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Statistics and serious analysis about COVID-19
Coronavirus: Así avanza la vacunación contra la covid-19 en México. México busca una salida a la crisis económica y sanitaria provocada por la pandemia a un año de su llegada oficial.
La vacuna acapara miradas. El Gobierno ha acordado la compra de más de 234 millones de dosis de cinco prototipos diferentes: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Sputnik V, Sinovac y CanSino. Las autoridades han entablado contacto con al menos una decena de laboratorios más para diversificar sus opciones. La escasez y los problemas de suministro a principios de año han diluido el optimismo, pero el inicio de la vacunación masiva a adultos mayores le ha dado un nuevo impulso.
Ya basta, doctor López-Gatell. México superó este jueves los 200.000 muertos oficiales por coronavirus.
Where Europe Went Wrong in Its Vaccine Rollout, and Why. Brussels, by comparison, took a conservative, budget-conscious approach that left the open market largely untouched.
And it has paid for it. In short, the answer today is the same as it was in December, said Dr. Slaoui. The bloc shopped for vaccines like a customer. The United States basically went into business with the drugmakers, spending much more heavily to accelerate vaccine development, testing and production. “They assumed that simply contracting to acquire doses would be enough,” recalled Dr.
Internet Observatory - Virality Project (US): Marketing meets Misinformation. Plandemic was one step in a larger process to raise the profile of its subject.
SIO had begun to observe an increasing number of posts about Plandemic’s subject, Judy Mikovits, beginning on April 16. For two and a half weeks, we observed a series of cross-platform moments in which Judy Mikovits – a scientist whose work was retracted by journal editors – was recast as an expert whistleblower exposing a vast government cover-up. While it was the “Plandemic” video that propelled her to global notoriety, weeks of planned activity led to its rapid virality. We analyzed 41,662 posts on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter starting April 15, when anti-vaccine and natural health Facebook pages began to promote Mikovits and her new book.
- The Washington Post. The Morning: Herd immunity isn't binary. How Coronavirus Has Changed New York City Transit, in One Chart. At 8:30 on weekday mornings, there is now enough space in the Main Concourse at Grand Central Terminal for travelers to walk at least six feet apart.
Most move at a stroll rather than the New York City speedwalk. Early last year, about 160,000 people passed through the station each weekday. Ridership is now less than a quarter of that. The pandemic has profoundly disrupted the largest public transit system in America, throwing it into financial turmoil.
Covid-19 vaccine: Amount of people with hesitancy dropping rapidly. KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: February 2021. The KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor is an ongoing research project tracking the public’s attitudes and experiences with COVID-19 vaccinations.
Using a combination of surveys and qualitative research, this project tracks the dynamic nature of public opinion as vaccine development and distribution unfold, including vaccine confidence and acceptance, information needs, trusted messengers and messages, as well as the public’s experiences with vaccination. Key Findings As COVID-19 vaccination distribution efforts continue across the United States, the latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor reports that a majority (55%) of U.S. adults now say they have received at least one dose of the vaccine (18%) or that they will get it as soon as they can (37%), up from 47% in January and 34% in December.
Gmail - Email from Google.
Vaccine Tracker.
COVID19 Folder Economics
2020 Aavaz facebook threat health. Mythbusters. Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker Updates: The Latest. How Gamaleya’s Sputnik V Vaccine Works. Covid Performance - Lowy Institute. More analysis Coronavirus continues to spread worldwide with more than 90 million confirmed cases across 190 countries and two million deaths as of mid-January 2021.
For nearly a year, governments and societies have been turned inwards to fight an invisible enemy, exposing competing structures, vulnerabilities, and political priorities. The pandemic has also given rise to an ‘infodemic’ of narratives and counter-narratives about what kinds of states are inherently better suited to combatting the virus. This Interactive explores how almost 100 countries with publicly available and comparable data on the virus have managed the pandemic in the 36 weeks following their hundredth confirmed case of COVID-19, using data available to 9 January 2021. Countries have been sorted into broad categories — by regions, political systems, population size, and economic development — to determine whether significant variations exist between different types of states in the handling of the pandemic.
Covid: What’s happening to the EU vaccine scheme?
See How Coronavirus Restrictions Compare to Case Counts in Every State. Coronavirus cases are rising in almost every U.S. state.
