Bennett e Shaked, la Nuova Destra – Italia Israele Today. Ayelet Shaked e Naftali Bennett di Yair Shalom – Il presidente della Jewish Home, la Casa ebraica, Naftali Bennett e il ministro della Giustizia Ayelet Shaked hanno annunciato che fonderanno un nuovo partito chiamato New Right, la Nuova Destra.
Il nuovo partito si rivolgerà sia ai laici che ai religiosi. “In passato siamo stati in grado di prevenire cose come liberare terroristi o fondare uno stato palestinese, ma abbiamo perso la nostra capacità di influenzare (il governo) – dice Naftali Bennet – Il primo ministro capisce di avere in tasca i sionisti religiosi che lo seguiranno ovunque Netanyahu voglia. Offriamo una vera partnership, come in una tenda militare, come a casa mia – continua Bennet- .La famiglia di mia moglie Gilat è laica, ma siamo una famiglia.
Israele getta la maschera sull’occupazione e l’apartheid - Gideon Levy. Il 2018 non è stato un buon anno per Israele.
Naturalmente ai palestinesi è andata ancora peggio. A un primo sguardo si potrebbe pensare che quello appena trascorso non sia stato un anno particolarmente drammatico: appena un po’ più di vergogna, senza grandi guerre e senza grande spargimento di sangue se facciamo il paragone con la maggior parte degli anni passati. La situazione, in sostanza, è sembrata congelata. L’occupazione è andata avanti senza impedimenti, e lo stesso vale per la colonizzazione, mentre la Striscia di Gaza ha cercato di resistere dall’interno della sua miserabile gabbia, usando le sue trascurabili e limitate forze.
Il mondo ha distolto lo sguardo senza interessarsi minimamente dell’occupazione, come ha sempre fatto negli ultimi anni, concentrandosi su altre problematiche. Scopo raggiunto Gli israeliani, come altri del resto, hanno ignorato del tutto l’occupazione, come fanno da decenni. Eppure sarebbe un grave errore pensare che tutto sia rimasto immutato. Israele, elezioni anticipate al 9 aprile 2019. Netanyahu: "La prossima coalizione sarà simile a quella di ora" Elezioni anticipate in Israele ad aprile del prossimo anno.
Lo hanno deciso i capi della coalizione di governo, secondo quanto riferito dai media israeliani. L'annuncio è stato dato anche su Twitter dal portavoce del primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, che ha così commentato alla Knesset: "La coalizione uscente è il nucleo di quella che le verrà dopo. Israele: la polizia raccomanda l'incriminazione di Netanyahu. 02 dicembre 2018La polizia israeliana ha reso noto di aver raccomandato alla magistratura l'incriminazione del premier Benyamin Netanyahu e di sua moglie Sarah per sospetta corruzione, frode e abuso di ufficio nell'ambito della inchiesta Caso 4000, più noto come caso Bezeq, che riguarda i rapporti con il tycoon delle telecomunicazioni Shaul Elovitch.
Nell'indagine Netanyahu è sospettato, quando era ministro di settore, di aver favorito Elovitch, mogul di Bezeq, in cambio di un trattamento migliore da parte del sito Walla di proprietà della stessa compagnia. In tutti gli interrogatori compiuti dalla polizia, Netanyahu ha sempre respinto in maniera categorica ogni addebito. Al Jazeera English - Thou Shalt Not Kill: Israel's Hilltop Youth. The right keeps winning in Israel because Israelis are right wing. Il ministro della Difesa israeliano Avigdor Lieberman ha annunciato le sue dimissioni. Israel is Afraid of Jarrar because She Shatters Its False Democracy. When Israeli troops stormed the house of Palestinian parliamentarian and lawyer Khalida Jarrar on April 2, 2015, she was engrossed in her research.
Israel, Hamas trade heavy fire after deadly incursion. GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Palestinian militants bombarded Israel with dozens of rockets and mortar shells Monday, while Israeli warplanes struck targets throughout the Gaza Strip in what appeared to be the most intense exchange of fire since a 2014 war.
