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CkroachDB is the resilient cloud software built by ex-Googlers. Cockroaches are some of the most resilient creatures on earth.

ckroachDB is the resilient cloud software built by ex-Googlers

They can live for 45 minutes without air and over a month without food. Cutting their heads off won't even kill them -- at least not immediately. Their bodies can live on for several days without their heads. At technology giants like Google, Amazon, and Facebook, engineers have pioneered techniques that help make their websites just as hard to kill. If a server goes on the fritz, a series of servers shut down, or even an entire data centre goes dark, these sites are supposed to just keep chugging along. Now, a team of open source developers wants to make it easier for just about any company to build the sort of resilient cloud computing systems that run online empires like Google. Like so many other open source projects designed to drive large online operations, CockroachDB is based on ideas published in a Google researcher paper, in this case a detailed description of a massive system called Spanner.

Ex-Googlers Everywhere. Spanner (database) Spanner is Google's globally distributed NewSQL database, the successor to BigTable.

Spanner (database)

Google describes Spanner as not a pure relational system because each table must have a primary-key column. Because the lack of transactions in BigTable led to frequent complaints from users, Google made distributed transactions central to Spanner's design. Based on their experience with BigTable, Google argues that it is better to have application programmers deal with performance problems due to overuse of transactions as bottlenecks arise, rather than always coding around the lack of transactions. The Google F1 SQL database management system (DBMS) is built on it,[3] and replaces Google’s custom MySQL.[4] Chive - Web-based MySQL Admin Interface.

Prepared statements and stored procedures. Muchas de las bases de datos más maduras admiten el concepto de sentencias preparadas.

Prepared statements and stored procedures

Estas pueden definirse como un tipo de plantillas compiladas para SQL que las aplicaciones quieren ejecutar, que pueden ser personalizadas usando parámetros de variables. Las sentencias preparadas ofrecen dos grandes beneficios: La consulta sólo necesita ser analizada (o preparada) una vez, pero puede ser ejecutada múltiples veces con los mismos o diferentes parámetros. Cuando la consulta es preparada, la base de datos analizará, compilará y optimizará su plan para ejecutarla. Para consultas complejas, este proceso puede tomar suficiente tiempo como para que ralentice notablemente una aplicación si fuera necesario repetir la misma consulta muchas veces con los mismos parámetros. Las sentencias preparadas son tan útiles que son la única característica que PDO emulará para los controladores que no las admitan. Ejemplo #1 Inserciones reiteradas usando sentencias preparadas <? <? <?

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Compairing MySQL Enterprise and MySQL Community Edition

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