Herbs & Herbal Uses
Herbs in medicine, cooking, and magic. Find charts, planting tips, and other uses for these valuable plants below. Imagine....awakening in the morning and stepping outside to a lush and fragrant paradise....which exists to satisfy your own culinary, medicinal, and even spiritual needs..... Welcome to Herb Gardening! What is an herb?
Chakras - Aligning Your Chakras
Chakra: Index | Basics | Symbols/Names | Primary 7 | Exercises | Foods | Meditations What Are Chakras? Chakras are our energy centers. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura.
International Pathwork Foundation
The lectures given by Eva Pierrakos from 1957 until her death in 1979 are the heart of the Pathwork. They are an astonishing roadmap to self-responsibility, self-knowledge, and true self-acceptance. They point the way to genuine love of self, others, and the Divine.
Chakra Balanicing Third Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Meditations for Healing
Chakra Balancing – Meditations for Healing & Essential Oils to Use by KG Stiles, LMT, RBT, CBP, CAT “The day that you discover the sanctuary of the Divine within you is the day that your life settles down forever and that you’re ready for the magic of the true adventure.” - John O’Donohue, Irish Poet & Philosopher
The Sabbats of Wicca
Learn Wicca / Wicca 101 / Faerie Tradition Because witches honor nature, they have eight festivals, or Sabbats, that mark the year as it turns through its seasons. The following is basic information about these Sabbats, and includes both standard Wiccan information as well as my personal Sabbat lore and experiences, in other words, what I perceive the Sabbats to be. Samhain happens near Halloween and is when the Wiccan year begins. My altar cloth is black, because we are in the time of year that is dark. On my altar is the harvest, our "dead Lord" whose life is in the crops and "sacrificed" when the crops are killed to become our food.
The Power of the Chakras
The following is excerpted from Spiritual Clearings: Sacred Practices to Release Negative Energy and Harmonize Your Life (North Atlantic Books 2009) Chakra Assessments The word chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. Chakras are the body's subtle energy vortices. They have been identified in many ancient cultures. There are seven primary chakras or energy centers including the root, navel, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras.
Bach Flower Remedies and the Solar Plexus Chakra
©2004 by Gaye Mack, M.A., Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner Note: The following is reprinted with permission from Igniting Soul Fire: Spiritual Dimensions of the Bach Flower Remedies, from Polair Publishing, London, UK, 2004. Located in what is known as the solar plexus of our body, the third chakra is where our conscious "fire" lies.
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Michael Shermer » (Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
(Can’t Get No) Satisfaction The new science of happiness needs some historical perspective Imagine you have a choice between earning $50,000 a year while other people make $25,000 or earning $100,000 a year while other people get $250,000. Prices of goods and services are the same.
The 8th Chakra and the Universal Heart
First published in Kindred Spirit magazine Mar/Apr 2007 If you find yourself almost overwhelmed by the emotion of a sunset or by the sight of suffering and you feel as though you are breaking open with joy or compassion, the chances are that your 8th chakra is opening. Over five millennia ago, the Vedic spiritual tradition of ancient India recognised that the consciousness of our ego-based selves is mediated through energetic vortices, or chakras. But we have known at a deep level that our personality energy field of seven chakras is incomplete. By singing the rising cadences of its first seven notes - doh, ray, me, fa, soh la, te – unless we complete the octave by the eighth note, the higher doh, we feel something is missing.
How to Learn Witchcraft
Advertisements Call a Wiccan Psychic for Guidance! Home > How to Learn Witchcraft Witchcraft or wicca is a pagan religion--a religion of nature. The first step to learn witchcraft is to study the religion itself.
Locus of control
In personality psychology, locus of control refers to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them. Understanding of the concept was developed by Julian B. Rotter in 1954, and has since become an aspect of personality studies.
The Spiritual Chakra 8 to 12
The Spiritual Chakra 8 to 12 back to healing index This article is from the Hermes Reality Creator Series Books and or upcoming books.
Plantago lanceolata – Ribwort Plantain
A short rosette-forming herb with leathery ribbed leaves sprouting from the base of the plant. In grazed or mown turf, and over winter, the leaves are rounded and flattened to the ground, but in meadows and taller grassland the leaves grow upwards and are elongated in shape (lanceolate). Stubby brown flower heads with whitish anthers are borne on plain unbranched and leafless stalks. Flower stalks are produced throughout the summer.