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The future of Kidblog —

This website allows students to create blogs or articles. They are also allowed to connect with others safely through this website. – kalerain10

Storyboard That: The World's Best Free Online Storyboard Creator.

This allows students to become creative and tell stories. By using this website their stories and imagination can be brought to life through a computer screen. – kalerain10


CrashCourse is a youtube channel that consists of many different topics and videos. This is a good thing to add to a lesson plan to help students grasp a topic better. – kalerain10

Kids Books, Games, Videos.

This is a great way for students to look up books or find books they are interested in. – kalerain10

School behavior chart problems: parenting advice from Care and Feeding. Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column.

This is great for teachers to read about what is happening in other classrooms and what to do and not do. – kalerain10

Have a question for Care and Feeding?

School behavior chart problems: parenting advice from Care and Feeding.

Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Dear Care and Feeding, We love our 7-year-old’s school except for one thing: the dreaded color-coded clip charts. My daughter has only ever had her clip moved from green to yellow once, because I forgot to sign a form, but she is now paralyzed with anxiety about this, and has become really withdrawn at school. The Best School Supplies 2021.

This is a good article to give teachers a good idea on what are some good supplies. – kalerain10

Neuroscientist: Stop saying these 4 phrases to your kids—how successful parents teach self-discipline. Parents often have conversations with their kids that start off well — but then, somewhere, somehow, things take a wrong turn.

Teachers can use this to gain insight on what may help a student with issues or just gain a better understanding on what may help better in the classroom. – kalerain10

A kid who was amenable to discussion, or at least not hostile, completely shuts down.

Neuroscientist: Stop saying these 4 phrases to your kids—how successful parents teach self-discipline

A small disagreement turns into an big fight. 36 Questions That Can Help Kids Make Friends. The young teen years are a ripe time for forming friendships.

It can be difficult for students to make friends so sharing this information with students can help progress those relationships being built in the classrooms. – kalerain10

It’s an age when kids are particularly focused on peer relationships and social status, developing their sense of identity and social skills.

36 Questions That Can Help Kids Make Friends

Having friendships (or even just feeling a sense of belonging) at school has many benefits. Kids who have friends may adjust to school better and be somewhat protected from peer victimization. Those who make friends in early adolescence tend to have better health and well-being in adulthood, making it critical to a child’s development. But, while research on teen friendships has confirmed their importance, very few studies have looked into how to foster friendship at these early ages. Global Trek.

This tool can be used to go on virtual field trips. – kalerain10

NASA Virtual Field Trip. The Virtual Field Trip is an immersive multimedia application developed to support student and user exploration of areas on Earth that have been identified as analog sites to regions on Mars.

This is a great virtual field trip and can help be a visual for students. – kalerain10

Analog sites are those areas that share some common traits with sites on Mars and have been identified based on their significance and importance to NASA.

NASA Virtual Field Trip

Within the application, users are taken from a global view directly down to a surface view of a site. Make Learning Awesome!

This website is great for a fun review game and really gets the students involved and participating. – kalerain10

Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More.

This website really has it all. It is so incredibly informational and a great resource for students. – kalerain10

Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice.

This website can be used for students who may need extra help. It is a great resource. – kalerain10

Math Playground.

This website makes learning math fun! – kalerain10

Games, Videos, and Books for Kids.

This website is great because it has fun games for the students but they are also educational and the students are gaining information by playing them. – kalerain10


This site is very useful and the students will find it fun and interesting. It provides videos and games for the students but they are very educational. – kalerain10

Magic Tree House.

This website goes along with the magic tree house books which is amazing. It helps bring those books to life for students. – kalerain10


This website makes math fun for students by providing math games. – kalerain10

Starfall Education: Kids Games, Movies, & Books K-3.

This is great for students to read and then play games to go along with the books. It has interactive reading which is great. – kalerain10

Glogster: Multimedia Posters.

This website helps students create live interactive posters and allows them to be creative. – kalerain10