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10 Books Every Artist Must Read. I love reading books on art.

10 Books Every Artist Must Read

Not just the kind with pretty pictures, either. But the kind with words. It baffles me how few of my classes during art school actually had required texts. Thankfully I was lucky enough to stumble into the world of art books on my own, and I believe I’m a better artist for it. Here are ten books that I sincerely believe every artist out there should purchase and read—at least once. Art & FearIf you’ve ever started to have thoughts in your head about “am I talented enough?”

And there we have it. Do your art a favor and read any of these you haven’t already. Looking for more good books? And now check out my follow up, 10 Books Every Artist Must Read (that have nothing to do with making art). Don’t go to art school — I. M. H. O. I’ve had it.

Don’t go to art school — I. M. H. O.

I will no longer encourage aspiring artists to attend art school. I just won’t do it. Unless you’re given a full ride scholarship (or have parents with money to burn), attending art school is a waste of your money. I have a diploma from the best public art school in the nation. Prior to that I attended the best private art school in the nation. But I am saddened and ashamed at art schools and their blatant exploitation of students. This is embarrassing.

Artists are neither doctors nor lawyers. The Sketching Forum Home Page. Storyboard Tutorial – zeichnen, erstellen, konstruieren! Figure drawing: Basic Pose and Construction. 1.

Figure drawing: Basic Pose and Construction

Introduction This method is to help you draw the human form. It is by no means the best way or even a fast way. Instead, this method is aimed at thinking and setting up the human form in a threedimensional space. Classical animation (most notably Disney) uses a similar way of setting up their characters. Using this method will help you form your thoughts on the human body posing on paper rather than in your mind. 2. Basic anatomy Stickfigures Wait, don't go away yet! Let's take a look at stickfigures. Lesson Try to draw these standing stickfigures and see if you master their proportions. Body language Stickfigures, again Now that you know how important it is to master proportions through simple stick figures, we go to the next use of stickfigures: 'the pose'.

Stickfigures in action Here are a few examples how you can use a stickfigure to determine a pose. Lesson Try drawing stickfigures in action. Balance When you set up a pose, you will need to take into account its center of gravity. Literature and Latte - Scrivener Writing Software. “The biggest software advance for writers since the word processor.”

Literature and Latte - Scrivener Writing Software

—Michael Marshall Smith Grow your ideas in style Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft. Your complete writing studio Writing a novel, research paper, script or any long-form text involves more than hammering away at the keys until you’re done. Write, structure, revise Scrivener puts everything you need for structuring, writing and editing long documents at your fingertips. With access to a powerful underlying text engine, you can add tables, bullet points, images and mark up your text with comments and footnotes.

Create order from chaos Your research—always within reach Getting it out there Compile your draft into a single document for printing or exporting. - Designstudenten Forum. Kunstkurs-Online. de - Malen, Zeichnen, Fotografieren lernen. Figure drawing: Basic Pose and Construction. - Designstudenten Forum. FINISHED ARTWORK. Malprogramm für Mac und Windows - Corel Painter X3. Bemærk!

Malprogramm für Mac und Windows - Corel Painter X3

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