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InEX.Life - Your resource for Inexhaustible Life. Information is Beautiful. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. How to Improve Short-Term Memory. Oye Juanjo! Como es sabido, en este blog nos dedicamos a recopilar una serie de recursos educativos para complementar nuestra formación profesional ...

Oye Juanjo!

Una de las organizaciones financieras internacionales más importantes del mundo acaba de anunciar el lanzamiento de cinco cursos gratuit... Simone de Beauvoir, Frida Kahlo, Isabel Allende, Rosario Castellanos, Gabriela Mistral, y Alfonsina Storni forman parte de esta colecci... Si tu propósito para este año 2017 es cultivar el hábito de la lectura, entonces llegaste al lugar indicado, porque hemos reunido una se...

Bonjour! Explora cientos de videos y clases interactivas en estos cinco canales de Youtube para aprender francés . 50 activities for developing critical thinking skills. Explore ideas worth spreading. 15 sayings from around the world that are sure to refresh your vocabulary. If you live in America, chances are you've heard (or used) the phrase "Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

15 sayings from around the world that are sure to refresh your vocabulary.

" Most of us know it means, essentially, that you shouldn't make all your plans based on one possible thing happening. But it's kind of a weird phrase, right? Have you ever stopped to wonder where it originated? Its use in print has been traced to the novel "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes in the early 1600s, although it possibly was mistranslated to an inexact English idiom from the original and may have other roots in Italian phrases.

Different cultures around the world all have their own similar sayings — proverbs, if you will — that make sense to those who've grown up speaking the language but sound downright odd to anyone who hasn't. James Chapman is fascinated by these sayings and how they translate across languages and cultures. When Chapman was getting his doctorate in physics, he started to pick up some of those sayings from students who spoke other languages. 1. 2. 3. Memory skills that will make you smarter. Flickr / Bryan Alexander Learning ability is probably the most important skill you can have.

Memory skills that will make you smarter

Take it from Peter Brown, Henry Roediger, and Mark McDaniel, authors of "Make It Stick: The Science Of Successful Learning. " "We need to keep learning and remembering all our lives," they write. Thinking Minds – Educate yourself. These Are the 5 Best TED Talks Ever, According to the Guy Who Runs TED. Object moved.


10 Ways to Develop Your Creativity. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed.

10 Ways to Develop Your Creativity

Thanks for visiting! **Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post by Catharina F. de Wet, Ph.D and author of One View of Giftedland, a blog focusing on talented and gifted education. Google the word “creativity” and you will get almost 84 million hits. The first few has to do with defining creativity and it ranges from the cerebral Wikipedia definition: “Creativity (or “creativeness”) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts” to a simple definition by Henry Miller: “ The occurrence of a composition which is both new and valuable.” Because of research we know a significant amount about the creative process and creative people. Generally speaking, when we talk about a creative person, we have in mind two kinds of people.

Here are ten things you can do to develop your creativity: 2 – Examine and remove perceptual blocks. 8 – Make time to think. Curiosity: Be Inspired To Learn Every Day. How to Hack Your Brain. Motivation and Self Improvement - Stuff to Blow Your Mind. Oye Juanjo!