Lizanne Johnson
4th grade teacher, wants to be a school media specialist
Websites. Google Docs Resources. East Coast Mommy: 8 Ways to Encourage Summer Reading. A number of studies have shown that children's reading skills decline during the summer months.
The "summer slide" is common, but that doesn't mean we (as parents) are powerless to do anything about it. Here is a list of fun and easy ways to get kids excited about reading during the summer months. 1) Create a "Mommy and Me Journal" - This is a favorite of mine (which you can read more about here). My 6 year old and my 7 year old both have journals, and we spend all summer writing secret notes to each other. It's a really fun way to get little ones practicing their reading and writing skills and to document all their summer adventures. 2) Put it in the schedule - Summer can be a busy a time, so setting aside a specific time for reading is helpful. 3) Visit the library - The library is a great place to head on a rainy day, and it is always fun to check out new books. 4) Make a summer reading list - Have children make a list of topics, themes, or characters they would like to read about.
Library Impact Studies. Creative Commons.
Pearltrees videos. Pearltrees tips. Nature Photos Team. Harvard Education Letter. Volume 28, Number 4July/August 2012 By ROBERT ROTHMAN Nine Ways the Common Core Will Change Classroom Practice, continued Nine Ways the Common Core Will Change Classroom Practice In a recent survey, William Schmidt, a University Distinguished Professor of education at Michigan State University, found some good news and bad news for supporters of the Common Core State Standards.
The good news was that the vast majority of teachers have read the Standards and nearly all like them. Those teachers might want to take a closer look. In Mathematics 1. This is an excerpt from the Harvard Education Letter. Google Tips, Tricks & Hacks. The School Library Media Specialist: Overview. Copyright and Fair Use. Educational Technology. Info Skills Lessons, Rubrics, Resources. News and Research. PICTURE DICTIONARY. Harvard Education Letter. Volume 27, Number 5 September/October 2011 Five Myths About the Common Core State Standards, continued Five Myths About the Common Core State Standards The Common Core State Standards are one of the most significant initiatives in American education in decades.
Yet the swiftness with which they were developed and adopted has left educators uncertain about exactly what they are. Americans have long had a leery view of a national curriculum, but the Common Core State Standards do not create this scenario. For example, one of the Common Core standards for English language arts in grade 5 states: “By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 4–5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.” {*style:<i><b> Myth #2 The Common Core State Standards are an Obama administration initiative. No federal official was on the work teams and feedback groups that developed the standards. Take English language arts. Media. Video Resources. Elementary Digital Citizenship Resources. PowerPoint Templates, Transitions & Animations.
Infographics. Professor Garfield Cyberbullying. Educators. Coding. Learn the Ropes on Digital Citizenship - For Kids & Teens...Sites. Skip to main content Create interactive lessons using any digital content including wikis with our free sister product TES Teach.
Get it on the web or iPad! Guest Join | Help | Sign In Learn the Ropes on Digital Citizenship Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Turn off "Getting Started" Loading... InCtrl. Hector's World Information Island Hector’s World Information Island. Welcome to the Education Section of Hector’s World.
Hector’s World is a comprehensive school resource designed to foster digital citizenship and safe online behavior for 2 -9 year olds. Through the adventures of Hector the dolphin and his friends, Hector’s World 7 animated episodes promote the skills and values young people need to grow into confident, knowledgeable and caring members of the online community. The Hector’s World episodes have a variety of support materials, lesson plans and classroom activities. Use the links to the left to learn more about Hector’s World. What’s New? Tech Cave The Silicon Deep Tech Cave has new animations that will help young people develop digital literacy knowledge and skills. The Internet's Most Wanted: The Virus. PLN.