AEDICULA-ARCANORUM's DeviantArt Gallery. Albums archivés. LE TAROT APPROFONDISSEMENT : La Forêt Enchantée. Court-métrage de Georges Colleuil. Aperçu du fichier travail_referentiel.pdf - Page 1/9. Afficher l'index À propos / Télécharger le fichier Aperçu texte: Comment travailler sur son propre référentiel de naissance ?
Comment l'utiliser, l'exploiter, le comprendre par soi-même ? Le livre de Georges Colleuil est une base primordiale, si l'on veut comprendre tous les aspects de son référentiel. Tarot Astrology: The Formative Meanings of the Planets and Zodiacal Signs in Tarot Symbolism: Revived Qabala of Carlo Suares (Carlo Suarès) In the Sepher Yetsira, the Hebrew letters "form" the planets and signs B'Olam , in the Universe.
The Hebrew formative letter of the planet defines its role in the basic matrix of structural energies and its primary manifestation on one of three levels -- archetypal, existential and cosmic. For a fuller understanding of the related and linked categories, we would need to know why Bayt, for instance, forms Saturn in the Universe with the contrary qualities of Life and Death in the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Later kabbalah and its non-Hebrew western derivatives are content to move these categories around to fit their needs. We think it is better to understand that Bayt, the container of the intemporal Aleph , forms Shabatai, where Sheen, the cosmic Breath, developes another Bayt, consiousness, as a Tabernacle of cosmic energy, Tav, in existence, Yod.
And that Saturn is alive in Ghedi, the sign of a new formation, and dead in Aquarius, where structures are dissolved. Tarot Correspondence Tables. By Bill Heidrick Copyright © 1976 and 1989 by Bill Heidrick 1.
Crowley sometimes used the Star in this place in the Thoth Deck 2. Crowley sometimes used the Emperor in this place in the Thoth Deck The musical correspondences developed by Case associate the Hebrew letters with the black and white keys of the piano in the same order as the King Scale colors. Some of the more unusual color names derive from the labels on Winsor & Newton Designer Gouche opaque water colors. Variant Titles of the Tarot Trumps: Thoth (Crowley) Deck titles for the Minor Atus: Wands: Cups: Swords: Disks: These colors were given to the number cards by the Order of the Golden Dawn. These ten colors are derived from ancient Qabalistic speculation. These ten colors and groups of colors are obtained from the Qabalah and the theory of color pigment mixing. Tarot History - Origin of Tarot. Individual Tarot Cards. Individual Tarot Cards [ How to interpret card information pages] - [ Summary Charts ] MAJOR ARCANA--- [ images ][ Fool ][ Magician ][ High Priestess ][ Empress ][ Emperor ][ Hierophant ][ Lovers ][ Chariot ][ Strength ][ Hermit ][ Wheel of Fortune ][ Justice ][ Hanged Man ][ Death ][ Temperance ][ Devil ][ Tower ][ Star ][ Moon ][ Sun ][ Judgement ][ World ]