Eelcocramer/node-bluetooth-serial-port. Pandora's Box - An Internet Radio player made with a Raspberry Pi! In order to build the system, you will need several things. The main piece is a Raspberry Pi Model B with a 5V, 1A power supply. This Instructable is based on a Revision 2 board, but will work on earlier boards with minimal changes. Next, you will need an SD card with a Raspbian Wheezy image.
Instructions for this process found at: Beakable/beakpi. Flot/flot. OpenEnergyMonitor. Emoncms. Smartenit - Solutions. There is nothing as tasty as homemade raspberry pie in the summer, and the ice cream on top makes it even more delicious, especially when it's free.
The Smartenit ZBPServer software is the ice cream that turns your Rpi into a "HomAidPi", full-fledged automation monster gateway that manages large home / building automation networks based on ZigBee, INSTEON and X10 protocols. Choose one of several USB automation interfaces available from Smartenit (USB-CID, ZBPLM, and EZIComm) and access a large ecosystem of automation devices that includes lighting, HVAC, irrigation, appliance control, energy management, water management, etc. Home Automation.