5 Easy Classroom Activities Involving Movie Trailers. Almost thirty years ago, when I first started teaching, the use of feature films in the classroom was considered a ‘Friday afternoon treat’ – something to give the students as a reward and, perhaps in some cases, to give teachers a chance to catch up on some marking!
Some schools used movies randomly and at inappropriate levels, meaning students often got little to nothing in terms of language learning. Having originally studied Film at university I was always keen to use movies in class, and some years later I ran a series of workshops for teachers on the use of video in the classroom (‘video’ gives an idea of exactly how long ago that was) and how to maximise learning opportunities. I offered a selection of lesson ideas I’d used to good effect in my own classes and now 25 years later, with increased online access to materials that are often not subject to copyright issues within an educational context, I’m sharing a few of those ideas here! 20 video project ideas to engage... - Onthesamepage ELT. Free Online Books for Kids in English and Multi Language.
There are numerous benefits of reading, and every child deserves the gift of a good book.
With this list of free online books for kids in English and various other languages, children can read books online free anytime they like. Whether you are lacking books at home for your child’s age group, or you have a home library full of books but your child is bored with those they have, free online books for kids are always accessible if you know where to find them. There is a huge range of books on line for free that you can utilise. Here are a few sites where you can find them. Read Books Online Free Below you will find a list of websites which provide free online story books for kids. Oxford Owl The British Oxford Owl Website offer a large range of free books online for kids aged 3-11 years old. See Website International Children’s Digital Library This website provides free books online in English, but also other languages including Spanish, Russian. See Website Storyline Online See Website 1. 2.
First steps into ... The ‘Four Cs’ By Daniel Barber, Brian Bennet Communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking.
Daniel Barber introduces the ‘super skills’ that 21st century students can’t do without. Are the skills students need to learn today the same as they’ve always been? Fifty years ago literacy and numeracy made up education’s core skills. They were commonly known as ‘the three Rs’ (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic). Think about it Read the following statements about recent changes in society. We live in a globalized society, one where most of the population is connected geographically, economically and politically.Society is ’hyperconnected’ by the digital media.Together we face some of the biggest problems we have ever experienced, such as the threat of climate change.Society and technology are changing faster than at any other time in history. What are the ‘Four Cs’? Communication. 30 Sobering Images Of Humanity's Impact On The Environment. There’s no hiding the fact that humans are having a large effect on our planet.
However, even in the face of massive mounting evidence, it has become clear that most people are largely indifferent to the changes taking place around them. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and in this slideshow, we’ve gathered 30 of the most shocking images that show what humanity is really doing to planet Earth. Many of these were gathered from The Foundation For Deep Ecology’s recent book Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, Overshoot. Has humanity reached peak indifference? Or is there still more ground to be lost (both literally and figuratively)? 1. This image of a man surfing through a wave of trash was taken in a remote bay in Java, Indonesia. 2. This is an electronic waste dump in Accra, Ghana. 3. Consumerism has a lot of indirect negative consequences for the planet. 4. 5.
Fun ways to teach English collocations. Do your students have difficulty deciding which words go together in English?
Tim Warre, who won our most recent Teaching English blog award for his Mr Bean video lesson plan, lists his most effective tips for making learning collocations fun. Students frequently have problems with collocations for a number of reasons; the most common being direct translations from their native tongue. An example I come across regularly while teaching in Spain is problems with do/make collocations due to the fact that, in Spanish, the verb ‘hacer’ is used for both. However, if you were to ask anyone teaching English as a foreign language, the most common mistake they hear while teaching Spanish speakers, I’d bet my house it’d be this one: ‘I have sixteen years old.’
Even though use of the verb ‘to be’ when referring to age is standard English stuff, you’ll find students up to proficiency level still have the odd lapse with this particular collocation. Online flashcard sets Collocation Casino 1. 2. 3. 1. Consider or regard ? gramática inglés en "English Grammar Today" - Cambridge University Press.