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: Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit! Alpinejs/alpine: A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. Stimulus: A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have. Barba.js. Turbolinks/turbolinks: Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster. Features. Smart code splitting No matter which page your user lands on, the total footprint of a Remix app is about 50kb over the network (including dependencies).


It doesn't matter how large your application gets, each page only downloads what it needs, which is actually pretty uncommon in the React ecosystem. React apps are typically built two ways: bundle everything into one enormous file (yikes!) Or code split into multiple bundles to load on demand. The apps that code split usually send down a very large build manifest, listing every asset you could possibly need.

Remix never loads more code than the page the user is looking at. Beyond heavy JavaScript in the browser Do you ever look at some of the pages on your website and think "why does this need to download any JavaScript at all? ". Yeah, you, open the dev tools. That's right, no JavaScript! Open the devtools again. With Remix, you have full control of how your app is delivered at every route. A refreshing take on CSS. RedwoodJS - Bringing Full-stack to the Jamstack.

Date-fns - modern JavaScript date utility library. RedwoodJS - Bringing Full-stack to the JAMstack. In depth information on D3.js. Introducing Alpine.js: A Tiny JavaScript Framework. About The Author Phil Smith is a freelance developer based in Brighton, UK.

Introducing Alpine.js: A Tiny JavaScript Framework

His agency, amillionmonkeys partner with designers, entrepreneurs and agencies to build websites and … More about Phil … Ever built a website and reached for jQuery, Bootstrap, Vue.js or React to acheive some basic user interaction? Alpine.js is a fraction of the size of these frameworks because it involves no build steps and provides all of the tools you need to build a basic user interface. Like most developers, I have a bad tendency to over-complicate my workflow, especially if there’s some new hotness on the horizon.

Recently, the rise of utility based tools like Tailwind CSS have done this for CSS, and now Alpine.js promises something similar for JavaScript. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at Alpine.js and how it can replace JQuery or larger JavaScript libraries to build interactive websites. Now, let’s get started. List of Top JavaScript Frameworks 2020 For Front-End Developers. Front-end developers might know this game already: you type “top JavaScript frameworks” into Google and you get so many JavaScript frameworks from which to choose.

List of Top JavaScript Frameworks 2020 For Front-End Developers

There are always more choices for JavaScript frameworks. And it's always tough to choose a JavaScript framework for front-end development. So, what are front-end developers looking for in their tech stacks? The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks. Updated March 4, 2018: Added CxJS, Stencil and Stimulus.

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks

Keeping up with JavaScript frameworks can be a challenge. There are a lot of them, and seemingly another one every month. How do you know which ones might be right for your project? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Javascript Territory - JSter Javascript Catalog. Top 5 JS Frameworks And Libraries You Should Know in 2019. Share reusable code components as a team · Bit. Slick - the last carousel you'll ever need.

Set up your HTML markup.

slick - the last carousel you'll ever need

<div class="your-class"><div>your content</div><div>your content</div><div>your content</div></div> Move the /slick folder into your project. Iamkun/dayjs: ⏰ Day.js 2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API. Social Network for Developers. RE:DOM – Tiny turboboosted JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Zdog · Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas and SVG. Glimmer. - The Database of JavaScript Libraries. ReLift-HTML. 18+ JavaScript Libraries for Creating Beautiful Charts.

It’s practically impossible to imagine any dashboard without graphs and charts.

18+ JavaScript Libraries for Creating Beautiful Charts

They present complex statistics quickly and effectively. Additionally, a good graph also enhances the overall design of your website. Tutorials · d3/d3 Wiki. Wiki ▸ Tutorials Please feel free to add links to your work!!

Tutorials · d3/d3 Wiki

Tutorials may not be up-to-date with the latest version 4.0 of D3; consider reading them alongside the latest release notes, the 4.0 summary, and the 4.0 changes. Introductions & Core Concepts Specific Techniques. Cylon.js - JavaScript framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things using Node.js. Oliver-moran/jimp: An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies. Wooorm/franc: Natural language detection. Marak/faker.js: generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser. Emotion. Popper.js. - The Database of JavaScript Libraries. Raphaël—JavaScript Library. What is it?

