You Don’t Know Squat. How I Learned to Love Exercise (yes, really!) Natural Remedies, Organic Herbs, DIY Recipes. Jak zrobić pastę do zębów w domu – wybielająca i remineralizująca pasta do zębów - Kaila Natura. Komercyjne pasty do zębów zawierają mnóstwo szkodliwych substancji jak fluor, SLSy czy tlenek tytanu.
Najwyższy czas zrobić ekologiczną, domową pastę do zębów! Od dłuższego czasu szukałam idealnej domowej pasty do zębów: olej kokosowy, kurkuma, sól, soda ok, ale konsystencja ciągle nie taka jakiej bym sobie życzyła, bo za bardzo płynna i trzeba było się skupiać, żeby z ust nie wypływała. I natrafiłam na recepturę z dodatkiem glinki bentonitowej i to było to! Dodać glinkę! Zamieniłam glinkę na białą, bo taką jadalną miałam na stanie i konsystencja mojej domowej pasty do zębów stała się perfekcyjna, a działanie lepsze niż jakiejkolwiek kupnej :) Remineralizująca pasta do zębów z białą glinką 3 łyżki białej glinki 1 łyżka gorącej wody 1 łyżka oleju kokosowego 1 łyżka kurkumy (opcjonalnie) 1/2 łyżeczki drobnej soli himalajskiej 10 kropli miętowego olejku eterycznego (opcjonalnie) Wykonanie: Glinkę i sól rozpuszczamy w ciepłej wodzie, dodajemy pozostałe składniki i mieszamy na gładką masę.
Homemade Body Wash Recipe. Simple Answers for Healthier Families. Empowered Sustenance - Eat well and heal!™ 12 Things You Can Do For Daily Detoxification. It’s a common belief that detoxing is a one-time event, lasting anywhere from 24 hours to several weeks or more.
But there’s no reason why you can’t take steps to detoxify your body on a continual basis. It actually makes sense since you’re likely taking in toxins each day, until they build up to the point of causing problems. By attending to toxin clean up on a daily basis you keep your body feeling good, and you reduce the likelihood that you’ll develop bigger problems because of your toxicity level.
Drink Plenty of Water This is one tip that you’re probably sick of hearing again and again, but it’s only because it’s so important to so many vital organs, and it helps to keep your body well-flushed of toxins. It also helps your body better eliminate feces, which contains plenty of toxins in it. Brush Your Body Take a dry loofah sponge and brush your body, starting with the extremities and working your way in.
See which teas help with detoxifying You may also like: How Your Face Changes After 30 Days Of Drinking Water. We're told over and over again about how good water is for us.
You've probably heard the "8 cups of water a day" rule, but let's face it: that's tough when you have delicious soda and coffee and whatever else tempting you everywhere you go. So, where can we find the motivation to drink wisely? This woman's before and after photos might just do the trick. A 42-year-old woman named Sarah Smith wasn't drinking enough water, and decided to do something about it. After drinking three liters of water a day for 28 days, she shared her amazing results: Photo: Twitter (link is external) "Usually I start my day with a cup of tea, then I might have a glass of water with my lunch and one with dinner — that's about a liter of liquid in 24 hours.
The mother of two was reportedly having headaches and a hard time with digestion. These are her results week-by-week: Week 1: She experienced some breakouts over her body while toxins were being eliminated. All photos: Daily Mail (link is external) 1. The Love Vitamin - Clear Skin. Amazing Life. Incredible You. 40 Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Exercise. 40 Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Exercise When my firstborn was one year old I decided to take a “learn to teach aerobics” class at my gym.
I learned all about the principles of fitness, the hows of teaching, and got especially good at step aerobics. Within a couple of months, I was a certified fitness instructor. Why I would want to have to exercise for my job–in front of a room full of people, no less–I realize, doesn’t make much sense. But, getting paid to work out, with free babysitting, certainly did! That was in 1997, but, over the years, fitness has continued to be a specialty of mine; in fact, my doctoral degree emphasis is “Health Psychology”. LifespanLifespan. Healthmunsta on HubPages. Welcome to StyleCraze - India's Largest Beauty Community. Clean Eating - Improving your life one meal at a time.