Palestinian officials said at least three people, including two militants, were killed by Israeli fire and nine were wounded, and an Israeli airstrike destroyed the ruling Hamas group’s TV station. In Israel, the national rescue service said at least 20 people were wounded, including a 19-year-old soldier and a 60-year-old woman who were in critical condition. The fighting cast doubt over recent understandings brokered by Egypt and U.N. officials to reduce tensions. Just a day earlier, Israel’s prime minister had defended those understandings, saying he was doing everything possible to avoid another war. Gaza, scontri a fuoco, un soldato israeliano e sei palestinesi uccisi. Netanyahu interrompe la visita a Parigi. Un soldato delle forze speciali israeliane e sei palestinesi (fra cui un capo di Hamas) sono stati uccisi, domenica, nel corso di un conflitto a fuoco nella striscia di Gaza.
Netanyahu approves death penalty targeting Palestinian prisoners. BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, approved passing a bill into law that allows execution of Palestinian prisoners, Hebrew-language news sites reported on Monday.Netanyahu reportedly gave the green light, on Sunday, to members of his Likud policitical party to support the law on the execution of Palestinian prisoners, a law introduced in 2017 by the Yisrael Beiteinu party, which is headed by the Israeli Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman.
At the time, Lieberman said that the bill would be a powerful deterrent to Palestinians, "We must not allow terrorists to know that after a murder they have committed, they will sit in prison, enjoy the conditions and may be released in the future. " According to prisoners rights group Addameer, currently there are 5,640 Palestinian prisoners currently being held in Israeli prisons, of whom 465 are in administrative detention, 53 are female prisoners, 270 are child prisoners, and 50 are under the age of 16. Israele, i laburisti conquistano le grandi città, sconfitta per Netanyahu. Le elezioni municipali in Israele segnano la riscossa dei laburisti e una battuta d’arresto per il Likud, il partito del premier Benjamin Netanyahu.
Israel's settlements: 50 years of land theft explained. La Giordania non rinnoverà la concessione dei territori dati in affitto a Israele nel 1994. Uri-avnery-dead-israel-palestinian-talks-yasser-arafat-peace-middle-east-process-a8499181. Final text of Jewish nation-state law, approved by the Knesset early on July 19. An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right. In November 2017, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) hosted a gala dinner in New York City honouring Stephen Bannon, US President Donald Trump's then-chief strategist.
That Bannon and his media outlet Breitbart News were, and still are, seen by many as anti-Semitic was of no consequence to Zionist leaders from the US and Israel, who were in attendance. There were, however, some critical voices from within the Jewish community who denounced the ZOA for its decision to invite Bannon. One of them was former Jerusalem Post editor-in-chief Bret Stephens, who dedicated a column in the New York Times on the issue.
"Just as there are anti-Zionist Jews, there are also anti-Semitic Zionists," Stephens wrote. He then went on to condemn Bannon's indirect link to neo-Nazi Richard Spencer who, according to Stephens, advocates a "factitious theory that Israel is the sort of ethno-nationalist state he'd like to see America become. " UN General Assembly condemns Israel for ‘excessive use of force’ on Gaza border. The UN General Assembly has adopted a nonbinding resolution condemning Israel’s use of ‘excessive force’ against Palestinian protesters in Gaza. A US amendment to condemn Hamas did not get enough support. The resolution condemns Israel for “excessive use of force” against Palestinian demonstrators on the Israeli-Gaza border and calls for the “protection of the Palestinian civilian population” in Gaza.
It was adopted with 120 votes in favor and eight votes against, with 45 abstentions. The death toll keeps rising. Where do we go from here? The death toll just keeps rising. In the weeks and days leading up to the culmination of the Great Return March, we feared it would be bad. But not this bad. In the end, and the number could rise by the time you open this email, Israeli snipers killed 60 protesters in Gaza Monday.
Another 2,771 were wounded. Dopo la strage a Gaza nuovi scontri con un morto: oltre 40 feriti a Betlemme. PALESTINE – Il était une fois… la « Nakba » Gerusalemme, apre l'ambasciata Usa. Netanyahu: è la nostra capitale. Knesset advances controversial ‘Jewish state’ bill in first reading. The controversial, long-gestating ‘Jewish State bill’ that would enshrine the state’s Jewish character in the country’s constitutional Basic Laws passed its first reading in the Knesset early on Tuesday. The vote passed with 64 lawmakers in favor and 50 against. It still needs to pass a second and third reading before it can become law, but there have been reports the coalition does not intend to bring it for further votes.
