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10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013. Dylan Charles, ContributorActivist Post The long anticipated and prophesied year, 2012, has come and gone; yet, the problems and challenges facing mankind and planet earth remain.

10 Things for Conscious People to Focus on in 2013

Those who have put stock in the idea of conscious evolution are now faced with the burden of proof: is there any legitimacy to this idea of a ‘shift?’ Some human experiences prove too extraordinary and too far outside of the purview of science and intellect to effectively put into words. The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation. The following text is based upon a talk given by Mr.

The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation

S.N. Goenka in Berne, Switzerland. Everyone seeks peace and harmony, because this is what we lack in our lives. From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dishar­mony. And when we suffer from these miseries, we don't keep them to ourselves; we often distribute them to others as well. We ought to live at peace with ourselves, and at peace with others. How To Forgive, And Why You Should. By Angela Haupt for U.S.

How To Forgive, And Why You Should

News Health. Shiatsu self massage. The Perfect Massage - Q by Equinox - StumbleUpon. Learn to give a mind-blowing rubdown.

The Perfect Massage - Q by Equinox - StumbleUpon

(You can both thank us later). Thursday, September 8, 2011 Nothing says “I’m a keeper” like a well-executed massage. The problem? After a few thumb jabs and some lackluster squeezing, most of us run out of steam. The Set-UpHow do massage therapists manage to go all day without aching hands? Kneading Probably the most quintessential massage technique, you’ll rotate your thumbs and fingers simultaneously in circular movements. Squeezing“The muscles on either side of your shoulders are notorious for carrying stress,” says Burgess, “so you want to give this area some attention.” PercussionEssentially a hand chop, this technique is a good closer after you’ve worked a particular section of the body. Reflexology Chart. The Chakra System. Home Table of Contents What is a Chakra?

The Chakra System

The word chakra is a Sanskrit word which is derived from the verb car ("to move"). There are several literal meanings of chakra: wheel circle center. Chakra Test. HEALING PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALS AND STONES - BY PROPERTIES. ASTROSHAMANS. Deep Breathing Exercises. Organic Health Blog Pages Categories.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Meditation in Devon & Cornwall. Soul Freedom. What will the process do for me?

Soul Freedom

Soul Freedom Therapy uses a remarkably powerful, yet simple process that people from all walks of life are now experiencing in order to free themselves permanently from emotional issues, painful relationship dynamics, negative life patterns and unresourceful belief patterns. Physical pain can be permanently cleared and many illnesses respond amazingly to this process. The gentle yet profoundly healing Soul Freedom Process gets to the very core of your issue.

It is experienced at the deepest level, that of Essence, Soul or ‘Source’, the part of you that you might think of as your ‘inner wisdom’. From here you can finally uncover the underlying cause, resolve it and truly set yourself free. This powerful process gives remarkably profound and lasting results. You can finally free yourself from emotional issues like sadness, inner loneliness, anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, and grief…and much more Sexual blocks and addictions fall away. What Is Wabi-Sabi? Ayurveda - Basis For Ayurvedic Philosophy. Vata is a force conceptually made up of elements ether and air.

Ayurveda - Basis For Ayurvedic Philosophy

The proportions of ether and air determine how active Vata is. The amount of ether (space) affects the ability of the air to gain momentum. If unrestricted, as in ocean, air can gain momentum and become forceful such as a hurricane. Vata means "wind, to move, flow, direct the processes of, or command. " Harmony With Nature and Developing Perfect Health. Basis For Ayurvedic Philosophy Harmony With The Nature and Developing Perfect Health The theoretical side of Ayurveda provides insights into how to live one's life in harmony with nature and natural laws and rhythms.

Harmony With Nature and Developing Perfect Health

Its practical side - specifically its guidelines for an intelligently regulated diet and daily routine, its techniques for stress management, and its exercises for increased fitness and alertness-help us take control of our lives and develop radiant health. Enhance your Emotional Intelligence. The Highly Sensitive Person. Understanding the 'Sensitives' Mindfulness In Plain English. A PDF preview from the 20th edition - Click Here Special Offer - 20% Off the latest edition / The 20th Anniversary Edition - eBook or paperback / See Below "Mindfulness in Plain English" has been on a while now for free download, but the edition I posted years ago was the first edition and is now rather dated.

Mindfulness In Plain English

Over the last few months I have been in contact with the publisher at Wisdom Publications about M.I.P.E... I have come to understand any money that would have gone to Wisdom Publications (a non-profit publisher of Buddhist books) and the author Ven. Henepola Gunaratana to support his Buddhist Center the Bhavana Society, is forever lost. Beginners guide to buddhism. © 1995 Dharman Craig PressonAll Rights Reserved. Beginners guide to zen habits. By Leo Babauta I know a lot of people who fall into a slump, losing the habit of exercise, procrastinating with work, slipping into a bad diet, and generally not feeling motivated.