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Daddy's kitchen: Pasteles árabes de naranja e higos (Receta de Tunez) Chocolate Crinkles Recipe. Chocolate Crinkles: In a heatproof bowl, placed over a saucepan of simmering water, melt the chocolate and butter.

Chocolate Crinkles Recipe

Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. In the bowl of your electric mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment (or with a hand mixer), beat the eggs and sugar until thick, pale, and fluffy (about 3 to 5 minutes). (When you slowly raise the beaters the batter will fall back into the bowl in slow ribbons.)

Then beat in the vanilla extract. Add the cooled chocolate mixture and beat until incorporated. In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, salt, and baking powder. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. Place the sifted confectioners sugar in a shallow bowl. Bake cookies for about 8 to 10 minutes or just until the edges are slightly firm but the centers are still soft. Biscuits au thé vert...pour la Saint Valentin (ou pas) On ne peut pas la rater, c’est la Saint Valentin et qui dit Saint Valentin dit petites douceurs et jolies attentions Si vous avez une petite dizaine d’année peut-être même que vous aurez décidé ce matin pour cette grande occasion de changer radicalement de coiffure avec une raie sur le côté plutôt à gauche alors que jusqu’à présent les bouclettes ébouriffées partaient plutôt à droite… et peut-être même que vous serez parti au collège le cartable trop lourd, et particulièrement contrarié que la femme de la maison n’ait rien remarqué même si c’est certain vous allez heureusement bien vite l’oublier au fil de la journée Chez les plus grands il y aura le clan des « pas ».

Biscuits au thé vert...pour la Saint Valentin (ou pas)

Pas envie, pas le temps, pas la tête à ça, pas la peine …. Snowcaps. *None Oh my, it's already december 20th.


Where have the time gone? Oh well, I guess there are still some time left to "Deck the halls", right? But while we do Deck the halls, we need to cookies to keep the energy up. So today I leave you with some yummy Snowcaps. Makes 20 4 tablespoons butter, soft 2/3 cup light brown sugar 1 large egg 4 oz dark chocolate, melted 2 tablespoons milk 1/2 cup plain flour 1/4 cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking powder confectioners sugar 1.Beat butter and sugar creamy. 2.Add the egg and milk and mix well. 3.Stir in flour, cocoa and baking powder and stir until you have a smooth dough. 4.Roll dough into 1 inch balls. 5.Place in the fridge for at least 1 hour. 6.Take them out and roll them in confectioners sugar. 7.Place the balls on a baking tray, bake at 350F for about 12-14 minutes. 8.Cool on a wire rack.

Photography by Colin Cooke. » Tea Tuesday: Feeling a Little Madeleine Today Downton Abbey Cooks. Sharing tea and stories (ITV) Where has time gone?

» Tea Tuesday: Feeling a Little Madeleine Today Downton Abbey Cooks

It is Tuesday and time to focus on tea and tales as one is want to do while sharing tea with friends. I am still coming down from the high of preparing an Edwardian menu for Master J’s birthday on Sunday. I was able to accomplish this without jello molds or puddings, so it can be done. Still a bit tired, but also a bit sad, feeling sentimental about how precious time with family is, how quickly children grow up. Tea Time Ritual Recap Whether you take tea for pleasure as a visiting tourist to the UK this year, or as a rising business star entertaining clients, proper manners are important. Top Level: The smaller top level holds the scones.Middle level should hold the sweets and fruits.Bottom level holds the savouries and finger sandwiches. I offer a new recipe each week, so check out and bookmark Online Guide to Afternoon Tea to keep up to date. What’s New this Week. La Cocinika De Ana: Galletas Napolitanas.

Estas son unas galletas hechas especialmente para todos los que nos encanta el sabor de la canela, son muy ricas y crujientes, tienen ese dulce sabor que le proporciona la canela y que me hace recordar esas galletas que me gustaban tanto de niña, aunque yo las he hecho un poco más pequeñas que aquellas que recuerdo que comía de pequeña, ya que esas eran de un tamaño mucho más grande y recuerdo que con sólo una galleta te llenabas para todo el día.

La Cocinika De Ana: Galletas Napolitanas

Rochers coco-choco (ou boule coco-choco) - Notée 4.3. Rochers coco : Recette de Rochers coco. Moelleux noix de coco et citron vert ...en vidéo. Tea bag cookies 2. Toquée de cuisine: Scones. Biscuits sablés au gingembre confit. 1 Tamisez la farine dans un saladier, puis ajoutez le beurre ramolli coupé en morceaux.

Biscuits sablés au gingembre confit

Amalgamez du bout des doigts. 2 Ajoutez le sucre et saupoudrez de gingembre. Mélangez puis incorporez les deux jaunes d'œufs. 3 Lorsque la pâte est homogène, ajoutez le gingembre confit coupé en petits dés. Laissez reposer une heure au frais. 4 Préchauffez le four à 150°C (th 5). Pour finir. Raspberry breakfast bars. We had a decadent weekend in the North Carolina mountains, and I never wanted to come home.

raspberry breakfast bars

The air up there is so delicious and clean, I never realized how cautiously I inhale in New York City, not that you can blame me if you’ve ever gotten a curbside whiff on a humid summer day after a long holiday weekend with no trash pickup. But up there, everything is a delight. We hiked, we played with the sweetest Schnauzer there ever has been, we ate proper vinegar barbecue, the best peaches in the world (from South Carolina!) And even hit some stores and a craft fair. And oh, how we cooked. Actually, it stole the show. I did, however, squeeze in a new recipe or two before the weekend, these Raspberry Breakfast Bars packed in a tin as a hostess gift. Pomegranate White Chocolate Chunk Cookies. Pomegranate White Chocolate Chunk Cookies It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Pomegranate White Chocolate Chunk Cookies

I am so excited the holiday season is here. Of course, one of my favorite things about the holidays is baking. My baking list is very long this year so on Saturday I turned on the Christmas tunes and got started. Coconut doughnuts. *Please update your feed if you haven’t already.

coconut doughnuts

Thanks! * It only seems right to follow up salad with dessert. Don’t you think? And not just any dessert. So for the last week, I just couldn’t get the idea of a coconut doughnut out of my head. From coconut milk, to coconut oil, to toasted coconut. However, the flavor is nowhere near overpowering. And the toasted coconut seals the deal adding a lovely little crunch.