Israeli forces kill more than 40 Palestinians in Gaza. At least 41 Palestinians were killed in Gaza and about 1,900 others wounded as the Israeli army fired live ammunition and tear gas at protesters assembled along the fence with Israel on Monday. It was the highest Palestinian death toll in a single day since a series of demonstrations dubbed the Great March of Return began at the border with Israel on March 30 - and since the 2014 Gaza war. Of the hundreds of wounded, the Ministry of Health said at least 74 were children, 23 were women, and eight were journalists. Hundreds of protesters ventured to within several hundred metres of the barrier, while others moved even closer, rolling burning tyres and hurling stones. Israeli security forces fired volleys of tear gas and intense rounds of gunfire.
ISRAËL – Entretien avec Martine Gozlan : «L'État hébreu a transformé le danger en principe de croissance» Le 14 mai 2018, l’État d’Israël fête la déclaration de son indépendance, proclamée par David Ben Gourion après des décennies de lutte acharnée pour qu’existe à nouveau un pays où les Juifs vivent en sécurité, désormais protégés des persécutions diverses que ce peuple a endurées pendant près de 2.000 ans d’exil. Le peuple juif, dont l’histoire et les racines sont incontestablement liées à la « Palestine », territoire sur lequel s’étendait au Xème siècle av J.C. le royaume d’Israël (dont le souverain le plus célèbre –et historiquement attesté- a été le roi David), a subi de nombreuses invasions, successives, des Babyloniens aux Romains. Le règne de l’empereur romain Hadrien (117-138) a marqué un tournant majeur dans l’histoire de cette nation, dont le peuple fut alors en grande partie chassé de son territoire et dispersé.
Un destin singulier, que maints observateurs ont qualifié « d’extraordinaire » au regard de l’Histoire. Mais pour le reste ? Israele minaccia chi protesta contro il Giro d’Italia. Abbas apologizes to 'Jewish people' for offensive comments, condemning Holocaust and anti-Semitism - Palestinians. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas apologized Friday for comments he made last week which were widely decried as anti-Semitic. To really understand Israel and the Palestinians - subscribe to Haaretz "If people were offended by my statement, especially people of the Jewish faith, I apologize to them.
Israel's double front against Iran: Military strike in the morning, press conference at night. The conflict between Israel and Iran entered a new phase on Monday, which combines a number of dimensions – military and intelligence, diplomacy and public diplomacy. In the evening Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed the “Iranian nuclear archive,” tens of thousands of secret documents that reached Israeli hands by covert means. Less than 24 hours earlier, Iranian military sites in Syria were bombed from the air, in an attack once again attributed to Israel. To really understand Israel and the Middle East - subscribe to Haaretz Netanyahu is conducting a campaign to achieve two different goals.
In the international arena, it seems as if he wants to give U.S. The Ghost of Herut: Einstein on Israel, 70 Years Ago. Albert Einstein. (Photo: file) By Ramzy Baroud Albert Einstein, along with other Jewish luminaries, including Hannah Arendt, published a letter in the New York Times on December 4, 1948. That was only a few months after Israel had declared its independence and as hundreds of Palestinian villages were being actively demolished after their inhabitants were expelled. The letter denounced Israel’s newly-founded Herut party and its young leader, Menachem Begin. Americans for Peace Now. Israeli author David Grossman was the keynote speaker at the April 17th 2018 joint Israeli-Palestinian memorial service sponsored by the Parents Circle-Families Forum and Combatants for Peace.
Following is a translation of his speech: Dear friends, good evening. There has been a lot of noise and commotion surrounding our ceremony, but we do not forget that more than anything, this is a ceremony of memory and communing. The noise, even if it is present, is outside us now, because at the heart of this evening there is a profound quiet, the quiet of the void created by loss. My family and I lost Uri in the war, a sweet, smart and funny young man. Three Israeli nuclear failures and a fourth on the way. Video shows Ahed Tamimi interrogation in Israeli detention centre. Il blocco sul cuore di Israele - Invictapalestina. È difficile capire come si possano guardare decine di migliaia di persone nella loro gabbia e non vederle. The corruption scandals plaguing Netanyahu and his family, explained. Israeli anti-occupation group urges soldiers: Refuse orders to fire at unarmed Palestinians.
