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Who Loves Travel Advisors the Most? It's Millennials, Not Boomers. A comprehensive survey of travelers found that it’s baby boomers — not millennials — who are more likely to bypass travel advisors in favor of going online to book trips.

Who Loves Travel Advisors the Most? It's Millennials, Not Boomers

Travelport Global Digital Traveler Research 2019, which mapped travel preferences according to age groups, turned a common assumption on its head, finding that younger travelers are more likely to consult with travel advisors and tour operators for assistance in booking. MIT sees wind+solar going big, dreams of nuclear, forgets batteries exist. Researchers see wind and solar headed to over 40% of US electricity generation, even without major national policy.

MIT sees wind+solar going big, dreams of nuclear, forgets batteries exist

However, analysts project that beyond 40%, the intermittent nature of these sources will drive costs higher without nuclear power than with it. December 9, 2019John Weaver. Home Depot’s circle in the box store. This article is adapted from GreenBiz's newsletter Energy Weekly, running Thursdays.

Home Depot’s circle in the box store

Subscribe here. This is what those Thanksgiving arguments are all about. YouTube. Aeroponic vertical farming: No soil and 90% less water. How does vertical farming, growing foods like spinach and lettuce, in tall technology-supported structures instead of in the ground, produce a bounty of fresh local food all year long?

Aeroponic vertical farming: No soil and 90% less water

To find out, Grateful‘s Lauren Kelly Piergallini visits the green food towers at True Garden in Phoenix, Arizona, where desert soil challenges traditional farming methods and “temperatures reach 120 degrees during the day and 90 degrees at night during peak months.” The facility’s plants are grown in coco coir instead of soil and use 90% less water.

From True Garden: The Circle Way. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is redefining the economy as we know it. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) upends current economic frameworks.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is redefining the economy as we know it

Who makes money - and how - has changed. Demographics have changed. Even the skills that brought our society to where we are today have changed. Leaders must account for these transformations or risk leaving behind their companies, their customers and their constituents. The top three economic frameworks in most urgent need of a 4IR overhaul include income generation, labour force participation and gross domestic product (GDP) measures.

Making money in a world of increased automation The global middle class will play an influential role in how we make money in the future. Wealth divisions and rates of middle-class growth differ from region to region. California's pending crackdown on homeless crisis. With Alice Miranda Ollstein and Rachel Roubein PROGRAMMING NOTE: Morning Pulse won't publish on Thursday, Nov. 28, and Friday, Nov. 29.

California's pending crackdown on homeless crisis

We'll be back on our normal schedule on Monday, Dec. 2. Pro subscribers can follow Pro Health Care for updates. Story Continued Below Editor's Note: This edition of Pulse is published weekdays at 10 a.m. Sudbury Valley School and Unschoolers: We Are Closer Than You Think — John Holt GWS. Enhanced Economics through Integrated Planning: Connecting Water, Land and Forest Management – Local Government Commission. Earlier this month, more than 900 local, regional and state leaders gathered for the largest-ever California Economic Summit to advance a shared agenda for creating inclusive, sustainable growth for all Californians.

Enhanced Economics through Integrated Planning: Connecting Water, Land and Forest Management – Local Government Commission

Public policymakers, private-sector officials and community leaders worked together to identify solutions that holistically address the state’s most pressing issues – affordable housing, quality education, resilient infrastructure, equitable workforce development and sustainable ecosystems – with an emphasis on regional approaches to mobilizing resources. The developing world has hit the brakes on clean energy. Clean-energy investments in the developing world plummeted last year while coal use reached a record high.

The developing world has hit the brakes on clean energy

Those are very bad signs for the climate. Most of the world’s economic expansion in the coming decades will be in nations like China, India, and other emerging markets. So powering that growth with fossil fuels, rather than renewables, threatens to lock in soaring levels of greenhouse gas emissions. The numbers: Investments in solar, wind, and similar projects fell to $133 billion in 2018, down from $169 billion the prior year, according to BloombergNEF’s annual survey of more than 100 emerging markets. China’s role: China, the world’s largest carbon emitter, accounted for most of the decline. Elsewhere: Clean-energy investments fell by $2.4 billion in India and $2.7 billion in Brazil, the report found. Fossil fuels: The other good news is that the capacity of new coal plants did decline to its lowest level in a decade last year, at just under 40 gigawatts.

