, la société hait les femmes.

The designers of the ads did Google searches, allowing the auto-complete to fill in word stems with the most commonly searched phrases. The results are eyebrow-raising. I was curious to find out what my personal Google machine would spit out and, also, what the equivalent searches for men would return. Ads Reveal Horrifying Sexism in Google Autocomplete. Have you ever tried typing "women should," "women shouldn't" or "women can't" into Google?

The autocomplete suggestions you get may surprise and horrify you, as a new series of ads from UN Women makes abundantly clear. Google autocomplete is a feature that suggests what your search term might be, based on its most frequent searches and the content of web pages. It is, in many ways, a neutral reflection of society. These ads feature genuine top-line results, such as "women shouldn't have rights; women shouldn't vote; women shouldn't work.

" The autocomplete algorithm is constantly being tweaked; the ad specifies that the searches were performed on Sept. 9, 2013. For anyone who thought the Internet was a more enlightened place than the world at large, or that sexism was less of a problem in the 21st century, the ads are quite the wake up call. 6 Insidious Ways Social Media Can Be Used to Silence Women. There are many dynamic web 2.0 features that allow for the compilation of data in interesting ways., for example, allows a platform for anonymous questions and is great for a "get to know you" low-stakes situation. It has also facilitated online bullying that led to suicide, and is frequently used to target outspoken trans women through Twitter. One trans woman I spoke to, who wished to remain anonymous, is subjected to abuse all day without a way to block it. The harasser copy-pastes a degrading message including the transwomen's Twitter handle so the message is sent to her.

Does Facebook have a problem with women? Does Facebook have a problem with women? The question has been around since 2011 when Eve Ensler and Ms Magazine drew attention to the social networking site's failure to remove misogynistic images that seemed to glorify rape and domestic violence. Then the issue came back again with users taking to Twitter in recent weeks to express their anger at Facebook's refusal to remove images that tried to make a joke of rape. Sexism! As Seen on Facebook. A little gender experiment confirms that Reddit is full of douchebags. Now that's what I call a bridegroom. So someone on Reddit did a little experiment that confirmed what we already know: that Reddit is overflowing with misogynist douchebags. Here’s the experimenter explaining her somewhat casual experimental protocol: I noticed after two months as my female username I was constantly having to defend my opinions.

I mean constantly. Sexist Comments from Video Gamers. [Note: Trigger warning for sexist, demeaning language and violent imagery.] If you’re a regular reader of Soc Images, chances are pretty good that you also know about Anita Sarkeesian’s project to look at sexism in video games. Sarkeesian, who runs the fantastic Feminist Frequency site, attracted a large amount of hateful online attacks and harassment after starting a Kickstarter campaign to raise a few thousand dollars for a project looking at sexism in video games.

If you aren’t aware of the story, check out any of the many media stories about her experience. Sarkeesian’s project looks at stereotypes or sexist imagery in the design of the games themselves.