Writing Communities Connect Bloggers Across WordPress.com. We blog because we have something we want to express and we hope it will resonate with someone else.
Blogging enables us to build powerful connections with people we might have never met otherwise. There are lots of blogging communities and challenges aimed at fostering those relationships and inspiring more blogging. These three, all writing-focused, are building global networks of blogger-writers — maybe you’ll find a home in one! Today’s Author The mission of Today’s Author couldn’t be simpler, or more powerful: to foster a community of creative writers through a healthy and supportive environment. TweetDeck. Writing Poetry. Writing Urban Fiction. Thinking about writing an Urban Fiction but not sure how to start?
Good urban fiction writing has a few necessary elements to make it great. Sure anyone can conjure up a good tale but urban fiction is a bit different. I have studied urban fiction and know what I like to read and I’m also writing a juicy urban fiction tale titled “Platinum Dust” I will attempt to share a few tips that I’ve learned on creating a page turning urban tale. Urban Fiction Background When thinking about creating an urban fiction novel you must remember “urban” literally refers to the streets or the background for your story. Political Writing. Say you are a young person beginning to write about politics and policy.
You probably have some idea of what you believe, but have you thought about how you believe it? That is, have you thought about where you will sit on the continuum that stretches from writers who are engaged to those who are detached? Writers who are at the classic engaged position believe that social change is usually initiated by political parties. To have the most influence, the engaged writer wants to channel his efforts through a party. Mystery Writing Lessons.
Create compelling characters Most of all the characters are important. You want them to be "rather more than stereotypes. The characters should be real human beings, each of whom comes alive for the reader, not pasteboard people to be knocked down in the final chapter. " Writing Historical. Ethics: Rules for Writing Historical Novels These are my seven guidelines. 1.
Don't invent history. Writing Erotica. As most of you know, Cracked.com is actually my night job.
My real job is, and has been for the last several years, Chief Editor in Chief at O'Brien & "Sons" Erotic Fiction Publishing House, where I've been overseeing the publishing and distribution of thousands of the most successful Erotic Fiction novels to hit the stands. If you picked up an Erotic Fiction Novel (EroFicNov) over the last decade, chances are it carried the O'Brien & "Sons" label. As you can imagine, a ton of Erotic Fiction Manuscripts (EroFicMan) have come across my desk over the years, some of it great, some of it not so great.
Romance Writing. Crime Novel Writing. Thinking of writing a crime novel?
Good choice – it’s currently one of the nation’s most popular genres! But, this also means that the competition for publication is fierce. Writing Faction - fact/fiction. Why is a faction—blending fact with fiction—unacceptable as a genre in literary works?
A faction is, indeed, a blending of fact and fiction (as is the word itself). The term is problematic because readers want to know which category a book falls into, and “faction” doesn’t provide that. Of course, blending fact and fiction in literature isn’t all that uncommon, and authors often signal to readers very clearly what the book’s leanings are by sorting it out it in the preface, or by choosing a more precise label.
Screenwriting. Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
Colette As the saying goes, "Funny is money. " The person who can write funny has a definite edge over the person who finds it difficult. Comedy Writing. Short Stories. Publishing Companies. Despite concerns about consolidation among publishing houses, sales of the top 10 companies accounted for 55% of revenue of the 50 publishers that are on the list for both 2012 and 2011, down from 57% in 2011.
One reason for the decline is the increasing number of publishers from emerging markets gaining sales worldwide. That has been especially true among publishers in the 20th to 50th spots on the ranking; total revenues from those 30 companies accounted for 25% of sales in 2012, up from 21% in 2011. In addition, several new companies have been added to the ranking this year, including two Chinese publishers and one from Russia, bringing the list to 60 publishers.
As has been true in recent years, publishers that specialize in scientific/technical/medical books and journals generated the highest revenue in 2012, followed by education and then trade. Self Published & other topics. CreateSpace: Self Publishing and Free Distribution for Books, CD, DVD. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: Self-publish your book to Amazon's Kindle Store. SCI-FI Writing. Adventure Stories. Action Stories. Think “action scene,” and you probably think of the Hollywood version: A character is thrust into high-stakes, physical drama (a gunfight, a daring rescue, a desperate escape) that changes her in some important way, and moves the action forward. Action scenes serve the same function in your fiction, but they need not be over-the-top to be effective.
A surprise phone call, an unexpected visit, or an ill-timed delay will force your character to respond quickly (rather than reflect), and allows you to advance the plot without miring it in long descriptive passages and explanations. The key to writing action scenes is to make sure that something happens that impels your protagonist to act, reveals her capacity to deal with problems, and affects future events in the story. “The only requirement of an action scene is that it rely in part upon physical movement through the space you’ve created, and evoke a sense of time passing,” says Jordan E.
Rosenfeld, author of Make a Scene. How to Write Fight Scenes (with Sample Fight Scenes. Writing Fantasy. Last night, A Game Of Thrones author George R.R. Martin took to the stage at the Sydney Opera House to discuss his popular fantasy series, the spin-off HBO TV show and his craft as a writer. Below are ten kernels of wisdom that could help budding authors write their own fantasy saga. (Surprisingly, ‘take your time’ isn’t one of them.) Photo: Getty Images Don’t limit your imagination I knew right from the beginning I wanted the story to be large and complex. Writing Horror.
25 Things You Should Know About Writing Horror. I grew up on horror fiction. Used to eat it up with a spoon. These days, not so much, but only I suspect because the horror releases just aren’t coming as fast and furious as they once did. But really, the novels I have coming out so far are all, in their own way, horror novels. Children's Writing. Freelance Writing. Make A Living Writing - Practical Help for Hungry Writers. General Writing Tips.
Writer Unboxed. Terrible Minds. Writer's Block. Character Building. MOODY WRITING.