Raphaël—JavaScript Library

Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library. Raphaël ['ræfeɪəl] uses the SVG W3C Recommendation and VML as a base for creating graphics. This means every graphical object you create is also a DOM object, so you can attach JavaScript event handlers or modify them later.

Raphaël’s goal is to provide an adapter that will make drawing vector art compatible cross-browser and easy. Vanilla JS - Documentation en français. Vanilla JS Vanilla JS est un framework rapide, léger et multi-plateforme pour créer d'incroyables et puissantes applications JavaScript Introduction.

Vanilla JS - Documentation en français

Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework for Your Next Web Application - Progress. For many developers, the JavaScript ecosystem can feel like a bazaar, stuffed with libraries and frameworks that do anything and everything one could imagine.

Choosing the Right JavaScript Framework for Your Next Web Application - Progress

Making decisions in this hyper-dynamic landscape that you will have to stick to long term is hard. How do you choose a suitable JavaScript framework for your next project? Which one would be most reliable for the changes and challenges you anticipate? Download this whitepaper to learn about: The current state of the Angular, React and Vue frameworks Key considerations in making framework decisions How the top JavaScript frameworks compare against a comprehensive list of criteria Reasons for choosing one JavaScript framework over the other. Pourquoi-P5Js / p5.js pour le webdocumentaire. Philosophie globale de la bibliothèque p5.js est une bibliothèque JavaScript ayant la même ambition que Processing: faire de la programmation un domaine et un outil accessible pour les artistes, les concepteurs, les professeurs et les débutants. p5.js reprend la philosophie de Processing, mais transposé pour le web: le support de rendu, c’est le navigateur.

Pour certains, cette librarie cera peut-être un excellent tremplin pour passer de Processing au Javascript, ou bien pourquoi pas tout simplement un bon pretexte pour s'initier à la programmation. Responsive Nav — Responsive Navigation Plugin. Video.js: The Player Framework. The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks. Keeping up with JavaScript frameworks can be a challenge. There are a lot of them, and seemingly another one every month.

How do you know which ones might be right for your project? What are their strengths and weaknesses? TodoMVC. Stellar. Mastering the Ionic Framework: Learn to Build & Deploy Native Speed HTML5 Based Apps. Web development technologies have evolved at an incredible clip over the past few years. We've gone from rudimentary DOM manipulation with libraries like jQuery to supercharged web applications organized & powered by elegant MV* based frameworks like AngularJS. Pair this with significant increases in browser rendering speeds, and it is now easier than ever before to build production quality applications on top of Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3. While these advances have been incredible, they are only just starting to affect the clear platform of the future: mobile. For years, mobile rendering speeds were atrocious, and the MVC frameworks & UI libraries provided by iOS and Android were far superior to writing mobile apps using web technologies.

There were also some very public failures -- Facebook famously wrote their first iOS app in 2011 using HTML5 but ended up scrapping it due to terrible performance. Introducing Ionic. Moment.js. 10 JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks You Should Know About. HyperApp: The 1 KB JavaScript Library for Building Front-End Apps — SitePoint. The problem is creating sophisticated web applications and dealing with the complexity of the tools we have at our disposal.

HyperApp was born out of the attempt to do more with less. We have aggressively minimized the concepts you need to understand while remaining on par with what other frameworks can do. What makes HyperApp unique among the alternatives like React, Preact, and Mithril, is its compact API, built-in state management, and the unrivaled, small bundle size. In this article, I’ll introduce you to HyperApp and walk you through a few code examples to help you get started. Experience with other frameworks is not required, but since you are interested in HyperApp, I’ll assume you have some knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. The Cost of Frameworks. Update: Nov 16th 2015 - Added an extra row in the table for React under production conditions. The good news: it’s 3x slower than vanilla, yes, but in actual terms I’d say it’s fast for TodoMVC!

