1.26.2009 - Video: Physics for presidents, future and present. Giant Stinson Beach Bubbles (Canon 550D) Dry Ice Bubble. Rube Goldberg. Electricity. Simple animation to explain complex principles - Electronics. 1, aircraft radial engine 2, oval Regulation 3, sewing machines 4, Malta Cross movement - second hand movement used to control the clock.
Bicycle Power Calculator. Meaning of Halflife. I'd like to illustrate what this really means.
If living creatures had halflives the way radioactive atoms do, the world would be a very different place. What do you mean? Suppose there's an alien species with a halflife of, say, 70 years. You randomly pick out 16 baby aliens and track them to see how long they live. Module C : Motion and Forces : New kind of light created in physics breakthrough. Physicists have created a new kind of light by chilling photons into a blob state.
Just like solids, liquids and gases, this recently discovered condition represents a state of matter. Called a Bose-Einstein condensate, it was created in 1995 with super-cold atoms of a gas, but scientists had thought it could not be done with photons, which are basic units of light. However, physicists Jan Klärs, Julian Schmitt, Frank Vewinger and Martin Weitz of the University of Bonn in Germany reported accomplishing it. A molecular link between the active component of m... [Mol Pharm. 2006 Nov-Dec] - PubMed result.