But the surge is worst now in places where leaders neglected to keep up forceful virus containment efforts or failed to implement basic measures like mask mandates in the first place, according to a New York Times analysis of data from the University of Oxford. Using an index that tracks policy responses to the pandemic, these charts show the number of new virus cases and hospitalizations in each state relative to the state’s recent containment measures. ⟵ Fewer Containment measures More ⟶ 200 Avg. newcases per100,000 Ala. Alaska Ariz. Ark. Calif. Colo. Conn. Fla. Ga.
New, contagious coronavirus variant could worsen pandemic, CDC warns.
A variant first identified in Britain known as B.1.1.7 is being found in the US as well, and modeling indicates it could worsen the already terrible spread of the virus across the country, the CDC researchers said.
That means people need to try harder to wear masks, avoid gatherings and stay socially distant from one another. "It means that it is going to be harder and harder to control it. Any of those measures we are going to have to do to a higher degree, including vaccination," Dr. Gregory Armstrong, who directs the Office of Advanced Molecular Detection at CDC's respiratory diseases division, told CNN. "Multiple lines of evidence indicate that B.1.1.7 is more efficiently transmitted than are other SARS-CoV-2 variants," Armstrong and colleagues wrote in the agency's weekly report, the MMWR. "Variant B.1.1.7 has the potential to increase the U.S. pandemic trajectory in the coming months.
" The virus has already infected more people in the US and killed more than in any other country.
Study projects coronavirus pandemic will reduce US life expectancy in 2020. A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences projects that Covid-19 will reduce US life expectancy in 2020 by 1.13 years, with a disproportionate number of deaths occurring among Black and Latino populations.
When combined with provisional estimates of US death rates for the first half of the year, the data show a clear rise in the mortality rate as the pandemic took hold of the nation. "Estimated reductions for the Black and Latino populations are three to four times that for Whites. Consequently, Covid-19 is expected to reverse over 10 years of progress made in closing the Black−White gap in life expectancy and reduce the previous Latino mortality advantage by over 70%," according to the researchers of the study, Theresa Andrasfay of the University of Southern California and Noreen Goldman of Princeton University's Office of Population Research. But the pandemic has set back all that progress, and also widened the gap between Black−White life expectancy.
Economics of COVID-19 Vaccines. December 23, 2020 There are over a hundred vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 in development, including at least 54 vaccines currently being tested on human subjects [1].
Many biotechnological companies and partnerships are involved, collaborating and competing against each other to develop and produce effective and safe vaccines.
Covid: UK surge in cases an 'extreme concern'
Día Mundial del Sida: Lecciones del VIH para la covid-19. Nota a los lectores: EL PAÍS ofrece en abierto todo el contenido de la sección Planeta Futuro por su aportación informativa diaria y global sobre la Agenda 2030, la erradicación de la pobreza y la desigualdad, y el progreso de los países en desarrollo. Si quieres apoyar nuestro periodismo, suscríbete aquí.
Covid: Thanksgiving the cause of a spike in US infections?
Sinovac: What do we know about China's Covid-19 vaccine?
Coronavirus: The human cost of fake news in India. US Coronavirus: Vaccines won't rid us of Covid-19, expert says.
Watch CNN's "Coronavirus Town Hall: The Vaccines," hosted by Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT Friday. "I would like to say vaccines do not equal zero Covid," said Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the World Health Organization's Health Emergencies Program.
The US is seeing the worst days of the pandemic and had its highest day of new cases -- 217,664 -- and deaths -- 2,879 -- on Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins. More than 14.3 million cases and more than 278,000 deaths have been recorded in the US, according to Johns Hopkins University.
When can I get a coronavirus vaccine?
It almost sounds as if people will be lining up everywhere before New Year's to get a vaccine. But while millions of health care workers may be able to get immunized against the virus before the end of the year, the rest of the population is going to have to wait for months.
Healthy adults under the age of 65 and children may well have to wait until late spring or even the summer, depending on how many vaccines get approved, how quickly they can be manufactured and distributed, and how the debate goes over allocation. Here's a look at what to expect from the coming coronavirus vaccination campaign. Who can get a vaccine and when? December. China has promised millions of coronavirus vaccines to countries around the world. And it is ready to deliver them. A security worker in face mask, surgical gown and rubber gloves stands guard. Anyone entering this part of the warehouse has to either complete two weeks of quarantine or wear a head-to-toe hazmat suit.
