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A Super Better Gameful Life. Gustavo Tondello is a Gamification Consultant and Ph.D.

A Super Better Gameful Life

Student in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, Canada. His main interests include gamification and games for health and learning. Gamification. Critical Approaches – book edited by Jarosław Kopeć and Krzysztof Pacewicz. How Nonprofits Can Increase Engagement Through Gamification  If you work at a nonprofit organization, you know it can be tough to engage your supporter base.

How Nonprofits Can Increase Engagement Through Gamification 

Even though the work you're doing to save the world is critically important, it's hard to compete for people's attention. This is particularly true for engaging supporters online, when you're up against Tumblr blogs of adorable animals, playing Candy Crush Saga, and watching the latest TV episodes on Hulu. How Nonprofits Can Increase Engagement Through Gamification  The Business Advantages of Gamification. In a highly competitive business environment having any edge is an advantage.

The Business Advantages of Gamification

Implemented correctly gamification will not only give your business an edge over your competitors but it will also help to make your business sustainable. The Gamification of Social Media. The Gamification of Social Media The Gamification of Social Media Robert Nissenbaum (follow him on Twitter at @RNissenbaum) of Tactical Social Media recently wrote a post about fun being the ROI of social media, which made me think.

The Gamification of Social Media

We’re all intrigued by fun, but can it lead to more business? If you read the statistics on how many hours people spend playing games, with every subsequent generation spending more time and money, then you’d say it makes a lot of sense. For instance, Millennials spend 1.47 hours a day playing games, according to the Wall Street Journal. 1.47 hours! Anything Can Be Gamified Gamification is the practice of adding gamelike elements to reward behavior in a non-game setting. Four Square and Gamification. Peeple: This new app lets you rate PEOPLE out of five stars... and anyone you know can give you a mark. A new TripAdvisor-style app has been developed to allow people to rate anyone they know out of five stars.

Peeple: This new app lets you rate PEOPLE out of five stars... and anyone you know can give you a mark

The free iPhone app, Peeple, enables users to "review" friends, colleagues and dating partners by giving them a star rating like they would a restaurant or film – whether that person likes it or not. Enterprise Gamification, Is IT Addictive? Let’s assume you’ve decided to use gamification – the use of game mechanics to encourage behaviors – such as checking in (foursquare/swarm), selling (CRM scenarios), completing coursework (eLearning).

Enterprise Gamification, Is IT Addictive?

Let’s assume it is in an enterprise gamification context. Maybe you’re gamifying learning, or call center activities, or sales. Best Practices for Salesforce Gamification - Salesforce Ben. You run a sales organization that relies on Salesforce to track employee activity, pipelines, and revenue.

Best Practices for Salesforce Gamification - Salesforce Ben

Chances are, one of the following 5 scenarios sounds familiar. Your sales team is engaged and focused in their actual sales performance, but indifferent about logging their info into Salesforce.A large segment of your sales team is disengaged and unfocused.Sales team members needs constant direction about the activities they should be doing.There is a lack of communication and peer-to-peer coaching amongst your sales team.Your organizational culture needs work and is causing you to lose top talent.

Any of those ring a bell? If so, you’re not getting the full value out of your Salesforce CRM. The Gamification of Social Media. How Gamification Can Help Your Company Get More Users. Startups are on the rise, making entrepreneurship as fashionable as rock stardom.

How Gamification Can Help Your Company Get More Users

The best side of this development is the huge role startups are beginning to play in the job market. Fun is the Future: Mastering Gamification. Gamification: The Savior Of Employee Productivity. Less than one-third (31.5%) of U.S. workers were engaged in their jobs in 2014, according to a 2015 Gallup poll.

Gamification: The Savior Of Employee Productivity

Here’s how Gamification can improve that metric. Looking for a new form of Monday Motivation? Game Theory - Stanford University & The University of British Columbia. About the Course Popularized by movies such as "A Beautiful Mind", game theory is the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction among rational (and irrational) agents.

Game Theory - Stanford University & The University of British Columbia

Beyond what we call 'games' in common language, such as chess, poker, soccer, etc., it includes the modeling of conflict among nations, political campaigns, competition among firms, and trading behavior in markets such as the NYSE. How could you begin to model eBay, Google keyword auctions, and peer to peer file-sharing networks, without accounting for the incentives of the people using them? The course will provide the basics: representing games and strategies, the extensive form (which computer scientists call game trees), Bayesian games (modeling things like auctions), repeated and stochastic games, and more. Use The Psychology Of Gamification To Grow eCommerce Sales. In the retail business, only one thing really counts – sales. If you are not selling the products on offer in your store, you will not be in business for long. Historically, retailers have tried various tactics to try to get consumers to spend more money, some of them successful, some of them not.

For a long time, using promotions was a tried and tested method of getting consumers to “buy in” to a particular store or a particular brand. This was especially true before the advent of online shopping, when consumers had to physically go to the store, and spend time there exposed only to the brands and offers of the store manager’s choice. Gaming and gamification in academic and library settings. Forge Reply partners with Chicco to develop the Toy ... AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) - AMCIS 2015 Proceedings: The Effect of Mobile Gamification on Brand Loyalty. Description The purpose of this study is mainly to use the gamification concept to design a mobile gaming app (application) for contextual marketing, and we will integrate digital game design technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and global positioning system (GPS). The study will then look at associated consumer value and brand loyalty created by the users after experiencing the mobile game.

15295036.2015. Gamification in engineering education and professional training. Angelos P Markopoulos, Section of Manufacturing Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Athens, Greece. Email: The incorporation of game mechanics and dynamics in non-gaming applications is a subject of interest in various sectors such as education, marketing, medicine and military, in the last few years. It is believed that engineering education in a pre-graduate level and in professional practice will bring high pay-offs. The role of the academia is to develop new methodologies and tools to produce, apply and use digital games and gamification techniques in contemporary industry and present scientific evidence on the value and the benefits derived from this technology.

Gamification in the Digital Age of Marketing. Gamification & Mobile Apps Help Personal Finance Goals. Mobile Apps & Gamification Help Personal Finance Goals by Jessica Oaks. Top 6 Benefits Of Gamification In eLearning. Work is Just a Game We Call Life. Our generation is changing the world. Another Win for Digital Marketing: 4 Gamification Methods That Increase Conversions. On Gamification, Games, and Edtech. Today, everyone is playing games, whether it is tapping away on Candy Crush Saga or zoning out in front of a TV or monitor for a few hours playing an intense role-playing game.

Gamification 2015 - Open Online Course. Course Summary Games have become the new normal. The gaming industry is already more powerful than any other form of entertainment like music or movies. Retailers turn to data, gamification to keep customers shopping. The Canadian shopping landscape experienced another loss last week as Blacks announced plans to fold up operations. But retailers are still finding ways to reach customers in a connected world. Blacks was the latest retailer to join a list of brands ceasing operations in Canada.

Despite efforts to focus on digital prints and photo gifts, the storied company said it was unable to achieve growth and will close stores Aug 8. “Technological innovations have changed the way Canadians take and share photographs, with fewer of us using retail photo outlets,” said a statement issued from the photography chain last week.