Win the chance to get your animation shown on Cartoon Network! This contest is for folks 17 and under. More info: This is the most exciting contest in the history of DIY! We’ve teamed up with Cartoon Network to bring you the official Adventure Time Animation Contest. The winning animation will be played on Cartoon Network during an Adventure Time special event on November 20th!
Experimentation hub – Collaborative chemistry
<div class="noscriptmsg"><div class="info_img"> </div><span style="padding-top: 4px;">You do not have JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript to access the full features of the site. </span></div> Mission: Starlight - a global experiment on UV protection Take part in our experiment and share your data with thousands of students from around the world. Watch our video, download the instructions and investigate materials that block or limit UV light.
5 Great Science Websites For Kids
1- Science Made FunScience Made Fun wants kids to love science by showing how fun science can be. The site is colorful and makes silly sounds as you move your mouse around the page. Kids can read science trivia, science jokes, and play science games. The site also has just over a dozen experiments that kids can perform in school or at home under the supervision of their parents. This site from the BBC offers information, games, and quizzes on a wide variety of scientific topics.
High School Financial Literacy Curriculum: Building Your Future
The Actuarial Foundation is proud to make Building Your Future, an award-winning financial literacy curriculum resource, available to U.S. high schools. Building Your Future is designed to help teens master the elements of personal finance and prepare for life on their own. Building Your Future gives students multiple opportunities to practice core skills and showcases the real-world impact of the financial decisions they make. Each of the four books in the series are classroom-ready with a teacher's guide that includes handouts, answer keys, instruction and assessment suggestions. Building Your Future aligns with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Jump$tart Coalition for Financial Literacy. Get your FREE individual set of Building Your Future!
Would ′durability′ labels help people shop greener?
The increasingly short lifespan of products, particularly electronics, is a double scourge: to the environment in the form of e-waste, and to the consumer who must constantly replace short-lived items with new ones. Now, a French politician has proposed a new label for products to inform consumers about their durability, traceability, eco-design and recyclability. Poirson (middle) wants to convince the European Union to adopt a Europe-wide durability label Brune Poirson, who is Secretary of State to the Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition in Emmanuel Macron's government, said the labels would "give the French the means of a more responsible consumption, more favorable to their budget." But analysis shows that consumers are far more interested in the latter than the former. And that may be the fatal flaw in the labels Poirson is envisioning.
Twitter SmarterEveryDay Loading... Working... The Backwards Brain Bicycle - Smarter Every Day 133 16,322,571 views 2 years ago Get your own here ⇒ Shirt: Support Link: ⇒ ⇐ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓READ MORE: ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓Here's the link from the Amsterdam meetup! (I usually make a localized facebook post before I visit a city to see if anyone wants to high five.) threads on Reddit: (Bicycling)My Instagram account: Support Link: Motion Sound Design by "A Shell In The Pit"The awesome music by "A Shell In The Pit" is called:"Bottles" which can be downloaded here.
Bonding orbitals in Hydrogen is loaded
loadScript j2s/core/package.js loadScript j2s/core/corejmol.z.js loadScript j2s/core/corescript.z.js JSmol exec jmolApplet0 start applet null Jmol JavaScript applet jmolApplet0__966292450760249__ initializing Jmol getValue debug null
14 YouTube Math Channels
February 10, 2014 Since the posting of "20 Great Math Websites for Teachers and Students", I have received some requests from math teachers asking for websites that provide quality math videos. Upon checking my archive and some other online resources, I deemed it necessary to compile this list of Math YouTube channels to share with you. These are basically channels where you can have access to a wide variety of math videos and tutorials to help your students with Math. I have included only what I believe are the best Math channels out there. Check out this selection and share with your colleagues. 1- Mr.
Free Homeschool High School Credit Planner - Five J's Homeschool
Planning coursework for high school can be a daunting task. How do I know which courses my child needs to take? Will my child have enough credits in each subject to meet my state's graduation requirements? Will my child meet the admission requirements for his college of choice?
Smartphones: Live longer, be greener
These days, a two-year-old smartphone is considered old. Given that estimates put the number of smartphones currently in use around the world at more than two billion, that should give us pause. While they may be fairly small devices, their sheer number means constantly replacing them consumes huge amounts of resources. And we're not just talking about the plastic and glass that users see on the outside. Their electronic components contain materials like coltan and gold, which are often mined at high cost to both the environment and the people mining them.
CrashCourse is a youtube channel that consists of many different topics and videos. This is a good thing to add to a lesson plan to help students grasp a topic better. by kalerain10 Oct 11
Tons of awesome courses in one awesome channel: John Green teaches you World History 2; Hank Green teaches you Anatomy & Physiology; Phil Plait teaches you Astronomy; Craig Benzine teaches you U.S. Government and Politics. Check out the playlists for past courses in World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, Chemistry, Psychology, and US History. Help support Crash Course at by mrpearl Mar 30