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Textures / Pattern

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Designing patterns: the biggest web trend of 2015 so far. 2015 has inherited a lot of trends from previous years, there’s been a steady evolution of ideas — Flat Design into Material Design for example — but nothing as revolutionary as Responsive Design.

Designing patterns: the biggest web trend of 2015 so far

However, we are starting to see trends that feel fresh, either through new treatments or because they’re genuinely new ways of approaching old problems. The most widespread of these so far, has been the use of patterns in web design. Patterns serve a variety of purposes, from communicating a brand value, to adding motion to an interface, to enlivening the simple blocks of color that flat design favors. And the use of patterns, although not scientifically categorizable, falls into one of five broad and inter-related categories… Generative patterns.

Les 25 ans du télescope Hubble en 25 images. Inside Insides. Carved Wood Panels with Lines Patterns. L’artiste hollandais John Franzen est l’auteur de tableaux abstraits avec des lignes ondulantes taillées sur des panneaux de bois. « Each Line, One Breath » est aussi disponible sur des panneaux de cuivre et des feuilles papier où chaque ligne est tracée en une respiration, en une fois, comme une allégorie de la répétition, la continuité et l’immortalité.

Carved Wood Panels with Lines Patterns

Brasília by Øystein Aspelund. Brasília is known far and wide for its unique urban planning by Lúcio Costa and, unsurprisingly, modernist architecture that comes along with it by Oscar Niemeyer.

Brasília by Øystein Aspelund

Taking into account the particularities of Niemeyer’s buildings, such as explicit concrete structures, geometric sharp angles, surprising curves and the sheer large scale and amplitude of each creation. The often-considered futuristic designs are no strangers to coffee table photography books, so it’s refreshing to see a masterful take of Brasília’s iconic buildings with a minimalist and night-time twist. Norway-based photographer Øystein Aspelund visited the modern capital of Brazil and managed to capture a fascinating collection of unlikely portraits of famous buildings with great expertise in shadow play; whilst making very clear how grand the scale is, towering over the lone human figures. Hypnotic Kinetic Sculptures by Jennifer Townley Fuse Mathematics and Art. Although powered by simple rotary engines, these kinetic sculptures by Netherlands-based sculptor Jennifer Townley are dizzying in complexity.

Hypnotic Kinetic Sculptures by Jennifer Townley Fuse Mathematics and Art

Repetitive patterns twist, merge, and cascade as individually sculpted elements rotate on a single axis, an intricate fusion of art and mathematics. Everyday Patterns Photography. Subtle Patterned Posters. Basée à Budapest, Next Ship est une agence de communication et de design spécialisée dans la création d’identité de marque.

Subtle Patterned Posters

Afin de promouvoir et illustrer la nouvelle collection de tuiles en béton de la marque Kaza Concrete, le studio a réalisé une série de posters d’une créativité surprenante. Formes polygonales, motifs géométriques et subtils effets 3D sur fond argent à découvrir en images. Patterns Collection on Behance. Crowd Patterns Photography. L’artiste chinois Zhang Bojun a travaillé pendant près de sept ans pour finaliser ce projet inattendu.

Crowd Patterns Photography

En photographiant des rassemblements de personnes vues du ciel, l’artiste a réussi à constituer une incroyable série de visuels où la multitude de gens forme des motifs de tissus tels que tartan, rayures et pied de poule. P/D3 Glitch Collage Studies on Behance. Our burgeoning dependance on machine created perfection and instant digital communication is the starting point for Wayne Edson Bryan’s evocative compositions that explore our complex relationship with human fallibility and the arcane.

P/D3 Glitch Collage Studies on Behance

Favoring common office supplies over traditional fine arts materials, Bryan uses cut and pasted copier paper, ball point pens and self-adhesive vinyl letters to construct horror vacui collages reminiscent of the electronic glitch and signal loss static we occasionally experience, inadvertently create and wish to evolve beyond. The black and white images sourced from the internet that he painstakingly trims into strips and glues into patterns are created by or associated with computers as well as nano-technology, satellite imaging, physics, chemistry and molecular biology.

Lamina on Behance. Épinglé par From up North sur Graphic Design. Sigrid Calon. Beautiful graphic work by Dutch illustrator/designer Sigrid Calon.

Sigrid Calon

More below. Composed Elements Scarves. Poster/cover / Overlook: A New Woodcut Print from Tugboat Printshop. After two years of preparation and meticulous carving, “Overlook” is an upcoming woodcut print from the minds and hands of Paul Roden and Valerie Lueth of Pittsburgh-based Tugboat Printshop (previously).

Overlook: A New Woodcut Print from Tugboat Printshop

The duo make some of the most stunning limited edition woodcut prints around, having churned out a number of new pieces since we last checked in including Woodcut Valley, Community, and Desert Island. The final color print of Overlook (above is just the woodblock used for printing) will be 28″ x 46″ and is available for pre-order. Wednesday Evening on Behance. These Beautiful 3D Topographies Rendered by Lee Griggs Look Like Weather Patterns and Ocean Floors. RETRO BUBBLES on Behance. New Underwater Ink Plumes Photographed by Alberto Seveso. Photographer Alberto Seveso (previously) just released a new series of ink plumes photographed underwater against a black background titled Blackground.

New Underwater Ink Plumes Photographed by Alberto Seveso

The Italian photographer and illustrator now lives and works in Bristol, UK where he does commercial work for digital brands, magazines, and album covers. Seveso was also kind enough to let us use an image from Blackground as part of small Colossal design refresh for the next few months. RAWZ. Colorful Abstract Waves Background Drawn By Hand Illustration vectorielle stock : 116689831. Algarinejo-rug-eeuwes. Des plans de villes en posters abstraits. Rédigé par :: Grégory Catégorie :: illustration,Inspiration Voici un superbe travail mélangeant la cartographie et l’art réalisé par Jazzberry Blue. Cet artiste venu de Toronto a cartographié en illustrations les grandes métropoles du monde pour un résultat proche de l’abstraction. Fashion Doodles by Alana Dee Haynes. When I was little, I used to doodle on magazines. I’d give models mustaches and moles and devilish goatees. I’m sure you used to do it, too. Well, Alana Dee Haynes took her fashion magazine doodles to a whole new level and turned them into real art.

I’m pretty obsessed with her tumblr.