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Why Canadians keep quiet about their country. I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.
(Extract from the Canadian Billl of Rights) I think every Canadian should have a map of Canada in his or her house. It should be displayed in a place where one can sit and contemplate the wonderful vastness of this land. As Canadians, we are continuously groping for an identity and a sense of love for our nation. Americans should never underestimate the constant pressure on Canada which the mere presence of the United States has produced. It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw, not because she is Canada but because she's something sublime that you were born into, some great rugged power that you are a part of.- Emily Carr (1871-1945) For more GREAT QUOTES ABOUT CANADA Please Click Here. Jokes: Canadian Apology - Patriotism Canada. The same Canadian Apology as featured on This Hour Has 22 Minutes early in 2003.
You can view the Apology to Americans here. On behalf of Canadians everywhere, I'd like to offer an apology to the United States of America. We haven't been getting along very well recently and for that, I am truly sorry. I'm sorry we called George Bush a moron. He is a moron, but it wasn't nice of us to point it out. I'm sorry about our softwood lumber.
Mythbusting Canadian Health Care. 2008 is shaping up to be the election year that we finally get to have the Great American Healthcare Debate again.
Harry and Louise are back with a vengeance. Conservatives are rumbling around the talk show circuit bellowing about the socialist threat to the (literal) American body politic. And, as usual, Canada is once again getting dragged into the fracas, shoved around by both sides as either an exemplar or a warning — and, along the way, getting coated with the obfuscating dust of so many willful misconceptions that the actual facts about How Canada Does It are completely lost in the melee.
I’m both a health-care-card-carrying Canadian resident and an uninsured American citizen who regularly sees doctors on both sides of the border.
What's the matter with Canada?
Last Sunday, news came that Canada—sensible, quiet, some would even say boring Canada—will hold an election on Oct. 14, its third in four years.
Canadian Emergency Alert Codes. Canadian Quotes. Here is a collection of quotes about Canada that are amusing, entertaining, patriotic, or thought provoking.
My hope is that you enjoy reading them, and they make you feel pride. We are going to start off nice and easy with quotes from celebrities. Celebrities and Icons Canadians . . . have no south of which they can speak warmly.Priit J. Vesilind, National Geographic When they said Canada, I thought it was up in the mountains somewhere.Marilyn Monroe, actress I had no idea Canada could be so much funBruce Willis, actor I wouldn't let someone take my Canadian citizenship from me for anythingJim Kale of the Guess Who They must be doing something right up there in Canada.Hugh Hefner, Playboy Founder Comedians.
Blue Banana You Ho This Is All Your Fault. By Jonathan Goldsbie.
Canadian Money. Now that the Euro is going strong (well, sort of), we can finally say that Canada has one of the world’s oldest independent currencies.
First introduced to Britain’s North American colonies in 1853, the Canadian Dollar ($) has remained the basic unit of Canadian cash ever since. Originally pegged to the British Pound Sterling, and then to the Gold Standard, since 1929 the dollar has been a so-called “free floating” currency with a value determined by the international marketplace and the policies of a government-run national bank known as the Bank of Canada. Broadly speaking, the Canadian dollar is roughly equivalent in value to a United States Dollar or European Union Euro, though the precise value obviously fluctuates.
In the opinion of the International Monetary Fund, it is one of the world’s seven “reserve currencies” known for stability and reliability even in times of economic uncertainty. The Loonie is the one dollar coin, made of gold-coloured nickel. Canadian Paper Money. 10 Health Care Myths: Understanding Canada's Medicare Debate. By Ulli Diemer An overview of the Canadian health care system compared with the United States. "To Every Complex Problem there is a Simple Answer: Neat, Plausible, and Wrong". — H.L.
Mencken Medicare is a Canadian success story. Not perfect, but good enough to be envied by much of the world. Canadians now take it for granted they will receive high-quality health care when they need it, without financial or other barriers. Confronted with these facts, policy-makers and the media have drawn the predictable conclusion: Canada's health care system is in crisis -- gravely ill at best, perhaps even on its death-bed.