Men's Sexual Wellness
How Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Helps Male Pelvic Pain. By Tiffany Yuen, DPT, PHRC Los Gatos Did you know… Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) has a worldwide prevalence between 2% and 16% and is the most common urologic disease in men below 50 years old (Smith et al., 2016) Painful ejaculation has a prevalence between 1% and 10% in the general population, but this may increase to 30% to 75% among men who suffer from CPPS (Parnham et al., 2016) One in four patients seeking initial medical treatment for new onset erectile dysfunction (ED) is younger than 40 years of age with almost half of the young men suffering from severe ED, with comparable rates in older patients (Capogrosso et al., 2013)
Sexual Transmutation: A Definitive Guide to Sexual Energy. So let’s talk about sex.
Why? Because it’s a vital topic for anyone interested in achievement, self-development, psychological maturity, and spiritual growth. Sexual transmutation is also another one of those grossly misunderstood topics. Let’s change that right now. What is Sexual Transmutation?
Enslaving The Cock — Jamie Catto. I was looking at my penis today, applying some oil and care, and it struck me very sadly how much I have enslaved my cock and my sexuality in my life.
I have treated it as if its job was to deliver me certain things, things which are beyond its intended offering and function.Using my cock to please women and ‘be a great lover’ and deliver lots of pleasure and satisfaction so I can feel sexually powerful or even just adequate, is a form of enslavement of the cock, and I’ve been feeling some sadness around that today, some regret. The pressure to ‘deliver’. Of course, all the beautiful connected sex is not in the same realm, but the times I’ve used sex, either with a woman or by myself, to fill a gap, avoid space or edgy feelings, avoid loneliness, make me feel powerful, make me feel lovable or special, to prop me up…..that was not what my glorious cock was born for.
If we don't care for our fragile sexuality in this way, how can we ever be trusted with our boundaries? All about the penis, testicles, prostate, male sexuality and male sexual health. Order of Man: YouTube Channel. Men’s Health and BPH. PM Plus for Men Caps 30 Day Supply - amatalife. Pueraria Mirifica Plus® for Men Supports Male Urinary Health and Vigor Most men are cultured to not take care of themselves.
And that’s why so many of them end up silently suffering with symptoms of declining prostate and sexual health.
Sexual Transmutation: A Definitive Guide to Sexual Energy. Perfecting Penis Practices with Dr. Edward Karpman - Podcast, Top Story -
On today’s show, Dr.
Emily is joined by certified urologist Dr. Edward Karpman and we’re taking your calls for all your penile needs. Plus, she answers your sex & relationship questions. Click Here to Subscribe.
YouTube: Men and The Life of Desire
Evryman – Be The Man You Want To Be. QiGong Video Course - AWAKENED INTENT. Life Force Energy - A Simple Daily Practice. The way our current society works, we as humans have been conditioned to detach from our feelings, emotions, and energy; To move away from our body’s intelligence, and to live mostly in our minds.
Unfortunately, our devotion to our mind is where our worrying, stress, and anxiety stem from. These are some of the benefits you may experience by following this practice:
An Inauthentic Man Is A Dangerous Man - Restoring The Healthy Masculine. The Fearless Man - Dating Advice For Men. The Integrated Man Summit. Over the past seven years, Ruwando has coached hundreds of men from age 19 to 69, and he's noticed an unfortunate trend...
Most men are depleted...and they don't even realize it. This often shows up in the bedroom, but the implications go far beyond sex.
Michael Holt: Meditation Video Series. Savage & Saint — Prioritizing & Maintain Your Health. Multiple Orgasms for Men by Justin Patrick Pierce - an article from Sacred. For most couples, when he ejaculates, sex is over.
Some couples don’t mind this, while others—both him and her—find it a frustrating problem that prevents both partners from going any deeper in their intimate exchange. Funny thing is, few couples ever talk about it. It’s a delicate topic for most, without question, so it should always be approached with mindfulness. It’s no secret that male ejaculation is the biggest limiting factor in most couples’ lovemaking.
The Power of Semen Retention - Debunking The Prostate Cancer Myth.
Books, Blogs & Resources
Home - ManTalks. Cool Practice by The Love Angel. Perfecting Penis Practices with Dr. Edward Karpman - Podcast, Top Story -
Blog & Podcast: Small Penises -
We’ve covered this in detail in a podcast here, and here’s a summary of what we had to say.
The most important thing to emphasise here is that there is a diverse range of genital sizes, and that a lot of ways of having sex don’t require genitals at all, or specific kinds of genitals. However, we can’t escape the fact that we live in a culture which does have narrow ideals about what bodies and genitals should look like, so let’s start with that. Cultural ideals When it comes to penises there’s a cultural ideal that they should be a certain size.
Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone. 1) Getty Images 2) Getty Images 3) Getty Images 4) Getty Images 5) Getty Images 6) Getty Images.
Male Sexuality - Podcast (audio)
Men’s Retreat. Leaning into the Challenge of Leadership ~ 20 Years After The Way of the Superior Man — John Wineland. Like Deida had been saying all along, TWOTSM is a Yoga, just like any other set of Asana or Kriya. It was not meant to be completed, but to be continually reached for and deepened. These were not destinations, but journeys — filled with failure, fatigue, and recommitments — just as with any traditional yogic practice. And similarly, the poses required multiple gestures happening simultaneously, often in different directions.
Justin Patrick Pierce Coaching Call. Genital herpes stigma history: how an innocuous skin condition became “sexual leprosy” and sparked a myth about drug companies.
If you are an American between the ages of 14 and 49 reading this, there is a decent chance you have genital herpes and don’t know it.
