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Installation with two matrox TripleHead2Go dp: set-up hints? - Cycling '74 Forums. I’ve been using a Macbook Pro (late 2011 model) with one Matrox TripleHead2Go DP that’s run via a MAX patch in a permanent public art installation since early 2012.

installation with two matrox TripleHead2Go dp: set-up hints? - Cycling '74 Forums

Two issues: 1) I’ve had trouble with auto-start-up each day — by the time the USB-powered Matrox is up and running, the Mac has already looked for and not found it, so it ends up not recognizing the external monitors. Partial Solution: don’t power the Matrox from the laptop; use external power source (USB hub or something) so it gets continuous power. Also, make sure the Matrox firmware is up to date. Even this didn’t solve it 100%; even with external power, the Matrox sometimes goes "down" or to sleep or something, and is not recognized by the Mac when it re-starts each day. 2) This installation has been running daily from 7am until 5pm, 5 days a week since early 2012.

Cartes graphiques.


Cartes graphiques. Cartes mères - Z87-PRO. Choose Your Laptop Design Options. Config PC pour du Motion Design. Samsung S24D590PL. Multi Stream Transport (MST) Hub DisplayPort 1-3 - Connect and do more. TouchOSC Resolume 4 Layouts from VJ Union Community - VJ Software - VJ Union. Controller plusieurs Mac (wifi) avec 1 iphone + touch osc. Sans titre. View topic - Onwards! To 4K and Beyond the Infinite. Club3D is a hardware company that, aside from making AMD and Nvidia graphic cards, make a lot of useful adapters, dongles and gadgets.

View topic - Onwards! To 4K and Beyond the Infinite

For instance we’ve been using the Club3D USB to DVI dongles quite a bit to add an extra highdef output to a laptop setup. So when we heard that they make a dongle which can extend a single Displayport output to 3 Displayport outputs, we just had to order a few units for testing. We simply can’t resist a fancy new dongle. Here’s the nitty gritty on this little gadget.It’s not a simple splitter, the operating system will see each of the three monitors as an individual output and you can send each different content, or one big video stretched over the 3 displays. That’s 3 times 1920x1200, son! Although the spec sheet claims it works with any card with a DP output, it’s recommended to use a Radeon™ HD 5000, 6000 or 7000 series. View topic - Suggest Hardware Configuration !!! I'd like to add a few things to the tutorial.

View topic - Suggest Hardware Configuration !!!

I blend projectors all the time and for me the most important part of the blending process is the size of the final output. In the video they use three projectors at 800x600 and create a composition that is 2400x600 so they end up not using some of the right and left areas of the composition. What I would do different is calculate the pixels I need in my composition based on the size of the screen/surface I'm using. So for instance, if the surface is 20ft x 6 ft and I have three 800x600 projectors, I would create a composition that is 2000x600 knowing that I will get a 200 pixel overlap on both sides. That way my composition will fit the screen exactly and I don't have to leave anything out.

In that case your first slice would be positioned at 0,0 on the input selection, your second one at 600,200 and your third one at 1200,0. View topic - Capturing MacBook output into BlackMagic Shuttle. This is a bit of a late response; but i've gotten this kind of setup to work multiple times with Arena 4 and the Bm Shuttle, Intensity pro, and pocket studio recorder.

View topic - Capturing MacBook output into BlackMagic Shuttle

To get this to work make sure that the black magic software is set to HDMI and HDMI audio or HDMI and Rca audio. Then make sure the Bm device is set to 1080i60.In Arena/Avenue make sure that on the clip properties for the input are set to Hdmi, 1080i60, and de-interlace.On the mbp side i used an application called switch res X.

It allows you to set the resolution of outputs and your laptop screen to anything that you want. It's not free, but after trial ends. res will default after a reboot. Matrox Quad and Six-Head PCI Express Graphics Cards. Matrox Graphics Inc. today announced the first two cards in the eagerly anticipated Matrox C-Series - the Matrox C420 quad-output and the Matrox C680 six-output PCI Express graphics cards - engineered for stability, reliability and advanced multi-display capabilities.

Matrox Quad and Six-Head PCI Express Graphics Cards

Both cards feature 2 GB of on-board memory and mini DisplayPort connectivity. They deliver outstanding performance for control room, digital signage, enterprise, industrial, security, A/V, and embedded system applications.The low-profile Matrox C420 quad card features passive cooling for increased reliability and silent operation. Datapath x4 Display Wall Controller - Future Micro Technology. The Datapath x4 is a stand alone display wall controller, that accepts a standard single or Dual-Link DVI-D input and can flexibly display this across for DVI-I outputs.

Datapath x4 Display Wall Controller - Future Micro Technology

This multi display controller can rotate, crop, scale, mirror and bezel correct images, allowing the user to utilize their creative imagination. The hardware equalization supports input cable lengths up to 20 metres. The Datapath x4 is ideal to construct multi screen solutions for both digital signage applications, small video walls and for any creative multi display video setup. Your packing box should contain the following items:

Le chaînage. Il y a maintenant 3 ans, AMD annonçait ses Radeon de la série 6000, avec une nouveauté : la possibilité de chaîner des écrans DisplayPort.

Le chaînage

L'idée est simple : cette nouvelle fonction de la norme DisplayPort 1.2, le MST (Multi-Stream Transport) permet de brancher plusieurs écrans sur une seule prise DisplayPort. La mise en place l'est un peu moins : AMD avait annoncé la sortie de hubs DisplayPort (on trouve la documentation sur le site d'AMD) mais dans les faits il a fallu attendre avril 2013 pour que les premiers produits arrivent réellement.

Entre-temps, une autre solution a vu le jour : des écrans qui intègrent une sortie DisplayPort en plus d'une entrée, ce qui permet directement le chaînage. Comme le montre l'image, le chaînage est parfaitement possible avec un simple ordinateur portable. SwitchResX - Download. Click the green arrow below to download the latest version.

SwitchResX - Download

TV & Monitor Mounts. Configuration PC pour multidiffusion - Forums du Repaire.