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Farmers market growth largest in Tennessee - Memphis Business Journal. Hospital food around the world. Italian Wedding Soup. An Oasis in a Food Desert. Since opening last month, America’s first nonprofit grocery store is bringing fresh and affordable fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy to Chester, Pa., a community that has struggled to find healthy food options since the city’s last supermarket closed in 2001.

An Oasis in a Food Desert

Chester, home to 35,000 people, has been designated a food desert, a low-income area lacking easy access to healthy food, by the US government. For the residents of Chester the Fare & Square grocery store — seven years in the making — is a welcome relief: “It’s a beautiful supermarket,” said employee Geraldine Carter. The store is the brainchild of Bill Clark, the executive director of Philabundance, a nonprofit hunger relief organization.

Chester has a 36 percent poverty rate and unemployment is 13 percent. Memphis Public Library and Information Center. Memphis Public Library & Information Center Benjamin L.

Memphis Public Library and Information Center

Hooks Central Library History/Social Sciences Department Memphis and Shelby County Room The Memphis and Shelby County Room is an area within the History/Social Sciences Department where researchers may view items from the library’s archival and manuscript collections. These include historical records of people and families, maps, photographs, newspaper vertical files, books, and music and video recordings. S H E L B Y   C O  T N  G E N E A L O G Y. Shelby County TN, in southwest Tennessee, is part of the state's three "grand divisions" and was created when John Overton, James Winchester, and Andrew Jackson founded the city of Memphis on May 22, 1819.

S H E L B Y   C O  T N  G E N E A L O G Y

Memphis was incorporated as the county seat in December 19, 1826. In 1827 the county seat was moved to Raleigh, TN and Memphis didn't regain the county seat until after the Civil War in 1867. See this page for more interesting facts about Memphis, Tennessee. Search: south memphis. About Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886.

Memphis News and Events. In January, a study conducted by the Food Research and Action Center gave Memphis the unenviable distinction of "hunger capital of the United States.

Memphis News and Events

" The Ultimate Extra-Crispy Double Fried Confit Buffalo Wings. [Photographs: J.

The Ultimate Extra-Crispy Double Fried Confit Buffalo Wings

Kenji Lopez-Alt] Notes: The stove-top method is faster and easier for some folks, but the oven method will get you slightly moister end results. Chicken wings can be frozen after step 1. To freeze chicken, place on a large plate or rimmed baking sheet, seaprating each piece. Freeze until solid, then transfer chicken pieces to a zipper-lock freezer bag.

To serve all the chicken at once instead of in batches, transfer chicken directly from the fryer in step 3 to a rack set in a rimmed baking sheet and place in a 200°F oven while you cook the remaining batches. Salsa Arroz Con Pollo Recipe - - 364716. Chicken Rollatini with Spinach alla Parmigiana. Baked chicken breasts rolled with spinach and ricotta topped with pomodoro sauce and melted mozzarella.

Chicken Rollatini with Spinach alla Parmigiana

A dish the whole family will love! Since making chicken rollatini stuffed with prosciutto and cheese a few weeks back my husband has been craving chicken rollatini the way he grew up eating it, stuffed with cheese and topped with sauce and more cheese. The Elders of Organic Farming. Photo BIG SUR, Calif. — Among the sleek guests who meditate and do Downward Facing Dog here at the Esalen Institute, the farmers appeared to be out of place.

The Elders of Organic Farming

They wore baggy jeans, suspenders and work boots and had long ago let their hair go gray. For nearly a week, two dozen organic farmers from the United States and Canada shared decades’ worth of stories, secrets and anxieties, and during breaks they shared the clothing-optional baths. The agrarian elders, as they were called, were invited to Esalen because the organizers of the event wanted to document what these rock stars of the sustainable food movement knew and to discuss an overriding concern: How will they be able to retire and how will they pass their knowledge to the next generation?

Michael Ableman, a farmer and one of the event’s organizers, said the concerns were part of a much larger issue, a “national emergency,” in his words. Continue reading the main story Slide Show. Just Opened: The South Memphis Farmers Market. Posted by John Kelly on July 19, 2010 at 05:23 PM EDT It is always exciting to see what happens when a community comes together to develop solutions to its most pressing issues.

Just Opened: The South Memphis Farmers Market

Led by Rev. Kenneth S. Robinson, M.D., Pastor and CEO of St. Too much of too little: How the food-stamp diet is leaving the Rio Grande Valley both hungry and obese. Reform To U.S. International Food Aid Program Likely With Growing Bipartisan Support. Archive content from Supermarket News. Wasted Food Around The World Takes Heavy Toll On Environment : The Salt. Hide captionA farmer carries a bag of rice in China's Jiangxi province in July 2013.

