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This Common Secret

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The World's Abortion Laws: Home. 60 Minutes and the Big Bad Pro-Lifers. The Media and Abortion By Chuck Colson|Published Date: February 17, 1992 Dr.

60 Minutes and the Big Bad Pro-Lifers

Susan Wicklund is a tough-talking, determined abortionist. So determined that every day she flies 400 miles from her home in Minnesota to North Dakota to perform abortions. Public Eye: Abortion In 1965. Abortion Revisiting Roe v. Wade. Medical views: When does human life begin? Mississippi residents vote Tuesday on a controversial ballot initiative that seeks to define a fertilized human egg as a person with full legal rights.

Medical views: When does human life begin?

Anti-abortion advocates crafted Initiative 26, which defines personhood as "every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof. " Amendment would declare fertilized egg a person If passed, the law could affect a woman's ability to get the morning-after pill or birth control pills that destroy fertilized eggs, and it could make in vitro fertilization treatments more difficult because it could become illegal to dispose of unused fertilized eggs. Opponents of the measure have said they are concerned that people may not be able to understand the complexity and the consequences of the amendment. When life begins according to scripture. The Bible and Abortion - The Biblical Basis for a Prolife Position. Introduction The Bible declares that God values all human life and that He wants all people to come to repentance to inherit eternal life.1 The Bible explains that the entire life of a human - from the beginning to its natural end - is sacred, since God determines the length of those days.2 When does human life begin?

The Bible and Abortion - The Biblical Basis for a Prolife Position

This page will examine that question from a biblical perspective. Many Christians believe that the Bible is silent in regard to God's view on life before birth. Although the Bible does not specifically define when life begins, it does give us enough information to formulate a solid biblical position. The sayings of Jesus Jesus demonstrated the love of God for children often during His ministry. Old Testament law The Old Testament provides most of the information on God's view of life before birth, since it gives us the law.

Therefore, the law tells us that a man who induces an abortion or miscarriage is to be punished, indicating that God values life before birth. THE PRO-CHOICE ACTION NETWORK. By Joyce Arthur First published in "Humanist in Canada," No. 90 (Vol. 22, #3) Autumn, 1989.


Revised and expanded August 2001. Most anti-choicers claim obedience to the divinely inspired word of God, so let's review their performance by taking a look at what the Bible has to say about abortion. Extremely little, actually, but what it does say appears to be in direct contradiction to the anti-choice stance. Chapter 29: When Does Life Begin. When does human life begin?

Chapter 29: When Does Life Begin

This question has confounded individuals and divided our society. Opinions have come from the right and the left, from pro-life advocates and those in favor of abortion on demand, from physicians and lawyers, from the pulpit and the courtroom. When did I begin to be me? Is this a scientific question or a theological one?

What the Bible Says About Abortion - Christian Teens - Abortion - Bible - Verses - Christianity - Beliefs - Stance. The messy biology of human embryos. Are embryos morally equal to people?

The messy biology of human embryos

I say no. Robert George, a member of President Bush's bioethics council, and his colleague Christopher Tollefsen say yes. In their new book, Embryo: A Defense of Human Life, George and Tollefsen conclude not only that embryo-destructive stem-cell research should be defunded but that any research involving embryos should be banned if it even slightly risks an embryo's health. They propose to halt the common practice of producing extra embryos during in vitro fertilization and to require that every IVF embryo be transferred to a womb. Will Saletan writes about politics, science, technology, and other stuff for Slate. Follow In Sunday's New York Times, I reviewed the book's arguments.

The virtue of Embryo is that the authors stake their case on science and logic, not religion. Embryo: A Defense of Human Life - Robert P. George and Christopher Tollefsen - Book Review. Embryonic Debate - Robert P. George & Christopher Tollefsen. Teachers' Guide - The Last Abortion Clinic. About the Film: More than 30 years after the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion, Americans, their legislators and courts are still struggling with this polarizing and difficult issue.

Teachers' Guide - The Last Abortion Clinic

The Last Abortion Clinic. Head vs. Heart in the Abortion Debate. By Susan Wicklund Public Affairs. 268 pp. $24.95.

Head vs. Heart in the Abortion Debate

Interview with Dr. Susan Wicklund This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor. A Conversation and Book-Signing with Dr.

Interview with Dr. Susan Wicklund This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor

Susan Wicklund, author of: “THIS COMMON SECRET: MY JOURNEY AS AN ABORTION DOCTOR” and Debra Sweet, National Director, The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime! A Benefit for the 2008 work of World Can’t Wait and that of Dr. Susan Wicklund DATE: Sunday January 20th, 2008 TIME: 5:00 PM (Sharp!) To 7:00 PM PLACE: Anna's Jazz Island / 2120 Allston Way / Berkeley, CA 94704 ************ Demonstrate January 19 in San Francisco to Defend Reproductive Choice and Rights** Mibilization by Bay Area Coalition to Defend Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR) This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor - Susan Wicklund - Book Review.