The Polymer TodoMVC sample was also updated to version 1.2.2 today, and that, too, is faster. If you prefer watching to reading, here’s the video of the talk (you can also get the slides, too, if you like): If you prefer reading to watching, well, keep reading… Présentation de backbone.js. Vanilla JS. - The Database of JavaScript Libraries. Make Your Website Interactive and Fun with Velocity.js (No jQuery) — SitePoint.

Special thanks from me go to James Hibbard and the developers behind Velocity for reviewing this article. Also to users and developers who contribute and have contributed to Velocity over the years. In this article I introduce Velocity.js, a fast and high-powered JavaScript animation engine by Julian Shapiro. By the time you go through all the demos, you’ll be able to use Velocity.js to create your own animations and make your website more interactive and user-friendly.

All of this without using jQuery, just vanilla JavaScript. This is the third article in the series Beyond CSS: Dynamic DOM Animation Libraries. Here’s what I have already covered: Next.js. We're very proud to open-source Next.js, a small framework for server-rendered universal JavaScript webapps, built on top of React, Webpack and Babel, which powers this very site! The "Hello World" of Next.js To start using it, run inside a new directory with a package.json: 15 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for March 2017. Zepto.js: the aerogel-weight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library. Bliss.js — Heavenly JavaScript! - Conditional Loader for eCom Success. Inferno. Riot.js — A React-like user interface micro-library. Aurelia. 20 bibliothèques et plugins JavaScript gratuits à ne pas rater - Blog

Dans cet article, vous ne trouverez pas d’outils massifs et complexes, seulement des bibliothèques et plugins JavaScript gratuits aux fonctions très précises, faciles à utiliser. Au programme : création de sliders, de menus, d’animations, de graphiques … mais aussi d’effets atypiques comme des favicons qui changent quand l’utilisateur quitte votre site (iMissYou), ou encore l’apparition de notes en marge d’un texte au survol de la souris (Marginotes). Koenbok/Framer: Framer - Design interaction and animation. Simplifier vos vues avec KnockoutJS : c'est plus simple que vous pensez. Dans quelques instants, je vais vous présenter une méthode pour simplifier le développement de vos vues grâce à un framework Javascript qui va vraiment vous apporter du changement dans votre manière de travailler.

Vous avez sûrement déjà essayé de coder des interfaces graphiques complexes avec des mises à jour dans tous les sens… Si je change cette dropdown, il faut mettre ce champ là à jour… Bref, nous connaissons tous ce type de mécanisme dans le Web. Pour mettre en place cette logique d’affichage, le plus simple est d’écrire du code Javascript et de le lier à des évènements des composants sur la page (par exemple l’évènement Change d’une Dropdown list ou d’une Textbox). The Opa Language. Buzz, a Javascript HTML5 Audio library. Material Design Lite. HTML KickStart - Ultra–Lean HTML Building Blocks for Rapid Website Production - KickStart your Website Production.

Semantic UI. Prototype JavaScript framework: a foundation for ambitious web applications. Modernizr: the feature detection library for HTML5/CSS3. Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit! 7 ressources Javascript pour créer un site full-page ou parallax - ressource-javascript. Aujourd'hui sur le Blog du Webdesign, découvrez 7 ressources javascript et jQuery pour créer des sites fullpage ou parallax. Une des grosses difficultés à gérer sur les sites de type full page, ou en construction au scroll est que tous les utilisateurs n'ont pas tous la même résolution d'écran. Comment, dans ces conditions-là, faire en sorte que les sections de pages ressemblent toutes exactement à la maquette, fournis dans une seule taille, évidemment ?

En utilisant les bonnes ressources pardi ! Pour vous simplifier la tâche sur votre prochain projet de ce type, le Blog du Webdesign a déniché pour vous 7 ressources vous permettant de faire divers types de sites full-page ou parallax. Ie7-js - A JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser. p5.js. MooTools. Mootools en 30 jours : jour 1 - Introduction. Prototype JavaScript framework: a foundation for ambitious web applications. Cappuccino News 2016 March 1st.