The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks. Keeping up with JavaScript frameworks can be a challenge.
There are a lot of them, and seemingly another one every month. How do you know which ones might be right for your project? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do you get started? 2017 JavaScript Rising Stars. Overview These are the hottest projects of the year, all categories included.
Vue.js strikes again Once again, Vue.js is the trendiest project of the year, with more than 40,000 stars added on GitHub during the year. It's far more than in 2016 (26,000 stars), and the gap with the next contender (React) is even bigger. The Rise Of The State Machines — Smashing Magazine. About The Author Krasimir Tsonev is a coder with over ten years of experience in web development. Author of two books about Node.js. He works as a senior front-end developer for … More about Krasimir Tsonev … The UI development became difficult in the last couple of years. That is because we pushed the state management to the browser.
It’s 2018 already, and countless front-end developers are still leading a battle against complexity and immobility. Request. Super simple to use Request is designed to be the simplest way possible to make http calls.
It supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default. Table of contents. Suguru03/neo-async. Home - Documentation. For Async v1.5.x documentation, go HERE Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript.
Although originally designed for use with Node.js and installable via npm install --save async, it can also be used directly in the browser. Async is also installable via: yarn: yarn add asyncbower: bower install async Async provides around 70 functions that include the usual 'functional' suspects (map, reduce, filter, each…) as well as some common patterns for asynchronous control flow (parallel, series, waterfall…). Quick Examples['file1','file2','file3'], fs.stat, function(err, results) { // results is now an array of stats for each file}); async.filter(['file1','file2','file3'], function(filePath, callback) { fs.access(filePath, function(err) { callback(null, ! Axios. Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js Features Make XMLHttpRequests from the browserMake http requests from node.jsSupports the Promise APIIntercept request and responseTransform request and response dataCancel requestsAutomatic transforms for JSON dataClient side support for protecting against XSRF Browser Support Installing Using npm:
Sequelize. JsPerf: JavaScript performance playground. Top 5 Best Open Source Javascript Chart Library. Nunjucks. This is an overview of the templating features available in Nunjucks.
Nunjucks is essentially a port of jinja2, so you can read their docs if you find anything lacking here. Read about the differences here. File Extensions Although you are free to use any file extension you wish for your Nunjucks template files, the Nunjucks community has adopted .njk. NectarJS : compiling JavaScript into Native Binaries for Every Platform. Compiler as a Service I began creating a compiler for JS.
I focused on compiling a few JS instructions on Linux, like math operations and logical instructions. I started with “for loop” and functions. Managing non-type variables was also a bit complicated, but I achieved that with time, tests and a multi-pass algorithm. It was a step by step work, with help from the “Dragon book”. After two weeks of working hard on this project, I started to bench performances, size and time to compile. And surprise!
You-Dont-Know-JS/ at master · getify/You-Dont-Know-JS. 12 Free Modal Window Libraries & Plugins For Your Site. Browser alerts are just plain annoying.
Nobody’s ever liked them. But it’s all we had until modal windows came around. Thanks to the rapidly advancing JavaScript techniques we have today, plus the massive open source community, you can setup clean modal windows in a snap. For this post I’ve shared my top picks of the best free modal window plugins, all with a variety of features and styles to choose from.
Moment.js. FancyGrid Documentation. JqGrid » Demo. TaffyDB - The JavaScript Database. Welcome to the qForms—the most complete JavaScript API for interfacing forms.
The qForms API has been designed to make forms easy to work with. It simplifies tasks HTML developers normally find tricky to handle. And the most exciting thing of all, the API is released free under the GNU Lesser General Public License I'm now accepting donations to help support the continual development of the qForms API.
The donations can be in any amount and are not required, the API is still free to use. I want to support development of qForms! Read Me · Fela. Knex.js - A SQL Query Builder for Javascript. Ludbek/powerform: A powerful form model. How to use jQuery plugins in React, Riot 2.0. How to (Safely) Use a jQuery Plugin With Vue.js. TodoMVC. Wenzhixin/bootstrap-table: An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, and other added features. (supports twitter bootstrap v2 and v3) Dynatable.js - jQuery plugin for HTML5+JSON interactive tables and more.
Demo Processing...
To get started, simply install jquery.dynatable.js (along with jQuery), and add the following in the document.ready or after the table: $('#my-table').dynatable(); How it works Dynatable does three things: Read / Normalize The HTML table is scanned and normalized into an array of JSON objects (or collection) where each JSON object (or record) corresponds to a row in the table. Stacktable.js. The purpose of stacktable.js is to give you an easy way of converting wide tables to a format that will work better on small screens. It creates a copy of the table that is converted into a 2-column key/value format.
