Amory Lovins on winning the oil endgame. Amory Lovins on winning the oil endgame. Amory Lovins: A 40-year plan for energy. Amory Lovins: We must win the oil endgame. Amory Lovins speaks at TEDx Oil Spill. Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era: Amory Lovins, Marvin Odum, John W. Rowe: Livres anglais et étrangers. Rocky Mountain Institute. Weekend Wonk: Amory Lovins on Re-inventing Fire.
Reinventing Fire. Reinvent Fire: Change Energy Use Forever. Natural Capitalism-Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. NC - chapter1. NAON Forewords - Amory B. Lovins. REVE - Regulación Eólica con Vehículos Eléctricos - Mycle Schneider, Antony Froggatt, and Steve Thomas have again performed a vital public service by preparing this uniquely independent, thorough, and timely assessment of the global status of nuclear power, both before and after the Fukushima disaster began to unfold on March 11, 2011.
From Beijing and London to Tokyo and Washington, energy bureaucracies have for decades been pervaded by nuclear enthusiasm. The past few years, for the first time in history, also saw most major governments led by advocates of nuclear energy. The media are saturated with a skilled, intensive, and effective advocacy campaign by the nuclear energy industry and its powerful allies. With disinformation increasingly prevalent and wholly counterfactual accounts of nuclear power’s status and competitive landscape widely believed by otherwise sensible people, this report’s objective assessment is vital to informed discourse and prudent choice. No country has demonstrated a nuclear learning curve.
Amory B. Amory Lovins: Nuclear Power Makes Climate Change Worse. The Godfather of efficiency and renewables on why Nuclear Power makes Climate Change worse, part 1.
Sorry for the bad sound synch, too tired to correct the file. Very good information, even though somewhat dated – from 2008. Best to forget the picture and just listen to it while you surf, like NPR. In an article written this week to respond to the Fukushima incident, Lovins updates this point and more: “Each dollar spent on a new reactor buys about 2-10 times less carbon savings, 20-40 times slower, than spending that dollar on the cheaper, faster, safer solutions that make nuclear power unnecessary and uneconomic: efficient use of electricity, making heat and power together in factories or buildings (“cogeneration”), and renewable energy. Part 2 below the fold. quoting again from Lovin’s article this week: “…smarter choices are sweeping the global energy market. Below – Our climate change goals are not ambitious enough. Like this: Like Loading... Nuclear Power makes climate change worse-1/2.
Amory B. Lovins. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Amory B. Lovins Amory B. Lovins en décembre 2006 Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Amory Lovins a grandi dans Massachusetts. Rencontre avec Amory Lovins, président du Rocky Mountain Institute. Promoteur du «capitalisme naturel», ce physicien, que le magazine Time a classé en 2009 parmi les 100 personnes les plus influentes du monde, a dessiné une vision optimiste du futur, lors d'une conférence à Paris le 12 mai, à l'invitation de l'IDDRI.
Basé à Snowmass, dans les montagnes rocheuses du Colorado aux Etats-Unis, Amory Lovins a co-fondé le Rocky Mountain Institute au début des années 80, un «think-and-do-tank » à l'origine du concept des Negawatts prônant une « acupuncture institutionnelle ». Préférez-vous mourir à cause du changement climatique, d'une guerre pour le pétrole ou d'un holocauste nucléaire ? La bonne réponse est… pour aucune de ces trois raisons. Amory Lovins lance sa conférence par cette boutade, qui caricature les périls de notre époque pour mieux les conjurer. L'avenir est à l'efficacité énergétique. 'Fossil fuels are the new whale oil', says environmentalist Amory Lovins. Amory B.
Lovins is fond of referring to the Rocky Mountain Institute, where he serves as chairman and chief scientist, as a "think and do" tank, and it's clear that to Lovins the doing is every bit as important as the thinking. Hardly lacking in confidence or ambition, Lovins — in conjunction with his colleagues at the institute — has published Reinventing Fire, his step-by-step blueprint for how to transition to a renewable energy economy by mid-century. Impressive in both its scope and detail — Lovins discusses everything from how to redesign heavy trucks to make them more fuel efficient to ways to change factory pipes to conserve energy — the book lays out a plan for the U.S. to achieve the following by 2050: cars completely powered by hydrogen fuel cells, electricity, and biofuels; 84 percent of trucks and airplanes running on biomass fuels; 80 percent of the nation's electricity produced by renewable power; $5 trillion in savings; and an economy that has grown by 158 percent.
Amory Lovins: « Une solution énergétique guidée par les entreprises » Le dirigeant du Rocky Mountain Institute, qui a dirigé un livre récemment publié sur les entreprises et l’énergie, plaide pour un contournement aux Etats-Unis des obstacles politiques.
Amory Lovins est un écologiste et écrivain qui officie en tant que président et directeur scientifique du Rocky Mountain Institute, un organisme indépendant dédié à la durabilité, notamment dans le secteur de l’énergie. Il a récemment écrit l’ouvrage Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era (« Réinventer le feu: des solutions d’entreprise audacieuses pour la nouvelle ère énergétique »), traçant un chemin vers l’efficacité énergétique qui évite toute intervention du Congrès américain.
Nous nous sommes entretenus de ses stratégies recommandées et de la façon dont le secteur privé peut diriger les progrès énergétiques, éliminant l’impasse politique de l’équation. SP: Votre ouvrage est très dense, mais haut en couleur et facile à lire. On y trouve de nombreuses informations. Amory B. Lovins. Amory B.
Lovins (1947– ), an American consultant experimental physicist and 1993 MacArthur Fellow, has been active at the nexus of energy, resources, economy, environment, development, and security in more than 50 countries for over 40 years, including 14 years based in England. He is widely considered among the world’s leading authorities on energy—especially its efficient use and sustainable supply—and a fertile innovator in integrative design and in superefficient buildings, factories, and vehicles. After two years at Harvard, Mr. Lovins transferred to Oxford, and two years later became a don at 21, receiving in consequence an Oxford ma by Special Resolution (1971) and, later, 12 honorary doctorates of various U.S. and U.K. universities.
During 1979–2002, Mr.