Data Warehouse Community - Toolbox for IT. Talend Tips for Database Developers, Part 2 – Data Type Conversion Errors. Part 1 of this series covered ways to avoid the dreaded NPE.
Data visualisation and Infographics tools. Talend by Example - Talend Best Practice. Talend Best Practice Good Job design is at the heart of your Talend development.
Here, we look at the different aspects of designing your Jobs. We can then, through the tutorial and reference pages, look at each of these in a little more depth, and how we can achieve our design goals. Read about these items in detail by viewing our Talend Best Practice menu items. Purpose of JobJob ArchitectureReusabilityError HandlingRestart & RecoveryRobustnessPerformance (speed of execution)Logging Purpose of Job The first and possibly easiest of our design goals is What's the purpose of the Job?. As with any software development, you want to write reusable and reliable code that is written once and run many. It is the goal of this website to lay the foundations and show the building blocks of good Talend design – through tutorials, working examples and reference material. Talend: tips and tricks part 1. This blog contains some convenient tips and tricks that will make working with the open source tool Talend for data integration a lot more efficient.
This blogpost will be especially useful for people who are just discovering this amazing tool, yet I am sure that people who have been using it for a while will also find it very helpful. These series of tips will be spread over multiple blog entries so make sure to check back often for future tips! 1. Testing expressions in the tMap component Using the tMap component, you have the possibility to test your expressions.
We’ve got details of employees as input for our tMap. To convert the first name to uppercase, we have to use the StringHandling function “UPCASE”. 5 Top Tips for Agile Analytics Organizations. Good business intelligence needs a good team: a BI competency center (BICC).
A BICC is a cross-functional organizational team that has defined tasks, roles, responsibilities and processes for supporting and promoting the effective use of analytics across an organization. Over the last decade or so, I’ve regularly written whitepapers and given presentations explaining some of the key concepts behind BICCs and how to go about setting one up. And studies show they are indeed an important part of analytics best practice: organizations with a BICC see big benefits, including increased use of analytics, increased user satisfaction, and lower costs. The Analytics Winds Are Changing However, there are some big changes happening in the world of analytics and even long-running, successful BICCs have been struggling to adapt to some big new trends: Information has become a profit center. 1.
There has been a fundamental shift in the information power balance inside organizations. 2. 3. 4. DashBoard - Mobile BI. Pentaho : la data intégration complément indispensable à Hadoop. Comme l’indique Le monde informatique Les solutions big data se sont bousculées à l’Hadoop Summit qui se tenait les 13 et 14 juin à San José en Californie.
Cisco parrainait cette édition avec d’autres grands de l’IT comme Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, et VMware. Il semble bien que chacun se doivent d’avoir une solution Hadoop. Les distributions majeures Cloudera, Hortonworks et MapR étaient bien sur là et en ont profité pour faire des annonces.. MapR a lancé pendant le summit la première First Apache Hadoop Application Gallery et annoncé un accord avec Syncsort pour optimiser l’architecture de données d’entreprise avec Apache Hadoop. La distribution Hadoop de MapR est également disponible via Elastic MapReduce Service (EMR) d’Amazon Web Service. Recherchez les vidéos et les slideshare des sessions 2014 - Page 1. Pentaho 5.1 EE & CE is released – What’s New in PDI & Big Data? » Jens Bleuel about Kettle (PDI) Pentaho 5.1 delivers code-free analytics directly on MongoDB, simplifies data preparation for data scientists and adds full YARN support.
See the full list of Pentaho Business Analytics 5.1 features and technical specifications. Here are some more details about the new PDI 5.1 release: Native (YARN) Hadoop integration PDI includes support for YARN capabilities including enhanced scalability, compatibility with MapReduce, improved cluster use, and greater support for agile development processes. How to install custom components into Talend Open Studio - Gabriele Baldassarre Open Analytics. Talend Open Studio is a handy ETL tool which amazing extending capabilities and a complete set of tools for building new custom components as I showed in several posts in the past.
Talend offers an automatic way to install components through their official marketplace. However, that place is not famous for UX and for being attractive for developers and, as a matter of facts, components hosted there are often poor and outdated. Here I’m going to show a general way to install custom components which works for both Talend Exchange components and third-party hosted ones. For hard-core developers, I’ll also show how to compile a component starting from source code.
How to install a custom component package from binaries First of all, you need to create a folder into your local filesystem to store custom components. La BI, c’est vraiment pour tous les métiers. Mais peu encore dans les faits. Le terme « Big Data » en viendrait presque à faire oublier un domaine lui déjà mature : le décisionnel ou Business Intelligence.
Ce marché pesait 13,8 milliards de dollars en 2013 pour les éditeurs de logiciels, quand celui du Big Data (et pas seulement sur la partie logicielle) devrait atteindre 8,9 milliards en 2014. Et selon une étude de JEMM Vision (réalisée pour SAP auprès de 62 responsables de BI d’entreprises et administrations françaises), la BI a encore de beaux jours devant elles. Ne serait-ce que parce que sa marge de développement reste importante. La BI, encore souvent une chasse gardée. 50 Best Business Intelligence Tools - Docurated. Business intelligence tools (BI tools) are a way for companies to monitor data and generate business insights – necessary components in making smarter, better decisions that drive results.
But once you start research BI, you realize there are many types, from analytics and big data statistics to reporting tools and dashboards that offer at-a-glance information across indicators. When choosing the right business intelligence tools for your organization, consider your company, your employees, your departments and teams – and the success factors that drive your decision-making.
What isn’t working currently, and what factors would benefit from improvement? Select tools that allow you to visualize and analyze relevant data, combining and eliminating and customizing to generate information that helps you better understand your data. The goal: to make fact-based and insightful decisions that will improve company performance. 1.
Features: Are YOU Evaluating Sales Enablement Software Yes I am! 2. ETL Advisors » Best Practices. ETL Advisors » Best Practices. Business Intelligence Software Comparison - 2014's Best Tools. The Beginner's Guide to Business Intelligence Overview.
Informatique décisionnelle, business intelligence, data warehouse, reporting, OLAP, aide à la décision, web analytics, data visualization, big data, data mining. "Sales Runner", le nouveau commercial. Quel vendeur n’a jamais rêvé d’une petite voix qui lui susurre à l’oreille : « Demain, si tu appelles tel décideur chez tel prospect et que tu lui proposes telle offre en insistant sur tel bénéfice, il est très probable que tu enregistres une vente. » Minority report, de Steven Spielberg, est l’un des plus gros succès du Box Office de ces dernières années. Sa réussite ne tient pas seulement à la qualité de sa réalisation, mais aussi au thème traité, l’analyse prédictive, qui trouve un profond écho dans l’évolution de la société. Minority Report met en scène un détective qui, dans un futur proche, tire ses déductions de l’interprétation d’informations parcellaires et de signaux faibles, au point de prévoir les crimes avant qu’ils se produisent.
10 principales tendances de la solution décisionnelle pour 2014 - Présentations.