Become a Member – Ecosystem Restoration Camps. Dariro as model for sustainable global economy. By Dr Tafataona Mahoso WHAT is the problem with the linearist model of development and its language? On the surface the problem is that the linear distinctions are based on what is called progress which is measured as endless ‘economic growth’. Perkins himself pointed out this problem, saying: “…the idea that all economic growth benefits humankind and that the greater the growth, the more widespread the benefits,” is dangerous. YouTube. Four Ways Technology Is Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis. We’re in the midst of a housing affordability crisis that will worsen if increases in housing supply remain anemic while demand increases as expected.

Four Ways Technology Is Addressing the Housing Affordability Crisis

Brian Brooks, chief legal officer at the cryptocurrency company Coinbase (and former Fannie Mae general counsel), outlined the housing sector’s basic supply and demand mismatch during his keynote speech at the Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center’s sixth annual housing symposium. Brooks offered a hopeful vision of four ways technology companies are stepping up to help address this crisis: reducing the cost of supplying new housing, expanding access to capital, improving our risk-prediction methods, and easing the costs and hassles of loan administration. The supply and demand mismatch. Village Movement California. Anderson Valley Village Location: Anderson Valley Phone: 707-684-9829 Facebook Page: Ashby Village Location: Berkeley Phone: 510-204-9200 Website:

Village Movement California

The NYT Tool to Track Car Emissions in U.S. Cities. This nightclub for the elderly is fighting loneliness with tea party disco. Please share our story on: Knitting, owning fifteen cats, reading the newspaper on a rocking chair, staying indoors — these are just some of the many things associated with being old. Extinction Rebellion activists sail sinking house down River Thames. The replica suburban house was floated in front of London's Tower Bridge in the early hours of Sunday in an "attempt to send an SOS to the government on climate inaction," the protest group said in a statement. Extinction Rebellion noted that the ongoing flood disaster in northern England starkly illustrates that "our homes, businesses and families are at very real risk. " "We are watching, in real time, as people's lives are destroyed around the world and in the UK.

Unless action is taken to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero these tragedies are set to worsen," the group said. The Delhi Air Crisis: What It Means for the World. Photos: Delhi’s toxic sky Automotive and industrial emissions fill the air with nitrogen, sulfur dioxides, and “black carbon,” the latter of which includes tiny particles that penetrate deep into the lungs. Circular economy: Why we need to stop recycling. The Prepared - Common Sense Prepping Guides by Survival Experts. The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers. Future of Aging: Senior Cohousing as Antidote to the Loneliness Epidemic. Take the worldview test now!

About the Book – The Enlightened Worldview Project. Coastlines' contribution to climate change might have been underestimated. As Solar Eats The Energy Sector, It’s Time To Revise The “Real Assets” List - Coastlines' contribution to climate change might have been underestimated. Skills Every Child Will Need to Succeed in 21st century. Cohousing coming to West Sacramento. Rocky Mountain Institute Claims New Gas Generating Stations & Pipelines Are Tomorrow's Stranded Assets. Snapmaker Launching 2.0 Version of Combination 3D Printer, Lasercutter and CNC Mill (and Selling the 1.0 at a Discount) Second life lithium battery storage in Kenya to come in at 'half the cost' of lead acid.

While it's early days for recycling and for second life reuse, the potential in both supply and demand terms could be really big. Ikea launches first Christmas ad with 'irreverent' take on festive hosting. The Psychology of Problem-Solving. The Design Thinking Process. The three types of climate change denial. A Third of California Methane Traced to a Few Super-Emitters. 5 Stages in the Design Thinking Process. Announcing ... Visualize Health Equity. How to make a mind map in Prezi in 5 simple steps. What is West Sacramento CA lake’s Cat Boat, where did it go? Feed Hope with the #FEEDSupperChallenge. Joeycastillo/The-Open-Book. The Open Book Project Aims to Develop Open Hardware eBook Reader. Ballroom dancing and tai chi classes to create communities, improve mental health...and prevent suicide. Culturally competent services for suicide prevention among the AAPI communities. A banner year for advancing non-battery storage. To fight climate change, science must be mobilised like it was in World War II.

Food Safety During Power Outage. Solar electricity - $0.027-0.036/KWh retail as renewables. Tindie is the easiest way to buy and sell indie hardware. Food Safety During Power Outage. Walsh outlines Syracuse Surge: The ‘biggest economic growth' plan in city history. 6 myths busted at the Sustainable Development Impact Summit. The circular economy has become the norm: a vision for 2030. Our Story - Valley Clean Energy. Ready Rangers - Accueil. New Hotline Available to Help California’s Most Vulnerable During Power Shutoffs - California Health and Human Services.

Seth - On quitting a freelance gig. Newsletters - Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative. California Energy Commission WebEx Meeting Center. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing how we grow, buy and choose what we eat.