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Macs vs PCs

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‎ Apple has worked very hard to craft a fun and hip image for its line of Mac computers, while simultaneously portraying PCs as dull and nerdy.


This strategy played out most famously in Apple's recent advertising campaign featuring "Mac," played by the younger, hoodie-wearing Justin Long and "PC," played by the older, bespectacled John Hodgman. But is there actually any truth to these stereotypes? In April 2011, the Internet was abuzz with the results of a survey on this very topic, conducted by Hunch, a Web site that makes recommendations based on user preferences. It asked users to identify themselves as a Mac or PC person, and then questioned them about a number of self-identifying factors. The results were comically stereotypical. ‎ PC or Mac? Test what type you are. The Mac Versus PC Debate Has Never Been Clearer. “Our goal is not to build the most computers.

The Mac Versus PC Debate Has Never Been Clearer

It’s to build the best.” That was Apple COO Tim Cook two days ago during Apple’s quarterly earnings call. Sure, it may sound like spin from an executive who doesn’t have a better answer as to why Apple isn’t competing in the low-end of the market, and thus, gaining market share. But it’s not. You need look no further than numbers released today by NPD to understand Apple’s strategy. Analysts and journalists are often quick to point out Apple’s relatively low overall market share (less than 10%). Instead, Apple is content to keep churning out its high-quality, high-margin machines, and watch the profits roll in. It’s a metaphor that’s often used, but a way to think about it is if Windows-based PCs as a whole are thought of as a top selling car like the Toyota Camry, Apple’s Mac computers would be more like a luxury car, like a Porsche.

That’s not to say the Camry sucks or that the Porsche is perfect. Mac Vs. PC Pros and Cons. There aren't a lot of things that separate the Macs from the PCs, but then again, they couldn't be more different either.

Mac Vs. PC Pros and Cons

They might essentially have the same hardware, but their 'packaging' and their approach are poles apart. While the PC seems to be more user-friendly, and enjoys popularity, the Mac caters to a niche audience. Let's compare both of them, in all aspects. Hardware PC An aspect that heavily tilts the balance in favor of PCs is the fact that you have the option to choose and customize your machine right from scratch. Mac The iMac boasts of some real impressive hardware, which in turn churn out some serious processing power. Operating System PC Computers, world-over, mainly run on the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Mac The iMac runs the much acclaimed Apple proprietary, Mac OS. Compatibility. Mac vs PC Laptop Pros and Cons 2012 - Computer Repair - Seva Call Blog. The battle between Macintosh and PC users has been going on pretty much since the beginning of time.

Mac vs PC Laptop Pros and Cons 2012 - Computer Repair - Seva Call Blog

Now that Apple’s market share is growing, the battle is stronger than ever. Users are usually extremely attached to their choice in computers, which can make for some ugly online arguments. However, both choices have their merits, and it really all depends on your personal needs. Here we’ll list the features of both Macs and PCs and leave the decision making up to you. Mac vs PC Laptop Pros and Cons 2012 Macs: Pros.

PC Myths Debunked. Why Macs Are The Best Choice: Our local school district’s (publicly made) explanations for abandoning our $10,000,000± Mac investment, center around the following contentions: Myth #1"Windows/PCs are cheaper.

PC Myths Debunked

"Response: Just not so. Despite sometimes having a slightly higher initial purchase cost, Macintosh computers have substantially lower TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP. Learn More! Myth #2"There’s no real difference between Macs and PCs. " Is this still true for Windows Vista? Myth #3"Students need a Windows/PC experience. " Myth #4"There have been problems with our existing Macs. " Myth #5"Mac statistics are outdated, etc. " Myth #6 "PCs are faster than Macs" Response: First of all, in a school setting, speed is hardly paramount. And More... Please note: In our attempt to keep things brief and to the point, our Position pages provide only a representative SAMPLE of the available research. If you have any constructive comments or suggestions about this page, please email John. Get a Mac. ‎

Mac vs. PC: Mythbusting Guide for Consumers. It’s no surprise that the war between Mac and PC users has been going on for ages. Some Mac users can’t stand PC users and vice-versa. Windows users claim that Macs aren’t suitable computers because they’re not practical and Mac users claim that PCs are insufficient and slow. So can we credit these myths? Are Macs not worth their price?

Are Windows PCs really that awful? In this article, we will compare both companies in a very neutral manner! Image credit. After you’ve finished reading this article you should be able to determine which company suits you best. GUI Computers, Who started it? According to Wikipedia, the first successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI) was the Apple Macintosh, and it was introduced on the 24th of January 1984.

Mac vs. Windows: Your Best Arguments. Mac* vs. PC Debate.