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Tutoriel WordPress : 65 tutoriels WordPress gratuits. Topic: Inserting Hot Potatoes exercises on WordPress « Forums. (@soco) I know its a bit out of fashion but have you tried using iframes?

Topic: Inserting Hot Potatoes exercises on WordPress « Forums

Thanks AC, but the problem is exactly the same with an iFrame because the iFrame also defines the height and width of the embedded html page. If only one page is embedded it’s easy to define the dimensions of either the object tag or the iFrame to suit the embedded page. As far as I can see, they usually used to embed single pages – often YouTube videos. What I want to do is to insert a set of linked pages of different heights. The object tag I used for the set of exercises Possessives is : Set up H5P for WordPress. Interactive Content – H5P.

This is the first release of this plugin.

Interactive Content – H5P

Imported the latest changes and bug fixes from h5p core. Improved multilingual support. Added missing translations, and it should now be possible to translate the menu item without ruining the H5P forms. Fixed so that content dependencies cache is rebuilt when library dependencies changes. This also includes new export files. Added user results tracking and views for H5Ps. Fixed JavaScript error when the users doesn’t have access to the currently selected library. Fixed support for multi-site setups(network). Added mini tutorial after activating plugin. Added support for external embed. Fixed some misplaced code that causes the « my results » page to fail. Added support for configuring the frame and buttons around H5Ps.

Fixed support for hosting services that limit unique key lengths to 767 bytes. Added italian language support to the editor, and update plugin translation. Added base class for content types. Add H5P content to WordPress. H5P - Uploading existing H5P content into Wordpress. How to Install a WordPress Plugin for Beginners (Step by Step Guide) How do I connect to an SFTP server with FileZilla? – Support. How to use FileZilla FTP Client - Tutorial. WPBeginner - WordPress Tutorials. Want to start a blog without making the rookie mistakes?

WPBeginner - WordPress Tutorials

We have helped 130,000+ users start a blog successfully. Watch this video to learn more. Starting a blog can be a terrifying thought specially when you are not techy. Guess what -- you're not alone. Having helped over 130,000+ users start a blog, we have decided to create the most comprehensive guide on how to start a WordPress blog without any technical knowledge. The process of creating a blog is easy to follow whether you are 20 years old or 60 years old. Click here to get your free WordPress blog To start your WordPress blog, you will need the following 3 things: 1. 2. 3. == Get the Best HostGator Web Hosting Discount == Make sure you use the coupon code: WPBEGINNER In this tutorial, we will cover: Whatever you do, do not choose the wrong blogging platform. See our best blogging platform comparison: If you liked this guide, then please consider subscribing to WPBeginner.

We wish you best of luck with your new blog. Show less. Wp-Pro-Quiz. Plugins offers a plethora of options on the front-end for the administrator.


It has some notable flaws, however. Multiple options are toggeable on the settings page; however, disabling them will only hide them on the frontend with css rules, rather than unenqueing them. Very bad practice.Code structure is very well organized on a MVC setup. But it offers little to no room for customization: plugin functions are not overridable, there are no hooks in the processes to plug custom code… Really, the only way to customize the plugin is to fork it.

Also, at the time of this review the plugin has gone two years without an update, which will make it not advised for usage very soon… We’ll use it because it is the best solution available for a client’s project, and I really appreciate the effort the developer put behind it for free (most other quiz plugins have pro-features locked).

How to embed your quiz on Facebook? Interactive Content – H5P. Créez votre premier site avec WordPress. À la fin de ce cours, vous saurez :

Créez votre premier site avec WordPress

Installer Google Analytics sur un site Wordpress - Tuto complet. Google Analytics est indispensable lorsque vous lancez votre site web.

Installer Google Analytics sur un site Wordpress - Tuto complet

Il s’agit de l’outil de reporting de référence, notamment parce que c’est l’un des plus performants mais aussi le plus simple à utiliser (désolé pour les fans de Piwik, mais Google Analytics est vraiment le plus simple au départ…). En plus, Google Analytics est entièrement gratuit. Vous n’avez donc aucunes excuses. Une fois installé, GA vous permettra de savoir dans le détail qui visite votre site web et ce que font les internautes qui visitent votre site (pages vues, temps passé sur les pages, taux de rebond, provenance du trafic, etc.).

Google Analytics est très facile à installer sur un site WordPress, même si vous n’avez aucunes compétences techniques. APPRENDRE WordPress ? Débutez avec WordPress pour les Nuls ! Le Guide complet et gratuit pour bien démarrer et apprendre WordPress, c’est WordPress pour les Nuls qui ne veulent pas le rester ! WordPress est un système de gestion de contenus (CMS) permettant de créer son propre site assez facilement. En plus de sa simplicité d’utilisation, il présente de nombreux autres atouts. Retrouvez ci-après un récapitulatif des meilleurs articles de WP Formation listant tout ce qu’il faut ABSOLUMENT savoir sur WordPress pour bien démarrer. Une fois cela fait, testez-vous en répondant à notre Quizz WordPress ;) Blog de Tutoriels WordPress en Français.