How C-A-R Storytelling Gives Executive Resume Branding Zing. Granted, a resume is a very confining career marketing document.
It needs to be concise and to-the-point . . . no arbitrary information included, to keep it to a reasonable length. It’s purpose, whether in the form of an actual resume or adjusted to be an online profile, is to market you to gain interviews with your target employers. On the other hand, in order to brand yourself in your resume, you need to differentiate the value you offer your target employers over your competition.
That requires infusing some personality into the content. After all, if you’re job searching effectively, you’re getting your resume in front of human eyeballs, not just applicant tracking systems that scan and dump your resume into a database. That’s a tall order. How do you get some zing into your resume? I have my executive clients choose 4-5 (or more) standout contributions they’ve made to companies, in terms of business value, within the past 10-15 years. 1. 2. 3. Related posts: Inicio. 7 tips for getting into the game art industry. With 20 years as a creative in the games industry, Rick Schmitz has worked on all types of games – from Genesis, flip phone, PC to iOS and Android games – over titles as broad as Everquest and Plants vs.
Zombies. Here he reveals some lessons he's learnt from his career in the industry – a top 20 to do list worth checking out... We artists are an odd breed. There's nothing in our formal training that teaches us to collaborate with other artists, let alone with engineers, marketers, producers and players. Everything I have learned about being an art director has been on the job. I've worn a lot of different hats, from animator to character designer to texture artist to background artist. 01. Only put really good stuff in your portfolio.
Your portfolio is only as strong as the weakest piece in it. I have a lot to do on any given day and I won't watch the whole reel if I'm not wowed in the first 15 seconds. 02. Эннеаграмма как инструмент ведущего HR-специалиста. Крупнейшие мировые компании (General Motors, Toyota, Procter & Gamble, Sony и др.) в качестве инструмента подбора и найма персонала, тим-билдинга, работы со своими наиболее высокооплачиваемыми сотрудниками используют Эннеаграмму.
Это новейший в России, но действительно необычайно действенный инструмент для организации Эффективного, хорошо работающего и приносящего прибыль Бизнеса. Как? Элементарно! Подробности тут Эннеаграмма для Бизнеса Согласно эннеаграмме каждый человек относится к одному явно доминирующему в нем типу личности, который зависит (или диктуется) от глубинной скрытой (подсознательной) мотивации, присущей данному типу. Эти знания можно использовать на многих этапах работы с персоналом. Снятие запроса на вакансию;Написание вакансии;Рекрутинг: Собеседование и Подбор персонала;Написание должностных обязанностей и контроль;Командообразование и тим-билдинг;Нематериальная Мотивация сотрудников;Обучение и развитие персонала;и другие варианты использования Эннеа. 1. Библиотека бизнесмена / Деловой журнал "Бизнес ключ" 10 Consumer Behavior Studies on Persuasion and Conversion. Since they comprise nearly a quarter of your potential customers, you should learn some of the smart techniques to minimize buying pain for your “tightwad” customers.
Fortunately, the secret boils down to utilizing well-written copy that appeals to their apprehensive nature. According to some remarkable neuroimaging studies, minimizing buying pain for tightwads (and everybody else) can be successfully accomplished by incorporating three simple strategies. 1. Reframing Value If you see a product that costs $1,000 per year, you’d definitely approach the purchase with a little caution, right?
Right! What if the product was just $84 per month instead? The thing is, $84/month is the same as $1,000/year! While this reframing method is effective for buyers of all types, it is most effective when targeting conservative spenders. 2. These individual purchases create individual pain points, whereas a bundled purchase creates only one pain point, even if the price is much greater. 8 Keywords That Set Your Resume On Fire. This article is part of a series called How to Write a Resume.
To start this series from the beginning, read the introduction. Does your resume sizzle with the right keywords to get you noticed? Can your resume make it past the “reject pile”, get found in a crowded search database, or inspire a job interview? If you’re sitting by the phone waiting for a hiring manager to call, then perhaps it’s time to add the right keywords to your resume. In the previous article we squawked about how action verbs show hiring managers what actions you’ve taken in previous jobs. Employers want to know the skills and qualifications you offer – so explain WHAT skills you possess with the right keywords and get yourself onto the hiring manager’s job interview list. The keys to peak performance. Cómo encontrar trabajo si las ofertas de empleo son invisibles. [How To] Be Yourself During Interviews. Tell me something about yourself.
Interview questions and answers. How to Answer Tell Me About Yourself. Job Interview Skills - Questions and Answers. Answers to 5 toughest job interview questions. Answers to 5 toughest job interview questions.