GERMAN NEW MEDICINE (GNM) Therapy. GNM is neither an "alternative medicine", nor an "integrative medicine", nor a "complementary medicine".
German New Medicine offers a complete scientific system based on Five Biological Laws that explain the cause, the development, and, above all, the natural healing of diseases. Typical signs of conflict-activity are constant dwelling on the conflict, sleeplessness, a lack of appetite, and cold extremities. From a biological point of view, the state of stress, particularly the extra waking hours and the total preoccupation with the conflict, are intended to put the individual into a state that facilitates a conflict resolution. German New Medicine (GNM) and the Five Biological Laws. The German New Medicine. Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D. (German New Medicine) German New Medicine (GNM) and the Five Biological Laws.