Download. 12 Amazing jQuery Tables. This article was peer reviewed by Nuria Zuazo. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! This popular article was updated on 10th November, 2016 to reflect the current state of jQuery table plugins. Tables are one of the oldest elements in HTML. Tabulator. React-jsonschema-form playground. React-jsonschema-form JSONSchema xxxxxxxxxx "title": "A registration form", Alpaca Forms - Getting Started with Alpaca. This page provides a detailed, walk-through tutorial that describes how you might go about building your first Alpaca form. It isn't all that complicated but this guide goes step-by-step. Because, well... some people are all about step-by-step instructions with lots of details.
If you're more interested in seeing a quick demo, check out our examples page. Launch your favorite text editor and create an empty HTML file. We're going to build a web page so you're going to want to make sure the HTML file has a head section and a body section. In the body, we'll add a single DIV element. Joshfire/jsonform. jQuery Plugins, jQuery Tutorials, jQuery Articles, jQuery Examples, jQuery Demos. GETTING STARTED with VueJS 2. Mbasso/gccx: Transforms CPX (JSX like syntax) into asm-dom Virtual DOM. Snabbdom/snabbdom: A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance. Mithril.js - How does Mithril and jQuery interact with each other? Introduction - Mithril.js. SuperAgent — elegant API for AJAX in Node and browsers. SuperAgent is light-weight progressive ajax API crafted for flexibility, readability, and a low learning curve after being frustrated with many of the existing request APIs.
Redux-ecosystem-links/ at master · markerikson/redux-ecosystem-links. Everything You Should Know About React: The Basics You Need to Start Building. Are you curious about React and haven’t had the chance to learn it? Or maybe you’ve tried tutorials in the past, but struggled to master the core concepts? Or maybe you’ve learned the basics, but want to consolidate your knowledge? Everything You Should Know About React: The Basics You Need to Start Building. Jsblocks - Better JavaScript MV-ish Framework. Bosonic Web Component. - Discuss & share web components. Web components are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create new custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and web apps.
Custom components and widgets build on the Web Component standards, will work across modern browsers, and can be used with any JavaScript library or framework that works with HTML. Yallajs/yalla: YallaJS, ES6 Templating Engine. A Beginner’s Guide to Progressive Web Apps & the Frontend Web. Getting content from the web Creating your first web application can seem a bit difficult at first, so let’s take it one step at a time, starting with getting content from a RESTful API, using AJAX calls.
9 JavaScript Libraries for Working with Local Storage. The HTML5 Local Storage API (part of Web Storage) has excellent browser support and is being used in more and more applications. It has a simple API and certainly has its drawbacks, similar to cookies. Over the past year or so I’ve come across quite a few tools and libraries that use the localStorage API so I’ve compiled many of them together into this post with some code examples and discussion of the features. Lockr. Js-cache-factory. JsCache is a fast and small JavaScript library used for caching at client side.
It helps you to decrease your server load and increase your application performance by caching api for the time period you want. Store. Lscache. This is a simple library that emulates memcache functions using HTML5 localStorage, so that you can cache data on the client and associate an expiration time with each piece of data. If the localStorage limit (~5MB) is exceeded, it tries to create space by removing the items that are closest to expiring anyway.
If localStorage is not available at all in the browser, the library degrades by simply not caching and all cache requests return null. Methods The library exposes 5 methods: set(), get(), remove(), flush(), and setBucket(). ChocolateChip-UI - A Framework for Making Mobile Apps. 100+ FREE Resources to Learn Full Stack Web Development. InstantClick — JS library to make your website instant. Dans Tools - Online tools for users and developers. Table plug-in for jQuery. Mashable. This series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. Learn more about Rackspace's hosting solutions here. As smartphone sales continue to soar, more and more developers are focusing their efforts on building applications for mobile devices. Emulating CSS Timing Functions with JavaScript. Pharrington/Solitairey: full-featured JavaScript solitaire. Solitaire. List of languages that compile to JS · jashkenas/coffeescript Wiki.
Tocca. Furf/jquery-ui-touch-punch: A duck punch for adding touch events to jQuery UI. Jquery-touch-events. Benmajor/jQuery-Touch-Events: A collection of mobile event plugins for jQuery. Mattbryson/TouchSwipe-Jquery-Plugin. Jquery.mmenu.