Comment se concentrer en 2mns. The Healing Power in Owning Our Privileges — Rest For Resistance. “We are experimenting with new strategies of survival.
Their efficacy is necessarily not reflected in dominant culture, and yet throughout history we hear stories of folks refusing competition in precisely this way and daring to walk together to another rhythm . . . We just have to remember we are not alone in this journey. We sit to practice being with ourselves so we can better sit, love, and live with those who will show up and help us along the way.” – Jasmine Syedullah, PhD, Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love & Liberation (pg. 86) Everybody has access to things that others don’t. With the way conversations around privilege currently unfold, oppression olympics is unavoidable. To move forward together in solidarity, it’s time to reframe privilege, specifically how it operates in our day-to-day lives. In order to be truly whole as individuals, we cannot deny parts of ourselves. 1) Privilege points us to our agency.
Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer. No matter how hard they try, brain scientists and cognitive psychologists will never find a copy of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony in the brain – or copies of words, pictures, grammatical rules or any other kinds of environmental stimuli.
The human brain isn’t really empty, of course. But it does not contain most of the things people think it does – not even simple things such as ‘memories’. Our shoddy thinking about the brain has deep historical roots, but the invention of computers in the 1940s got us especially confused. Preparing for Venus Retrograde: Cleansing Rituals to Get Rid of Old Lovers & Bad Love Juju. Get elephant's newsletter We perform rituals every day—getting ready for work, how we make our coffee the same way or how we prepare to go to bed.
Own, Apologize, Repair: Coming Back to Integrity. There is a variation on ‘Not All Men.’
It is called ‘I Feel Bad When You Say That.’ My godson Kyle is six. He is fairly emotionally perceptive for his age, as his grownups have been working with him to create an emotionally responsible and self-aware boy who we hope will grow into an emotionally responsible and self-aware man. Meet the Woman Who’s Created the 21st Century Finance Model for Emerging Technologies — The Internet of Women. Meet the Woman Who’s Created the 21st Century Finance Model for Emerging Technologies This piece is an excerpt from the forthcoming book The Internet of Women: Accelerating Culture Change to be published on June 30th: Riva-Melissa Tez is the CEO and co-founder of Permutation in San Francisco.
A London native, she runs an artificial intelligence platform and incubator. In her spare time, she works on The Longevity Cookbook, alongside Maria Konovalenko and Steve Aoki, which is a book that distills academic research into practical measures for slowing the aging process. This is an edited transcript of a recorded interview. I learned important lessons about money at a very early age. At 10, I moved into a homeless shelter after my father left my mother. I received a scholarship to attend a prestigious all-girls school. Once I realized that money was the key to an escape, I started reading books on consumer psychology. My sister lied and said I was 16. Women in Science. Facebook. Définition de l'Ennéagramme dans l'Approche PEARL.
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Type de l'Ennéagramme 1 - Le Réformateur. This page is also available in your preferred language English.
Copyright © Ewald Berkers Perfectionnistes, responsable, fixés sur l'amélioration 1. Le Réformateur Les gens de ce type de personnalité tiennent essentiellement à améliorer les choses parce qu'ils pensent que rien n'est jamais tout à fait suffisamment bien. Les Uns ont un regard perçant sur les détails. Les 9 types - CEE-Enneagramme. Self-Refinement Through the Wisdom of the Ages: 15 Resolutions for 2015 from Some of Humanity’s Greatest Minds. By Maria Popova Enduring ideas for personal refinement from Seneca, Thoreau, Virginia Woolf, Carl Sagan, Alan Watts, Emerson, Bruce Lee, Maya Angelou, and more.
At the outset of each new year, humanity sets out to better itself as we resolve to eradicate our unhealthy habits and cultivate healthy ones. But while the most typical New Year’s resolutions tend to be about bodily health, the most meaningful ones aim at a deeper kind of health through the refinement of our mental, spiritual, and emotional habits — which often dictate our physical ones. In a testament to young Susan Sontag’s belief that rereading is an act of rebirth, I have revisited the timelessly rewarding ideas of great thinkers from the past two millennia to cull fifteen such higher-order resolutions for personal refinement. No one has made a more compelling case for the bodily and spiritual value of walking — that basic, infinitely rewarding, yet presently endangered human activity — than Henry David Thoreau. Eteignez la télé, écoutez les arbres pousser.
Un grand entretien sur les arbres ?
Là, maintenant ? Oui. 7 Productivity Hacks You Could Be Doing Now. Wait, is this your relationship with productivity?
Admit it, you envy productive people. You keep telling yourself that you could be more productive if only you use your time better and smarter. You read books and blogs and listen to podcasts on productivity hacks. Le flux libre, ou comment maitriser ses règles. J’ai toujours détesté avoir mes règles. Pas parce qu’elles me rendent particulièrement irritable mais parce que ce n’est vraiment pas commode : acheter des serviettes, sentir le tampon qui glisse quand il est trop plein, devoir le replacer… Depuis la mooncup, je n’ai plus ce genre de problèmes. Je me suis rendue compte que mon flux était léger et que je pouvais tenir une journée sans serviette qui démange sous ma culotte, en évitant les infections possibles dues aux agents blanchissants que les industriels intègrent dans les protections menstruelles. 12 Toxic Thoughts You Need To Drop For A Better Life. One of my mottoes is “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life!” I’m a big believer that our thoughts and emotions shape our experiences.
The problem is that most people aren’t even aware of their negative thoughts. It’s almost like they have just become a habit, so it seems normal to them. Here are 12 common toxic thoughts that you need to drop in order to have a better life: 1. You’re not a victim. ARTICLE: Assertivité - l'affirmation de soi dans le respect d'autrui. Plus le quelque chose est important ( information, projet), et plus on souhaite atteindre son objectif, plus il est nécessaire, pour y parvenir, de considérer le quelqu’un plus que le quelque chose : c’est à dire avoir plus de considération pour l’individu (l’autre et soi-même) que pour le propos (ce que l’on échange).
Cela peut sembler paradoxal de lâcher un peu quelque chose pour mieux l’obtenir… mais il en est ainsi. Respect d’autrui Le respect d’autrui ne peut être que naturel. S’il est forcé, il n’y a pas respect de l’autre mais manipulation (même avec de bonnes intentions). Rappelons nous que, dans le meilleur des cas, le non-verbal ne se contrôle que partiellement. FAUT-IL ÊTRE PARFAIT POUR ÊTRE ENGAGÉ ? Définition de la communication non violente (CNV)