Digital Citizenship and Literacy
> Melinda01
The Carnegie Cyber Academy - An Online Safety site and Games for Kids. Edutopia. Considering how ubiquitous smartphones and tablets have become, especially in high school and middle school, questions about managing use and educating students about digital etiquette are on a lot of educators' minds.
This October, Common Sense Media is sponsoring Digital Citizenship Week from October 16 to October 22. And we wanted to pull together some of the best resources to help educators talk about digital responsibility and safety online. Here, you'll find resources that cover today's digital landscape, ideas for student activities, and strategies for engaging parents. There are plenty of valuable resources for educators and parents to share, but here are six of my favorites: Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum for K-12: Common Sense Media’s interactive curriculum offers something for every grade level.
8 things Twitter savvy educators do to improve learning. Lurk to learn.
“Lurking is learning,” Raleigh said. “The idea of lurking is that you’re watching, but you’re not necessarily engaging in the conversation. [I] don’t encourage you to lurk all the time; we have so much to learn and everyone’s voice is important. But sometimes it’s just nice to see what others are sharing and gather that information for yourself.” Take control of your school or district story.
8 digital skills we must teach our children.
The social and economic impact of technology is widespread and accelerating.
The speed and volume of information have increased exponentially. Experts are predicting that 90% of the entire population will be connected to the internet within 10 years. With the internet of things, the digital and physical worlds will soon be merged. These changes herald exciting possibilities. But they also create uncertainty.
Five-Minute Film Festival: Copyright and Fair Use for Educators. I absolutely love it when teachers and students create, remix, and mash up media; it's a fantastic way to encourage deeper learning and media literacy.
But one issue that complicates digital freedom of expression is copyright law. While many would argue that copyright law is outdated and badly in need of an overhaul, it's still critical that adults and kids alike have a basic understanding of what's legal and ethical while playing with other people's intellectual property. Here's a list of videos I collected to help you navigate the murky waters of copyright law in educational settings.
View Materials. These short, hour-long activities allow you to try out CS First and introduce your students to computer science without committing to a complete 8-activity theme.
They're perfect for special events such as Hour of Code or CSEdWeek, or as practice to help you familiarize yourself with CS First before starting a normal theme. High Seas Activity. Pipl - People Search. Being a Connected Educator: Face to Face. Being a connected educator means connecting with other teachers to exchange ideas, improve your teaching practice, and in turn, make a change in education.
It is only through being connected that we can collaborate and help to foster learning for the 21st century and beyond. Learning should extend for teachers (and students!) Beyond the walls of a classroom and take outside perspectives into account.
Digital Citizenship Scope & Sequence. Get Trained Use our professional development resources to learn best practices for teaching digital citizenship to your students.
Onboard Students: Digital Passport Introduce students in grades 3-5 to Digital Passport, our award-winning suite of games that help onboard students to the foundational skills of digital citizenship and Internet safety. Teach Lessons: Unit 1. - Safe Surfing - COPPA & CIPA Laws. - From the Center for Media Education - A parent's guide to online privacy including terms and COPPA provisions. eSchool News online - The online edition of eSchool News - Article regarding deadlines and requirements for complacence with CIPA and E-rate funding.
Since its inception, the Web has provided a variety of information to its users.