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Tutoriel WordPress : 65 tutoriels WordPress gratuits

Tutoriel WordPress : 65 tutoriels WordPress gratuits

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Wp-Pro-Quiz Plugins offers a plethora of options on the front-end for the administrator. It has some notable flaws, however. Multiple options are toggeable on the settings page; however, disabling them will only hide them on the frontend with css rules, rather than unenqueing them. WPBeginner - WordPress Tutorials Want to start a blog without making the rookie mistakes? We have helped 130,000+ users start a blog successfully. Watch this video to learn more. Starting a blog can be a terrifying thought specially when you are not techy.

Interactive Content – H5P This is the first release of this plugin. Imported the latest changes and bug fixes from h5p core. Improved multilingual support. Added missing translations, and it should now be possible to translate the menu item without ruining the H5P forms. Fixed so that content dependencies cache is rebuilt when library dependencies changes.

Topic: Inserting Hot Potatoes exercises on WordPress « Forums (@soco) I know its a bit out of fashion but have you tried using iframes? Thanks AC, but the problem is exactly the same with an iFrame because the iFrame also defines the height and width of the embedded html page. If only one page is embedded it’s easy to define the dimensions of either the object tag or the iFrame to suit the embedded page. As far as I can see, they usually used to embed single pages – often YouTube videos. What I want to do is to insert a set of linked pages of different heights.

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