In the coming months, China will be sending hundreds of millions of doses of coronavirus vaccines to countries that have conducted last-stage trials for its leading candidates. Chinese leaders have also promised a growing list of developing countries priority access to its successful vaccines. The vaccines can also be used by Beijing as "an instrument for foreign policy to promote soft power and project international influence," said Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Washington-based Council on Foreign Relations.
Covid vaccine: Rumours thrive amid trickle of pandemic facts. Fundación Slim producirá 77.4 millones de vacunas contra Covid-19 de AstraZeneca para México. – unomásuno.
Fundación Slim producirá 150 millones de vacunas para América Latina, casi el 50 por ciento serán para México AstraZeneca informó que la vacuna contra la covid-19 que está desarrollando tiene una efectividad de 70.4 por ciento.
Slim financiará producción en México de vacuna contra COVID-19. Coronavirus: Is the US the worst-hit country for deaths?
Coronavirus: How many more people are dying?
Launch and Scale Speedometer. Mapping COVID-19 Vaccine Pre-Purchases Across the Globe A flurry of nearly 200 COVID-19 vaccine candidates are moving forward through the development and clinical trials processes at unprecedented speed; more than ten candidates are already in Phase 3 large-scale trials and several have received emergency or limited authorization. Also unprecedented is the number of advance market commitments (AMCs) made by countries and multilateral partnerships eager to reserve vaccine supply, even before any candidates are on the market.
Our team has aggregated and analyzed publicly available data on vaccine procurement and manufacturing to track the flow of procurement and better understand global equity challenges.
2020 StanfordGatherings s41586 020 2923 3. Mobility network models of COVID-19 explain inequities and inform reopening. The Methods is structured as follows. We describe the datasets that we used in the ‘Datasets’ section and the mobility network that we derived from these datasets in the ‘Mobility network’ section. In the ‘Model dynamics’ section, we discuss the SEIR model that we overlaid on the mobility network; in the ‘Model calibration’ section, we describe how we calibrated this model and quantified uncertainty in its predictions.
Finally, in the ‘Analysis details’ section, we provide details on the experimental procedures used for our analyses of mobility reduction, reopening plans and demographic disparities.
Wcms 755910 ILO Monitor COVID. COVID-19 Pandemic in the World of Work: ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. 6th edition. Covid-19: Normal life back next winter, says vaccine creator. Immunising the world against Covid-19. Covid: How the UK reached 50,000 virus deaths. Covid vaccine: what does the Pfizer vaccine news mean?
Coronavirus: What is the R number and why does it matter?
Covid: How close are we to a vaccine?
How do I find a new job during Covid and which sectors are hiring?
Coronavirus: The lost six weeks when US failed to contain outbreak. News BBC News Navigation Sections. Coronavirus: Is the pandemic getting worse in the US?
The news in the US has been dominated by anti-racism protests for the past couple of weeks, but coronavirus is now back in the headlines.
Las farmacéuticas alertan de que no hay capacidad industrial para fabricar la vacuna del coronavirus. La pandemia sigue el rastro de la desigualdad en México. Coronavirus: ccu cgg cgg gca: las doce letras que cambiaron el mundo. Dos senadores republicanos vendieron acciones antes de que colapsara el mercado por el coronavirus. En medio de una crisis de dimensiones todavía desconocidas que ha forzado al presidente Donald Trump a comparecer ante la prensa cada día, dos senadores del Partido Republicano enfrentan duras críticas y la petición de dimisión por haberse desprendido de acciones sacando un alto rédito supuestamente utilizando información privilegiada.
Las curvas del coronavirus en 50 países: así ha saltado desde Asia a Europa y Latinoamérica.
El coronavirus ya ha sido detectado al menos en 160 países de cinco continentes.
Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)
Lancet Inf Dis Article: Here.
Modelling the coronavirus epidemic in a city with Python. Reproduction numbers during epidemics in R software. Daily risk assessment on COVID-19, 9 March 2020. Situation update worldwide, as of 11 March 2020 08:00.