As soldiers, we too were told to open fire at protesters in Gaza. UN refugee agency says 'disappointed' with Netanyahu's nixing of asylum seeker deal. JCALL » Israele, un disastro che incombe. Netanyahu suspends asylum seeker deal with UN after right-wing pushback. Quick fix to asylum seeker crisis can’t mask Israel’s racism problem. Hundreds of Israelis protest IDF’s deadly use of force on Gaza border. Israël refuse toute enquête indépendante sur la mort de manifestants dans la bande de Gaza. #Gaza: via Crucis palestinese. Palestinians in Gaza plan tent city protest along Israeli border. Netanyahu to Facebook followers: Israeli media is all ‘fake news’ Figures presented by army show more Arabs than Jews live in Israel, West Bank and Gaza. Saudi crown prince uses Israel's supporters to cement his relationship with the U.S. Marianne Azizi e quegli Israeliani privati dei loro diritti – MAKTUB Blog.
Israeli policeman charged with assaulting Palestinian minor to elicit false confession. Insegnante palestinese dilaniato da un cane dell’esercito israeliano mentre i soldati stavano a guardare. Benjamin Netanyahu: Who is Israel's four-term PM? Netanyahu's millennials: The loyal crew that’s sticking around Israel's embattled leader. Israele, Netanyahu interrogato per cinque ore. Ecco di che cosa è accusato. Israel plagued with political corruption.
Current Israeli birth rates unsustainable, says expert. Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why his fellow musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel. Two Netanyahu confidants arrested in Israeli telecom giant graft case. Netanyahu threatens to act against Iran, 'not just against its proxies' Poland's premier: There were Polish perpetrators in the Holocaust just as there were Jewish ones. Examining 'Ten Myths about Israel', by Ilan Pappe. Benjamin Netanyahu survives as coalition allies stick by Israeli PM over corruption allegations. Bibi bombshell explained: Your guide to the Netanyahu cases. Examining 'Ten Myths about Israel', by Ilan Pappe. A downed F-16 and an Iranian drone: The other side always started it. Doccia fredda per Netanyahu: il patto tra "Vladimir d'Arabia" e l'Iran in Siria è sempre più forte. How Far is Too Far for Israel’s Targeted Killings? Israel fighter jet crash ratchets up regional tensions.
Regali, favori e tangenti: i giorni chiave delle inchieste su Netanyahu. La studiosa israeliana: Nei nostri libri di scuola i palestinesi sono primitivi” La studiosa israeliana: Nei nostri libri di scuola i palestinesi sono primitivi” Israeli threats to strike Lebanon missile factory not intended to provoke war, but to distance it. One state or two states? You’re asking the wrong question. Support for two states drops below 50% among Jewish Israelis & Palestinians alike. The two-state solution is no longer feasible: Time to decide. Statistics on Palestinians in the custody of the Israeli security forces. Zionism’s original sin? Deir Yassin, Passover, and the long road to Jerusalem. Israel gets flak over human rights record in Geneva - Truth NGO. Israeli army ordered to shoot down passenger planes to kill Arafat in 1982, new book claims Israel News Haaretz. Arab lawmakers were expelled from Mike Pence's speech at the Knesset for protesting the Jerusalem decision.
Giornalista israeliano rivela l'uccisione di migliaia di persone da parte del Mossad. Israel's new death penalty bill 'targets Palestinians' Radiografia del nuovo antisemitismo – Italia Israele Today. Israel indicts Palestinian teen activist Ahed Tamimi. Nabi Saleh is where I lost my Zionism. Netanyahu slams UN as 'house of lies' ahead of Thursday's vote against Trump's Jerusalem recognition. There is no such thing as a ‘good soldier’ at a checkpoint. Full text of UN resolution rejecting Jerusalem recognition. Sari Nusseibeh: «Ecco perché non ci sarà una nuova Intifada» He lost his legs to Israeli barbarity. Today, for rising. Palestinian flag, this double-amputee was shot in the head by an Israeli sniper. R… Israelis not ready to topple Netanyahu over corruption. Palestina, l’appello di Oz, Grossman e Yehoshua: “I Paesi europei la riconoscano come Stato”
Societa', costume, vita moderna. United Nations Position on Jerusalem Unchanged, Special Coordinator Stresses, as Security Council Debates United States Recognition of City. Coat bomb and explosive prosthesis: British intel files reveal how the Zionist Stern Gang terrorized London. Why Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel. Protests against Trump's Jerusalem decision turn deadly. An illegitimate capital for a state without legitimacy. Un’ambasciata USA a Gerusalemme, e poi molto di più – MAKTUB Blog. L’assurdo Trump: volere pace in Palestina regalando Gerusalemme a Netanyahu – MAKTUB Blog. U.S. Jewish groups divided in reactions to Trump's Jerusalem announcement.