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Project-Based Learning

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A Detailed Visual Guide To Distributed Project-Based Learning. Project-based Learning is a passion of ours at Edudemic. We’ve seen how effective it can be in and out of the classroom. Quite simply, it provides the opportunity for students to learn from each other, get their hands dirty, work in an active learning environment, and to simply have fun at school. What could be better than that? PBL teachers are typically on the lookout for PBL-aligned apps and web tools that can bolster their powerful learning environment. In an effort to help those teachers out, Katie and I found a fabulous new visual diagram that’s all about which apps and tools go with the different parts of distributed project-based learning.

This chart reminds me a bit of the popular ‘Padagogy Chart’ by Allan Carrington we shared here on Edudemic. This diagram breaks down the different phases and goals of PBL into bite-size chunks. As you can see, the tools and apps are all organized quite neatly into each phase. Want a bigger version of this incredible diagram? Source: Four Reasons Your Students Should Join the Quest2Matter. Choose2Matter is a start-up founded by my good friend Angela Maiers, a former teacher well known for her TedXDesMoines speech; Jennifer Bowden, also a former teacher; and Mark Moran, creator of SweetSearch. Choose2Matter challenges people to accept that they matter and to contribute their unique genius to solve the world’s problems. The Company is sponsoring the Quest2Matter, which invites students to share their ideas and actions for solving problems that have meaning to them. Here are four reasons your students should join the Quest2Matter: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Click here to learn more about the Quest2Matter. PBL Made Easy With Blended Learning. What is Project Based Learning? “Project-based learning is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they’re studying.” Common Characteristics of PBL: Hands onInquiry drivenCollaborativeStudent centeredRelevantTackles real world challengesShared with larger community or audience How is PBL aligned with Common Core? Emphasizes communication Stresses real world relevance Encourages higher-order thinking skills – analysis, synthesis, evaluation & creation! Goals of PBL: Develop flexible knowledge & adaptive expertiseMotivate self-directed learningTeach effective problem solvingDrive inquiryLearn how to communicate & collaborateImprove intrinsic motivationShift to active learning Web 2.o Tools to Support a Blended Approach to PBL: Project based learning by nature takes time.

Google search - search engine for finding great information. Journey to Latin America Class Project - Home. How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios. The following post is written by Greg Kulowiec & Beth Holland from EdTechTeacher. You can hear them both present at the April 10-12 EdTechTeacher iPad Summit in Atlanta! As iPads proliferate in schools around the world, and students as well as teachers create more and more content, questions about what to do with all of those learning objects have arisen.

In other words, how can we curate this content into portfolios for assessment as well as reflection. Portfolio Curation with Google Drive Source: The Verge With recent upgrades to the Google Drive app on the iPad, it is now a viable solution for student portfolios that can be created in their entirety on iPad. Everything that is created by a student can be uploaded directly to their Google Drive account and into a “Portfolio” folder that can then be shared with any one of their teachers.

The Google Drive app now allows for the creation of Documents, Spreadsheets, and Folders. Using Portfolios to Make Connections with Evernote. Project-Based Learning Research: Avoiding Pitfalls. The challenges many teachers face in implementing project-based learning well are not to be taken lightly, but we've compiled a list of strategies to avert the most common issues educators face. There are many potential barriers to implementing successful project-based learning -- it requires serious student and teacher commitment, adequate planning time, and buy-in from the top down.

But with these practical tips based on research findings, you can stay away from the most common mistakes educators make, and be confident you are getting started on the right foot with PBL. Schools That Work: Fifth-grade students at the Ferryway School in Massachusetts went on a field trip to visit a historic water wheel (left) and then built their own water wheels with the help of a mentor engineering student (right).

Learn more about this school. Credit: Rob Weller Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes Wrong turns often lead to some of the most memorable learning experiences. Be Realistic and Flexible in Planning. Graphic/ Writing Organizers. E is for Explore! Tools to Support Project-Based Learning (PBL) - Teq. 50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom. Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They’re often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction.

Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom. Resource Creation Using these ideas, your students can collaboratively create classroom valuables. Student Participation These projects are sure to get your students involved. Group Projects Allow wikis to facilitate group work by using these ideas. Student Interaction Get your students to work together on these projects. For the Classroom Use your wiki to create spaces that are special to your class. Community Reach out to the community with these resources that everyone can appreciate. Other Here are even more fun and useful ways to improve your classroom with a wiki. Did you enjoy this article? Practical PBL: Four Tips for Better Implementation.

Blogs on Project-Based Learning. How does Edmodo support PBL? COACHES' CORNER | Dayna Laur A project based learning environment can certainly be created without the use of technology. The addition of technology in the classroom, however, undoubtedly enhances the project based learning experience. As a veteran high school social studies teacher with unlimited access to technology in my classroom, I have experimented with countless web 2.0 tools.

I integrate many of these tools into my projects for a variety of uses, as each has its own purpose and benefit. However, over the last three years I have turned to Edmodo as the platform to facilitate the design, management, and assessment of my projects. Edmodo has many benefits for classroom use. Two of the main reasons why I initially chose to incorporate the social learning, micro-blogging platform include its secure online presence and the fact that it is free! As a free online tool, one would expect Edmodo to contain unwanted advertisements on the site. The Project and Edmodo as Support. Differentiation. Project Based Learning. The Elements Of A Digital Classroom. What are the components of a digital classroom? From eBooks to smartboards, iTunesU implementation to online learning, the classroom as we know it is changing. It’s true that a digital classroom is a vague idea.

And subjective–one educator’s cutting edge learning laboratory is the next educator’s been there, done that. The following inforgraphic looks at some of the more common elements of a digital classroom, including: eBooksBook rental via KindleiPadsOpen Source softwareiTunesUDigital cameras, projectors, and headphones Feel free to storm the comments section below to fill in what’s missing. Combining Web 2.0 into stunning project-based learning. PBL. Publishing Tools. Digital Storytelling Tools. Project Based Learning / Project Based Learning. In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. While allowing for some degree of student "voice and choice," rigorous projects are carefully planned, managed, and assessed to help students learn key academic content, practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking), and create high-quality, authentic products & presentations.

Rigorous and in-depth Project Based Learning: is organized around an open-ended Driving Question or Challenge. These focus students’ work and deepen their learning by centering on significant issues, debates, questions and/or problems.creates a need to know essential content and skills. ~provided by the Buck Institute for Education. CT Toolkit. Designing project-based learning units. Project-Based Learning: Real-World Issues Motivate Students. Concrete, authentic project-based learning helps students illustrate core knowledge. VIDEO: Project-Based Learning: An Overview Running Time: 9 min. Ask Seymour Papert, renowned expert on children and computing, why students are turned off by school, and he quickly offers an example: "We teach numbers, then algebra, then calculus, then physics. Wrong!

" exclaims the Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematician, a pioneer in artificial intelligence. In a growing number of schools, educators are echoing Papert's assertion that engaging students by starting with the concrete and solving hands-on, real-world problems is a great motivator. Students at Harlem's Mott Hall School design their kites on a computer before beginning construction. Credit: Edutopia Projects Run the Gamut Examples of projects applicable to the here and now abound: The Big Picture The Internet is one of a variety of resources used for project-learning research. In-Depth Investigation A Host of Benefits Three Good Reasons.