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Newspaper Blackout Poetry. Sometimes in life you can only grasp the true beauty of things when you read between the lines.

Newspaper Blackout Poetry

That is exactly what Austin Kleon has been doing to old newspapers. Using a black marker, he takes away the words he doesn’t need, creating new poetic verses. Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days. For almost every day last month Malaysian artist/architect Hong Yi (who often goes by the nickname Red) created a fun illustration made with common (and occasionally not so common) food.

Artist Hong Yi Plays with her Food for 30 Days

Her parameters were simple: the image had to be comprised entirely of food and the only backdrop could be a white plate. With that in mind Yi set out to create landscapes, animals, homages to pop culture, and even a multi-frame telling of the three little pigs. The project, which still appears to be ongoing, has been documented heavily around the web, but if you haven’t seen it all head over to her Facebook and read an interview on designboom. 28 Interesting General Facts. Human Useless Facts. Men fart an average of 17 times a day, and women fart an average of 9 times a day.

Human Useless Facts

If you fart constantly for 6 years, 9 months and 23 days you would produce enough gas to explode an atomic bomb. The longest ever penis recorded by scientists is 13.5 inches. Humans are only second to cats for having the dirtiest mouths. WeWereMonkeys. Genome Corp. Atom-by-atom sub-22nm chip fab machine unveiled. Applied Materials, the number one supplier of silicon chip fabrication systems to every big-name player (Intel, IBM, AMD, TMSC, Samsung…) has revealed the first commercial machine that can create transistors by manipulating single layers of atoms.

Atom-by-atom sub-22nm chip fab machine unveiled

Ferrofluid. Pop-Sci Core77 Design Challenge. 1704_1. 1155_2. Defending the Right to Print Arms. Wise, wise words from Bill Nye. Monster_moose_1.jpeg (JPEG Image, 637 × 427 pixels) My fish died when I wasn’t home. Asked my cousin to give him a proper flushing. She sent me this. One of the best atheism quotes ever! Modern Drunkard Magazine. 1.

Modern Drunkard Magazine

If you owe someone money, always pay them back in a bar. Preferably during happy hour. 2. Always toast before doing a shot. 3. How to Make a Survival Shotgun. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Creek Stewart of Willow Haven Outdoor. As a Survival and Preparedness instructor, I take my line of work very seriously–sometimes too seriously. Occasionally, though, I like to take on survival projects that are just downright fun. This article highlights one of those projects. I’m fortunate in that I’ve been able to turn my passion into my profession–this being the study of Survival and Preparedness. I’ve always enjoyed building survival kits of all shapes and sizes.

Ultimately your survival needs fall into five main categories. DIY Glow in the Dark Bubbles. The Most Beautiful Machine, 2003. Real life martial arts techniques. How-I-sometimes-feel-in-school.jpg (JPEG Image, 632 × 469 pixels) Lego robot solves Rubik's Cube in 5 seconds. Funny-ecards-bannedinhollyood-02.png (PNG Image, 630 × 441 pixels) Nothing has blown my mind quite like this case.. Woman starves to death on spiritual journey trying to live on sunlight alone. By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 02:39 GMT, 26 April 2012 | Updated: 03:18 GMT, 26 April 2012 A woman starved to death after embarking on a spiritual journey which involved giving up food and water and attempting to exist on nothing but sunlight.

Woman starves to death on spiritual journey trying to live on sunlight alone

The Swiss woman, who was in her fifties, apparently got the idea after watching the documentary film 'In the Beginning, There Was Light' which features an Indian guru who claims to not have eaten anything in 70 years. The Zurich newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reported Wednesday that the unnamed woman decided to follow the radical fast in 2010 (File picture): A Swiss woman starved herself to death attempting to live on sunlight alone The paper claimed there have been similar cases of self-starvation in Germany, Britain and Australia.

The prosecutors' office in the Swiss canton of Aargau confirmed Wednesday that the woman died in January 2011 in the town of Wolfhalden in eastern Switzerland. Your Scene Sucks – Know the dress styles. Your Scene Sucks – Know the dress styles “Your Scene Sucks“, a nice set of illustrations that helps you to never make a mistake, recognize and know the clothing styles, among hipsters, punks, emos, the indies, the post-rockers, nerds, the hardcore geeks and others.

Your Scene Sucks – Know the dress styles

2012 February. Feb22 Edit 25/4/12 to reword as per comments. Admin Would he make death threats to Jessica Ahlquist? How to Develop a Photographic Memory. DIY Kit Overclocks Your Brain With Direct Current. Brain Stimulation Unit, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Now, the first thing I have to say in this post about how to overclock your brain with a straightforward 20-minute application of electrical current is DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.

DIY Kit Overclocks Your Brain With Direct Current

The long-term effects of TDCS are unknown, and if you mess up and put orders of magnitude more current through your brain than is typically used in TDCS, obviously, you could kill yourself. I wouldn’t be at all surprised… « Stupid Evil Bastard. Internet Memes Timeline. Trololololololololololo man Feb 28, 2010 6:00 PM Added to Youtube in November of 2009 the Video "Я очень рад, ведь я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой" had only few views until it was posted into several music blogs in march of 2010.

Internet Memes Timeline

11/1/09 - 12/1/09. That Video Site. That Video Site. Cute Comics That are Kinda Crazy (20 total) If you're looking for a few good laughs, check out Brainless Tales, a once-a-day comic by a man named Marcus.

Cute Comics That are Kinda Crazy (20 total)

He calls it "weird daily art masquerading as a daily comic. " 8060.gif (GIF Image, 400x204 pixels) Cinemagraph: Jaw Dropping Sample of Animated Photographs  Another level of art in a photography made popular by Jamie Beck. Which bring the photograph to life using good old animated GIFs. Here I listed a jaw dropping example of Animated Photographs. Are these images really moving? Or it is because I am addicted to Harry Potter movies. uPrint Personal 3D Printer - Graphics Systems Corp. MakerBot Industries. Bunk Bed Wizard. How People View Me (13 pics. Incredible pop-out painter. 15 Things You Didn't Know About The Simpsons - All That Is Interesting - (Private Browsing) Music Video - - (Private Browsing) Detroit Winter on the Behance Network - (Private Browsing) Illustration Inspiration #16. National Flags Never Tasted This Good.

Pole dancer- air walks. Photo Taking Skills. Drive Thru Floating Money Video. Weird Awesome Stuffs. Magic chair. Animals Painted On Lips. Cartoon Violence. Pictures of Cheaters. Pictures of Cheaters Misc | November 22, 2010 / views: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/weirdex/public_html/includes/functions_core.php on line 260 3,237,544. Badass Digest. 13 sites to get your creative juices flowing. By Ophelia on 2/10/2014 looking on the side FWB....... Hello, x year good old male here looking for a women for nsa situation(clean, enjoyable & safe). The 5 Most Horrifying Things Corporations Are Taking Over. Disney Princesses In Accurate Period Costume. How to Flip your Partner in a Backward Walk Video – - (Private Browsing)

Where Children Sleep. Cutest Bear Attack from That Happened! 60seconds.jpg (JPEG Image, 1191x842 pixels) Children Define Love.