Wasted Food Around The World Takes Heavy Toll On Environment : The Salt

Zhou Ke/Xinhua /Landov A farmer carries a bag of rice in China's Jiangxi province in July 2013. It's one of the great paradoxes of our time: Hundreds of millions of people go hungry, and yet we waste a whopping 1.43 billion tons of food — one third of what we produce. Don't Fear That Expired Food : The Salt. Hide captionThe expiration date on foods like orange juice and even milk aren't indicators of when those products will go bad. The expiration date on foods like orange juice and even milk aren't indicators of when those products will go bad.

Don't Fear That Expired Food : The Salt

Now that the Christmas feast is over, you may be looking at all the extra food you made, or the food that you brought home from the store that never even got opened. EWG's Good Food on a Tight Budget. Stretching your dollars to get a month's worth of healthy, filling food is a challenge. EWG assessed nearly 1,200 foods and hand-picked the best 100 or so that pack in nutrients at a good price, with the fewest pesticides, contaminants and artificial ingredients. Enjoy! See top foods EWG's "Good Food on a Tight Budget" booklet comes with our top tips for healthy eating, quick lists of best foods, tasty recipes and easy tools for tracking food prices and planning your weekly menu (a key step to cutting costs!).

We hope it helps you find delicious, healthy food -- and save money, too. Goodfoodonatightbudget.pdf. Local Table - A Guide To Food And Farming In Middle Tennessee - Contact. South Memphis Farmers Market. Food Desert Oasis. VOL. 128 | NO. 131 | Monday, July 08, 2013 By Jennifer Johnson Backer You have entered an invalid email addressTo:* RequiredFrom:* RequiredMessage: You have entered an invalid email addressFrom (email):* RequiredMessage:* Required Most urban neighborhoods in Memphis don’t have access to a traditional grocery store that offers fresh and affordable food. Top 9 U.S. Urban Food Deserts. 10 American Food Deserts Where It Is Impossible To Eat Healthily. Over 23 million Americans — including 6.5 million children — live in food deserts: areas without ready access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food.

That means there isn't a supermarket within a mile. These are usually low-income areas, dominated by minorities. In fact, just 8 percent of African Americans live in a census tract with a supermarket. The effects of food deserts are devastating: they contribute to obesity and other diet-related illnesses, they force families living in these areas to use valuable time traveling to neighboring areas, and they usually lack the resources to improve their situation.

Health Memphis: 'Food deserts' tied to obesity, unhealthy community. Bringing Farm-Fresh Foods to an Urban Community Fighting Obesity. The term “food desert” has been mentioned widely. Many have questioned whether living in a food desert contributes to obesity because of the preponderance of fast foods and convenience stores and the dearth of healthy options, including grocery stores selling fresh fruits and vegetables. To tackle the food desert problem in one South Memphis neighborhood, Aligning Forces for Quality grantee Healthy Memphis Common Table supported the efforts of the South Memphis community partners to fill a void in a nutritional wasteland by bringing in a farmers market, an approach being tested by many urban communities across the United States. The short-term goal focused on increasing a community’s access to healthier food choices. The long-term hope is that by having greater ease to purchase affordable fresh fruits and vegetables, individuals can reduce their risks for obesity and related health conditions.

A Public Health Epidemic. Startup Grocers Aim to Flood South Memphis’ Food Desert. FSPP0913.pdf. TN_food_deserts_rural_1__copy.pdf.aspx. Healthy Corner Stores Network. DC Central Kitchen. A local partnership bringing fresh food and economic opportunities to small businesses. In September 2011, DC Central Kitchen launched a partnership with 30 DC corner stores to deliver fresh fruits and vegetables to food deserts, low income areas without adequate access to fully stocked supermarkets. DC Central Kitchen delivered fresh fruits and vegetables to corner stores and other small retailers located in Wards 5, 7, and 8.

The pilot program allowed corner store owners to purchase produce at a reduced cost for the first few months. By the time the rate increased to wholesale price, owners had an idea of what their customers preferred. In addition to offering these partner businesses new products for sale, DC Central Kitchen provided retailers with nutrition education, cooking demonstrations, marketing support, and technical assistance. When others said these items couldn’t sell and no corner store would try to, we’re seeing increased participation and interest among local retailers. HCSReport.pdf. Health_on_the_Shelf_FINAL_20130322-web_0.pdf. Getting_to_Grocery_FINAL_20120514.pdf. Licensing&Zoning_FINAL_20120703.pdf. Incentives_FINAL_20120514.pdf.