> Ferlede
Tutoriais de Robótica. Teach STEM with LEGO learning - 50 Activities, Free Printables, Games, and More Homeschool Encouragement. How to follow a black line in Robolab. RoboLab for RCX. MINDSTORMS & Technic. Lego Mindstorms | Power Functions | Technic Here is where you'll find my various Lego creations ranging from using the Mindstorms robotics systems, the pneumatic and gearing from the Technic line and some Power Functions based models.
Click on the pictures to get to that project's page. There are also links to building instructions below hosted on the original builders websites and you can also find photo galleries of Lego events I've attended. (Some of my models have building instructions. These will be highlighted yellow). Click the links on the left to access the websites. Events Here I'll provide links to photo galleries of events that I have attended.
Robolab. Rodney Brooks: Why we will rely on robots. Robotic plant learns to grow like the real thing - tech - 09 August 2013. Video: Robot plant learns to grow like the real thing Plants could soon have robotic counterparts.
GrabCAD Workbench Toy Design. Photo-Realistic Rendering of the Toy with 3D-Printed Parts A few months ago I collaborated with Hardi Meybaum (CEO of ) on a fun CAD design project, and recently received a nice email from Hardi that WIRED Magazine is doing an interview with him.
Learn to Model and 3D Print a Robot in Under 2 Hours With this SolidWorks 101 Course. Advance Students’ Interest in STEM Through Robotics Summer Learning. Tagged with: Computer Science Student NetworkRoboticsSTEMSummer This summer students have the opportunity to learn how to program robots, design games, animate stories, and earn a chance to win over $10,000 in prizes and scholarships through the Robotics Summer of Learning Program!
About the Program The Robotics Summer of Learning Program, sponsored by Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Academy, is designed to advance students’ interests in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and advanced their programming skillsets. Software and training are provided for free throughout the summer and students will have 24/7 access to online course materials, as well as professional support from developers of the software and curriculum.
MOOCs, Robots, and the Secret of Life. For the last two years, MOOCs have dominated the national conversation on technology and the economics of higher education. But for all the talk of whether they’ll usher in a new age of democratized global learning or destroy higher learning as we know it (or possibly both at the same time), it’s been hard to get a handle on MOOCs are, and what they can be. A lot of MOOC journalism has been like this , wherein a general-interest magazine writer signed up for 11 courses, finished one of them (the easiest, apparently), and formed his opinions accordingly. On the theory that to understand an educational experience you should actually experience it, I’ve spent the last four months taking two MOOCs. Now I’m done, and this is what I learned. The first was Introduction to Philosophy , from Coursera (also the one class MOOC dropout guy finished, coincidentally.)
Les 3 lois de la robotique. CES 2013 Hot Stuff Award winners announced. ROBOTICA EDUCATIVA y PERSONAL: CLOUD ROBOTICS new paradigm is near. In 1989 was "invented" the WWW which is the high level layer of application for humans over low level layer protocols TCP/IP created by DARPA in 60's years of last century for defense purposes.
Tecno-teka: Educación a Distancia - Integrando la Robótica. HOMME-MACHINE, A QUAND L’HYBRIDATION ? - France Culture Plus. Du robot à forme humaine dessiné par Léonard de Vinci en 1495, à «Métropolis» de Fritz Lang ou «Blade runner» de Ridley Scott, l'homme-machine fait partie de notre imaginaire, suscitant peur ou désir.
Qu'en est-il de la réalité scientifique et des dernières avancées technologiques, de l'homme réparé ou augmenté, du transhumanisme ? Le présent et l'avenir se dévoilent ici et maintenant.
Programación en la Educación Escolar > Robótica > Recursos. Diseñar y construir Robots con el fin de promover en los estudiantes el desarrollo del razonamiento mecánico, de la inteligencia lógica-matemática y del trabajo colaborativo, es otra de las aplicaciones de la tecnología en el área de Ciencias Naturales.
A continuación ofrecemos una serie de valiosos recursos sobre el tema, que esperamos sirvan para ampliar la información de los docentes para que construyan Ambientes de Aprendizaje enriquecidos con el fascinante mundo de los Robots. CRÉDITOS: Reseña elaborada por EDUTEKA con información proveniente de catálogos y de Internet. Publicación de este documento en EDUTEKA: Abril 24 de 2004.
Robot news curator NewsCred launches human editorial team. NewsCred, a tech-intensive news aggregator, is an up-and-coming player in the media industry thanks to licensing agreements with elite publishers like the Economist and Bloomberg.
The company relies on these partnership deals and its own algorithms to ship stories to hundreds of publishers and brands like Pepsi and Overstock that are looking for quality content. NewsCred has long relied on automated curation tools to find and deliver relevant content to its clients, but now the company is adding something more to its journalism — humans. This morning, the company announced a new service named Editorial Curation that lets NewsCred clients buy hands-on human help for their story collection. Senior editor, Claire Lambrecht, explained that the new service is composed of eight journalists with newsroom experience at places like the New York Times and Slate.
Robotique et réussite scolaire. Où va l’économie numérique ? (2/3) : robotisation ou monopolisation.
« C’est peut-être difficile à croire, mais avant la fin de ce siècle, 70 % des emplois d’aujourd’hui sera remplacé par l’automatisation.
Oui, cher lecteur, même votre travail vous sera enlevé par des machines. En d’autres termes, votre remplacement par un robot n’est qu’une question de temps », affirme Kevin Kelly (@kevin2kelly) dans un passionnant article pour Wired intitulé : « meilleurs que les humains : pourquoi les robots vont (et doivent) prendre votre job ». Votre remplacement par un robot n’est qu’une question de temps !
Robótica. » Pentagon to Build Robots With ‘Real’ Brains Alex Jones. Technology would make robots “truly autonomous” Paul Joseph Watson April 11, 2013 A Pentagon-funded team of scientists have constructed a machine that functions like a human brain and would enable robots to think independently and act autonomously.
Image: YouTube. Introduction. What is Arduino? Arduino is a tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the physical world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller board, and a development environment for writing software for the board. Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs. Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they can communicate with software running on your computer (e.g.
Flash, Processing, MaxMSP.) The Arduino programming language is an implementation of Wiring, a similar physical computing platform, which is based on the Processing multimedia programming environment.
DIY Drones. Overview. We're thrilled to announce the launch of Processing 2.0—the latest incarnation of the programming language, development environment, and online community that has grown dramatically since its debut in 2001. This new release builds on the versions of Processing that have been downloaded almost two million times. We invite you to download Processing 2.0 from The Processing software is free and open source, and runs on the Mac, Windows, and GNU/Linux platforms.