About 11.9 percent of Americans in that range have herpes simplex virus 2, or HSV-2, the kind most commonly associated with genital outbreaks, and most of them—more than 4 in 5, by some estimates—have no idea. That’s partly because government health officials think we’re better off that way. In 2019, a herpes diagnosis still carries an intense stigma.
What photographing 100 naked men taught me. Manhood — LAURA DODSWORTH. After Bare Reality came out, I found myself drawn, perhaps compelled, to create an inner psychological and creative balance, and explore men’s stories. Manhood: The Bare Reality is a collection of 100 intimate photographs and interviews with men, and explores themes of masculinity, gender and sexuality, offering a unique insight into what it means to be a man in the 21st century.
These days we are all less bound by gender and traditional roles, but is there more confusion about what being a man means? From veteran to vicar, from porn addict to prostate cancer survivor, men from all walks of life share honest reflections about their bodies, sexuality, relationships, fatherhood, work and health. Just as Bare Reality: 100 women, their breasts, their stories presented the un-airbrushed truth about breasts for women, Manhood: The Bare Reality shows us the spectrum of ‘normal’, revealing men’s penises and bodies in all their diversity and glory, dispelling body image anxiety and myths.
Men's Sexual Health [Routledge 2008]
MANIFEST Australia - The Ultimate Men's Health Symposium. My Connected Male Body. — ‘I am actually still caught-up in the performance of my penis. I have, from this weekend, being able to create a very clear distinction between goal and intention and I need a lot more work expanding the expansive world of intention rather than limited penis performance.
One of the things I am still stuck in is getting caught up with my penis performance and one of the reasons is me being driven to have it perform for my wife (“the audience). She as my lover and partner in life may also be stuck in the limited world of “penis performance” – she needs to be able to give and to receive and, I sense, she is feeling that she is not, on the “evidence of the penis” not being able to do it for me. So maybe both of us are still stuck in the limiting world of just “the penis and vagina”. ‘The second thing that sticks with me from the weekend are your comments and thoughts regarding our relationship to our genitals and my penis.
Healing Men. — Something struck me yesterday with quite a deep impact. It’s easy for me to talk about the fears that many men have around their sexuality, about the sexual problems they have, the impact these have on their emotional state, their relationships and their lives. It’s easy for me, a man, to talk about how confusing sexuality is for so many men.
What do we really know about male desire? Not much, according to Canadian sex researchers. Why Mental Health Is Crucial for Men. The Central Mechanisms of Sexual Function » (Nervous System & Erections)
Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy of Orgasm. Penis Dysmorphia – What’s That?
Do Men Have a Clitoris. Orgasmic Yoga for Men – A Look at Mindful Masturbation. TruthNutra: Science-based formulas. How to Occupy Your Cock. American Circumcision - A Documentary Film.
Esther Perel on Performance Anxiety. The Myths About Male Sexuality. The Archetypes of Manliness. Why can’t men hold their sexual energy? - Psychosexual Somatics.
Teachers and Groups for Men
Circumcision is male genital mutilation: a taboo topic that needs to come out of the closet!. – elephant journal. Prostate Massage: The Ultimate Guide to Please the Male G-Spot. An Intro to Anal Pleasure. Comprehensive Analysis & Hacks For Male Testosterone Optimization. Tantra for Penis Owners. Is Your Penis Good Enough? – Kenneth Play: HACK YOUR SEX LIFE. Testosterone: What Every Man Needs to Know and Do. Porn Makes Men Terrible in Bed – Emma Lindsay.
Men's Sex Education Hub. Videos on Common Male Sexual Issues. 3 Secrets to Having Harder Erections. What's The Deal With Cock Rings?
Remaking Manhood – A conversation about human connection.
Me and my penis: 100 men reveal all. Hacking Masculinity: 9 Awesome Hacks From Women. How You See Me. Man Up Campaign Ad. How Much Semen Should I Ejaculate?
How a Lack of Touch is Destroying Men. How to Have Great Sex With A Small Penis. How to Cultivate Magnetism and Intimacy.
In this 18-minute video from the Spiritual Intimacy workshop April 15th, John and Guru Jagat discuss the 3 types of practice each of us needs to cultivate consistently to create magnetism, sexual polarity and spiritual intimacy. Included in this discussion is also: *The Way to create a personal practice that creates magnetism and evokes the most from your partner *The Principles and importance of Spiritual Intimacy work and how it differs from Sexual Polarity pracitce *The very specific practice of creating sexual energy between a masculine and feminine partner *The Key to overcoming habits of closure and programming that destroy intimacy and sexual attraction *Training the Body to be a lover – embodypleasure
John Wineland on Vimeo. The EVRYMAN Podcast: John Wineland. FrankTalk (Community Talking About ED)
Paul R. Nelson – Male Sexuality Educator & Advocate. What Is Delayed Ejaculation?
#1 Sex Toy for Teenage Son?
What is Authentic Masculinity?
The Straightjacket of David Deida. Interview w/David Cates of Deep Masculine. How To Ask For Kink When You're A Nice Guy. AN ENGINEER’S EROTIC JOURNEY TO FREEDOM. 'Manhood: The Bare Reality': 100 Men Had Their Penises Photographed To Explore Masculinity.
Men's Pelvic Floor Exercise Videos
The One Thing Men Want More Than Sex. Why You Should Work With a Penis Training System. Why Kegel Exercises Can Change A Man’s Sex Life. Can't Get Hard? 8 Tips for a Steamy, Sexy Good Time Anyway. Why Men Are Better After 50. How a Lack of Touch is Destroying Men. The Danger in Demonizing Male Sexuality -
Healing Premature Ejaculation & Erectile Dysfunction Naturally!
Soft Penises Are Awesome. Here’s Why!
Why can’t men hold their sexual energy? - Psychosexual Somatics. The foreskin: Why is it such a secret in North America?
Erectile Dysfunction.